August 22, 2017

General Body Meeting

SBA Vice President Fils-Aime called the meeting to order at 12:05PM on Friday August 18th.

Secretary Gregory called attendance.



Cadavid. Absent.








Fray. Excused Absence.






Joye. Excused Absence.






Quorum has been established.


·  There were none.


·  There was no President’s report.


Diversity Committee Chair Manor gives her report.

·  The Diversity committee has two on-going projects.

o  Two Diversity Profile features of members of the UF Law community have been completed.

o  Committee wants to solicit nominations of more diversity profile features from the student body and post the profiles on the SBA website when the website goes live.

·  The Diversity committee also completed a letter to international students to welcome them to UF Law. The committee would also like to post this on the website.

Communications Officer Badida gives his report.

·  Officer Badida gives an update on the website. The projected “dynamic date” for the website launch is the last week of August or the first day of September.

Social Committee Chair Lidell gives her report.

·  The Social committee proposed a “Back-to-School” Snack Event on September 6th.

o  The event would involve tabling in either the library or the courtyard from 10AM- 1PM.

o  The budget for the event is $229 to cover juice, fruit, cookies etc.

o  The committee also proposed having a flyer to advertise SBA’s next event.

Treasurer Ellis gives his report on the Allocations Committee.

·  Treasurer Ellis is setting up an electronic system of money requests for UF Law student organizations. The committee is also working on a guide to the various funding sources available to student organizations.

·  Treasurer Ellis has a meeting next Thursday with organizations to overview the process of procuring funding.

o  This is a joint meeting with LCC.

Student-Faculty Committee Chair Cuffe gives his report.

·  Committee Chair Cuffe has been meeting with Dean Mashburn.

o  Administration is very receptive to students on faculty committees.

·  The goals of the committee are to be able to answer student complaints effectively and give insight into and representation in the decision making process. The Student-Faculty committee should be a resource for faculty to come to the Committee to ask questions of students.

Student Organizations Liaison Jacobs gives her report on the Student Organization Committee.

·  Student Organizations Liaison Jacobs will lead the first meeting with the entire Student Organization Council scheduled for Thursday August 24th.

·  Jacobs will write a Facebook post to update the student body.

Community Service Committee Chair Cervera gives his report.

·  The committee has been developing relationships with places to have an on-going service projects.

o  Partnership with Guardian Ad Litem

o  Restoration of Civil Rights Project

o  Project with Alachua County Trust

Parliamentarian Moreno gives his report on the By-Laws Committee.

·  Updates to Constitution and By-Laws will be discussed at the committee meeting next week.


·  The order of official SBA lapel pins are available to the E-Board and BOG at no cost.

·  Communications Officer Badida gives update on headshots.

o  Staff photographer at UF Law will do this at no cost.

o  Tentative Date: August 28th from 12-2 PM.

1L Representative Elections

·  Parliamentarian Moreno suggests that elections are held on September 19th. Parliamentarian Moreno moves to hold the elections. The last day to register to run for 1L representative is September 13th.

o  Discussion:

§  Cuffe suggests that we hold elections on the same second Tuesday every year—a way to establish continuity.

§  Manor notes that the High Holy Days in Judaism move throughout the September month, so an inflexible date might not be the best idea.

·  Parliamentarian renews his motion.

First General Assembly

·  Discussion:

o  Parliamentarian Moreno notes that SBA meetings should be public and that notice should be given to students about the meeting time and date.

o  Liddell suggests that SBA alternate the meetings between morning and evening. Liddell also suggests that SBA meet before 1Ls decide that they want to register for the election so that they can see what SBA is and what SBA is about.

·  The SBA decides that the first general meeting will be held on September 6th at 5:30PM.

Senator Watson gives her report on the GIN system.

·  Communication Platform – SBA account. We will add student body

·  GIN system abilities include polling system, location check-ins, reach out to everyone.

o  The GIN system has a function of “grouping.” Targeted messages can be sent to only 1Ls or 3Ls etc.

·  The GIN system costs $350 per semester.

Badida gives update on the Office

·  The SBA office is ready for use. It is located on the second floor of Bruton-Greer across from the lockers.

·  Administration has also turned the office into the new SG printing lab. The office will be open and available to the entire student body.

Vote on Snack Tabling Event “Back to School”

·  Lidell motions to vote on the event.

·  Dale moves to approve the motion.

·  Motion is seconded.

·  Snack event vote passed.


Meeting adjourned at 12:55PM.