MSNA Meeting Minutes
Monday November 16th2015 at 12:00pm
Board Members & Advisors:
Kari-Anne Kane- Agius (President)
Jerry Ostrum (Vice President)
Brad Johnson (Treasurer)
LauriNapiwocki (Secretary)
Shannon Timm (Events Coordinator)
Advisors: Tammie Ellingson & Linda Olsen
Treasurer Report for Brad Johnson: $4,607.66
Guest Speaker: Rebecca Sommer from UWSP. Rebecca explained the RN to BSN completion program through UWSP and how they work with MSTC regarding transfer credits, online and in person classes, flexible scheduling for the working student once you are working as an RN. Rebecca left her contact information with Tammy and the school in general so if you would like to talk to her to have her look at your transcripts and map out a plan for you she is more than willing to do that.
New Members: Nothing reported
Upcoming events:Mark your calendar!
Friday December 4th 6:30-12:00amHospice Ball at the Mead Inn in Wisconsin Rapids, we normally help out with checking coats for this fundraiser. We need volunteers for this event so a sign-up sheet or information is on the Nurses Station and you can select Joiners and select a time to volunteer.
Community Event: We will be getting together a community service project called Soup & Socks. This is a collection of soup and socks items to donate to the project location in Marshfield. This helps out the less fortunate, homeless and people who enter shelters. There are boxes set up in different locations around campus for people to donate pairs of socks and cans of soup or any non-perishable food items. Ask a member if you have any additional questions regarding this community project. The boxes will be out until the first week on December so if you have items to donate please do so soon.
Student Senate CASS: Nothing new to report.
T-shirts: We approved the purchase of 10 additional shirts to be ordered through MADA.
NSNA Convention:The forms that were approved to be filled out if you want to attend the convention can now be completed and submitted to Tammy and Linda for approval. This event is the first weekend in February at the Kalahari. If you want to attend the conference you need to join and belong to the NSNA at a cost of $25.00 a year or $50.00 for 2 years. There will be information on the MSNA website regarding the conference and joining the NSNA.
New Business: Nothing new
Upcoming Events: ATI Success night February 10th 2016 5:00pm in the Gymnasium. More information to follow.
Next meeting: January 25th 2016 at noon in room #166