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FT/45 – Circular – November 2012
Dear Confreres,
A lot of events have happened during the past couple of months. And there is a lot to share! The Canonical visit to Arunachal missions; the fourth Regional assembly of Southern Africa Region; Visitation to the confreres in Europe; the Congregational level meetings at Pune- the Provincials with General curia, the Pre-Capitular commission of General chapter, and the inauguration of the 175th anniversary of the foundation of our Congregation- these are all significant to us. We have also heard about the Regional Pastoral Conference at Guwahati and the National CRI leadership Conference at Hyderabad. The orientations of these meetings and conferences also have some bearing upon our lives. If there is one event that shook us most, it is the sudden demise of Fr. Shijo Paul. All these events, in some mysterious manner, are closely linked to our lives and our communities. His death has left a vacuum for us and we are deeply touched by the loss of another young confrere. Amidst the grief and loss, and the enigmatic unfolding of various events, I raise again my heart to God in praise. And I see them as graces to us! We all need to see endless hope! I hope this circular will shed some more light on some of these events and their implications for our continued journey.
The visit to Arunachal Missions
The MSFS has a substantial presence in the Siang belt of Arunachal Pradesh. Thanks to the daring missioners of our province who continue to nurture the young Church of Arunachal, often against many odd situations and conditions. The visitation, starting from August 4-22, took me to all our missions in Arunachal Pradesh. All the communities had prepared well for the canonical visitation. Everywhere, I had the opportunity to meet with the confreres, sisters, collaborators, lay leaders and catechists of the missions. It gave me ample opportunity to listen to their personal and collective concerns for the missions and their proposals for further development. Together, we were able to draw some conclusions for all matters shared in those meetings. Some developmental plan also could be shared with every mission. I sincerely thank all the confreres of the Arunachal Missions, particularly, Fr. Mathew Puthumana the coordinator of the missions and Fr. Lukose Kavungal, the apostolic community convener for their meticulous planning and arrangement which made the entire a visit a success. I thank every confrere serving the missions of Arunachal Pradesh and the sisters who collaborate with them.
The Fourth Regional Assembly of Southern African Region
As scheduled the Fourth Regional Assembly of Southern African Region was held at Keetmanshoop, Namibia. The Assembly had the presence of scholastics for the first time. The presence of the Provincial councilor in charge of mission is another first in the history of the SA Region. The circular contains the report of the assembly, the statement and the action plan. The provincial council during its meeting held on 17 Oct 2012, has approved the Acts of the Assembly. Let us continue to support our confreres in the Region.
A Brief Report
The fourth Regional Assembly of the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales, Southern African Region with the theme, “Fransalians in Southern Africa: A Mystical and Prophetic Response to Africae Munus” began on the 4th of September 2012 at the Pastoral Centre, Keetmanshoop, Namibia. The participants of the Assembly, the 18 confreres working in the Southern African Region, two representatives from the scholastics (one each from the theologians and the philosophers), along with the Provincial of the North-east India Province, Fr. Francis Thadathil and the Councilor-in-charge of the Missions, Fr. John Karondukadavil gathered at Keetmanshoop on 3rd evening.
Fr. Saju Thalayinakandathil on behalf of the Organising Committee welcomed all the participants on 4th morning and Fr. John Karondukadavil animated a half-a-day recollection as an immediate preparation for the Regional Assembly. In his talk Fr. John emphasized on the commitment that should distinguish a prophet. He said that a Fransalian is to be a prophet and mystic, committed to the Lord and His mission radically, totally and perpetually.
The assembly proper began in the afternoon with the official inauguration by the Provincial, Fr. Francis Thadathil. Fr. Babychan Arackathara, the Regional Superior welcomed all the participants officially to this important event of the Region after which Fr. Joseph Kunjaparambil delivered the keynote address. He emphasized that, “We, as religious, are called to be catalysts in a society that needs to aspire to lasting values and abiding relationships. We need to be creative yet dynamic in bringing about the change that is able to lead humanity closer to God. True to the founding charism of the Congregation, we, the Fransalians, are called to respond positively and effectively to the challenges posed by Africae Munus. The Exhortation has come as a ‘precious treasure’ to rekindle the faith and hope of the Church in the African continent, “so as to help build a reconciled Africa by pursuing the paths of truth and justice, love and peace.”
In the evening session, while addressing the assembly the Provincial exhorted the participants to have a common vision for the region as well as a vision for each individual member in the context of his mission. The messages from the Superior general and from the Chairman of the MSAF and Provincial of East Africa to the Assembly were read. The out-going Regional Superior, Fr. Joseph Kunjaparambil then presented his report of the Region for the past three years. In the post-dinner session at night, the animators of the South African and the Namibian Apostolic Communities, Fr. Job Karikkampallil and Fr. Jose Mamlasseril, presented their reports.
On the following day, Fr. James Madapallil presented a paper with the title ‘MSFS: Missionaries and Mystics of God’s Love’ in the first session of the day. In the second session Fr. Joseph Puliyilakat presented on the theme, ‘Religious Life as a Prophetic Vision’. In the next session Fr. Baiju Mundackal presented a paper on ‘Prophetic Mission Today’. There were group discussions and evaluations in the context of our mission in Southern Africa today. In the evening session, Fr. Babu Kudakkachirakunnel presented a draft copy of the formation policy for the region which is then proposed as a basis to be studied further by a Committee to evolve a policy for the region. In the last session of the day, the out-going Regional Superior, Fr. Joseph Kunjaparambil presented the Financial Report of the Region as well.
On the last day of the Regional Assembly, Fr. Devaisa Manalel presented a report on the discussions for the formulation of the Statutes for the Region. It was not conclusive and the Provincial told the Assembly that he would give further guidelines to work on it and a Committee was formed to bring out a draft. In the following session, the new councilors and the bursar for the Region were elected. Fr. Baiju Mundackal and Fr. Lukose Perumannikkala were elected councilors and Fr. Saju Thalayinakandathil as the bursar. In the afternoon before the participants of the Assembly left for the concluding Mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Keetmanshoop, Fr. Devasia on behalf of the Committees presented the Action Plan for the Region for the coming three years and the Statement of the Assembly. In the evening session, the Provincial and the Provincial Councillor-in-charge of the Mission gave their observations and evaluation. The Regional Superior then concluded with his remarks and proposed the vote of thanks. The fourth Regional Assembly sessions came to an end with the added responsibility for all the members to actualize the plans and grow together as a Region.
The Statement of the Fourth Regional Assembly
We, the members of the Southern African Region, of the North East India Province of the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales, gathered for our fourth Regional Assembly from 4 - 6 September 2012 at the Pastoral Centre, Keetmanshoop, Namibia with the theme: Fransalians in Southern Africa: A Mystical and Prophetic Response to Africae Munus have committed to respond to the needs of the local church.
Faithful to our charism of renewal mission, and in response to the call to new evangelization we pledge to renew the Christian life of the community entrusted to our care. Through our fraternal love, religious life and prophetic presence we resolve to become agents of justice, peace and reconciliation. For the realization of this vision, we would establish a centre with a team to improve the family, preaching, catechetical and youth apostolates.
strive towards autonomy by promoting local vocations, expansion of our presence and enhancing the administrative and financial stability through equipping the members with knowledge and skills necessary for the ministries proper, articulating our formation policy and reformulating and updating our Regional Statutes.
Action Plan of the Assembly
Our priority is the mission entrusted to us and its growth and development.
1. As religious we strive to be faithful to our common community prayer, Personal prayer, Spiritual reading, Salesian Recollections; Common celebrations of Birthdays and ordination anniversaries of the confreres; and Sharing of our pastoral responsibilities and works (personal and community).
2. Carry out Organized family visits and consecration of the families to the Sacred Heart of Jesus during the year of Faith (Local community).
3. Form a team to cater to the needs of family apostolate, parish mission, catechetical training and youth ministry and explore the possibility of opening a centre for the same (Provincial and Regional Administration).
4. Provide a set of the Salesian Recollections for each confrere in the Region to enhance our knowledge and living of the Salesian Spirituality (Regional Administration).
5. Give to every new member of the region a period of three to six months to learn the local language and culture as part of the induction programme (Regional Admn).
6. Attain financial stability through local resource mobilization, project proposals and by sending confreres to work abroad (Local community, Regional and Provincial Administration).
7. Prepare the final draft of the formation policy presented in the Assembly and submit to the Regional Administration by a three-member-committee.
8. Prepare the final draft of the revised Statutes of the Region and present it to the Provincial administration by the end of June 2013 (By the Statute Committee and the Regional Administration).
The Visitation to Europe
The visit to confreres in Europe (September11-28) was indeed a grace for me. Personal meeting with the confreres, benefactors and friends took most of my schedule. Official visit to some of the Vicar Generals of the dioceses was also done. We also had the opportunity to gather together as a Province community at Creussen. Fr. Sebastian Paredom was gracious enough to hold the common gathering at his presbytery. It gave everyone the chance to listen to each other, to the challenges and opportunities their life and ministry offer. The meeting, the celebration of Eucharist and the meal thereafter increased the sense of our togetherness as a province community. Each one travelled long distances to make this gathering a successful one. The members elected Fr. Sunny Panthanazhivadekethil as the contact person for the Province level matters. As a contact person, he would be responsible for making arrangement for the visit of the provincial, planning and organizing common gatherings of the NE confreres, sharing of information from the Province to the members. The entire schedule was well planned by Fr. Sabu Francis, in consultation with the confreres. Thank you dear confreres! You made my stay and travel a pleasant experience for me. Thank you for your many sacrifices as well. I appreciate your generosity and love.
Welcome Back
Dr. John Kuttikottayil has been actively involved in pastoral ministry in the archdiocese of Munich since 2007. He has returned to India in September 2012. With his buoyant and friendly presence, he has endeared himself to the young and old alike. The parish community misses him very much. The province also appreciates the yeomen service rendered by Fr. Kuttikottayil. Through his ministry and personal contacts, he has been able to raise funds for the various projects in the province. On his return to the province, Fr. Kuttikottatyil will be at the service of the missions in Arunachal Pradesh. I am sure that he will be able to keep in touch with all the benefactors and with his contacts our missions in Arunachal can be developed more. For the present, Fr. Kuttikottayil will reside at St. Joseph’s Kaying. One of the tasks that he would immediately engage in is the project of writing the history of our missions in Arunachal Pradesh. The plan for setting up a Centre that would meet the pastoral needs of the area is being pursued. Fr. John will be rendering his services to all our missions in Arunachal Pradesh. We wish all the best to Fr. Kuttikottayil and his presence and ministry would be a blessing to the Church in Arunachal Pradesh. He will also continue to be a visiting professor to Oriens Theological College. Warm welcome to you Fr. John!
Fr. Augustine Vellaramkuzhy has been rendering pastoral service in the archdiocese of Bamberg from 2001. He has also returned to India in October 2012. . He is appointed as rector at SFS Seminary, Medziphema. He will be attending a course on formation to equip himself with the latest trends in formation. With his vast pastoral experience and years of service in the field of formation, I am sure he will do justice to the new assignment. I offer a warm welcome to Fr. Augustine.
Bon Voyage
Fr. Carlus Barowa has reached Austria on 8th October 2012. He will be undertaking doctoral studies in Catechetics from the University of Salzburg. Catechetics is another area where we need qualified personnel. He is expected to complete his studies within a period of five years and return to the Province for ministry. Let us assure him of our prayers for the success of his study program. His Address: Kollege St. Benedikt, St. Peterbezirk 8-9, A- 5020 Salzburg, Austria, (Tel no. 0043 662 841619 303; Cel no. 0043 6889462015 E-mail- )