MSE 250: Structure and Properties of Materials, Fall 2013

Course Objective

This course aims to provide an introductory level understanding of the material structure (microstructure) on different length scales, how specific material properties and behaviors are determined by the associated structure, as well as how the structure is affected by the possessing history. Fundamental concepts related to the structure (e.g., lattice and dislocation) and to the properties (e.g., stress and strain, band gap, etc.) will be introduced. The materials discussed in the course mainly includes metals, alloys, ceramics, polymers, composites, semiconductors as well as other functional materials with useful magnetic and optical properties. Principles of material design will be briefly discussed.


Prof. Yang Jiao, ERC 387, 480-965-4560,

Office Hours: 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Monday, or by appointment via email

Mr. Shengke Zhang (Assistant Instructor),

Office Hours: Mon. & Wed. 12:00 – 1:00 pm, ECB 142

Required Textbook

W. Callister “Materials Science and Engineering” 8th edition

Expected Course Outcomes

Understand the complexity of material structures on different length scales

Be able to predict material properties and behaviors for given material structure

Be able to determine processing conditions that leads to materials for specific applications

Be able to select and design materials for specific applications

Grading Method

The semester score will be determined based on a set of evaluation methods, and the weights are:20% homework; 40% midterm exams (2 @ 20% each); 35% final exam; 5% term paper.The semester grade will be determined according to following scale:

A+ / 97 ≤ semester score ≤ 100
A / 94 ≤ semester score < 97
A- / 90 ≤ semester score < 94
B+ / 87 ≤ semester score < 90
B / 84 ≤ semester score < 87
B- / 80 ≤ semester score < 84
C+ / 75 ≤ semester score < 80
C / 70 ≤ semester score < 75
D / 60 ≤ semester score < 70
E / semester score < 60

Homework (20%)

A total of 11problem sets will be assigned via the course webpage (Blackboard). Assignments areusually due in one week at the beginning of that class in hard copy only. Please stapleyour worktogether. Late submission is not accepted unless there is any justified excuse and may be subjectto 10% penalty each day on the grade. Please use drawings and equations to support your work,and discuss the results if possible. Please keep your work legible as well. Discussion amongstudents on the homework is encouraged, but each student must turn in his or her own work.Though the correctness of final answers is important, the grading will mainly focus on the effortsand steps in solving problems in order to see how much a student understands fundamental concepts.

Midterm Exams (40%)

There are 2 midterm exams during the semester, and the scheduled dates for the 2 midtermexams are given in the table below. This schedule is subject to change, but I will try my best tokeep midterms scheduled as they are, unless there is any good reason to change them. Themidterm exams are in class and duration is one lecture time (75 min). All the exams (includingthe final exam) are closed-book. Each student is allowed to take onesingle-page one-side lettersize “cheat sheet” for each exam,additional to the sheets that you already have from previous exams(i.e., 1 cheat sheet for Midterm 1, 2 for Midterm 2, and 3 for Final exam). Allcheat sheets must be hand-written. Printouts and photocopies are NOT allowed.

Final Exam (35%)

The final exam will be on Monday, December 9, 2013, SCOB20112:10PM – 2:00 PM.

Materials Selection Paper (5%)

A 750-1000 word paper on materials selection for a given application (including criteria and comparison of different possible materials is required. Note that the comparison should be as quantitative as possible, and include quantitative data where possible). A minimum of 4 references are required. A photocopy of the front page of each reference should be included.An outline of the paper is due on 11/18/2013 and must be approved by the instructor. An electronic copy of the paper should be sent to by 12/13/2013.

Absence Policies

Late submission is not accepted unless there is any justified excuse and may be subject to 10%penalty each day on the grade. Make-up for in-class exams will be only considered for extremeemergencies and ASU excused absence such as religious observance (in accord with ACD 304–04) and university-sanctioned events and activities (in accord with ACD 304–02) with proof ofjustifications.

Expected Classroom Behavior

Any student who arrives 15 min after the class starts is not allowed in class. Cell phonesshouldbe silenced and no cell phone usage during the all the class time. Laptops and tablets are onlyallowed for the purpose of taking notes.

Academic Integrity Policy

Any incidence of cheating or plagiarism will be reported to the School Director and/or the Deanof Academic and Student Affairs for appropriate action which may include loss of credit for thecourse or the dismissal from the University. Examples of cheating or plagiarism include, but notlimited to: copying homework from others, copying from Textbook solution manual, cheatingduring in-class exams, etc.

Disabled Students

Appropriate arrangements or accommodations including additional time or resources for takingexams can be arranged for disabled students. However, they must be registered with theDisabilityResourceCenter(, 480- 965-1234), and they must submit to theinstructor the appropriate documentation from the DRC for the request.

Threatening Behavior

All incidents and allegations of violent or threatening conduct by an ASU student (whether onoroff-campus) must be reported to the ASU Police Department and the Office of the Dean ofStudents.

Tentative Schedule and Topics for MSE250 Struc. & Prop. Materials (Fall 2013)

Week / Date / Topic / Reading / Note
1 / No class
2 / M / 8/26 / Overview of materials / Ch.1
W / 8/28 / Atomic structure and bonding / Ch.2 / Hw1
3 / M / 9/2 / Labor Day / No class
W / 9/4 / Structure of crystalline solids / Ch.3 / Hw 1 due
4 / M / 9/9 / Defects in crystalline solids / Ch.4, 5 / Hw 2
W / 9/11 / Defects in crystalline solids II / Ch.4, 5
5 / M / 9/16 / Mechanical properties I / Ch.6 / Hw 3/ Hw 2 due
W / 9/18 / Mechanical properties II / Ch.7
6 / M / 9/23 / Mechanical properties III / Ch.8 / Hw 4/ Hw 3 due
W / 9/25 / Mechanical properties IV / Ch.8
7 / M / 9/30 / Review for Exam 1
W / 10/2 / Exam 1
8 / M / 10/7 / Go over Exam 1 / Hw 4 due
W / 10/9 / Phase diagram and transformation I / Ch. 9, 10
9 / M / 10/14 / Fall Break / No class
W / 10/16 / Phase diagram and transformation II / Ch.11 / Hw 5
10 / M / 10/21 / Phase diagram and transformation III / Ch.11
W / 10/23 / Ceramics I / Ch.12 / Hw 6/ Hw 5 due
11 / M / 10/28 / Ceramics II / Ch. 13
W / 10/30 / Polymers I / Ch.14 / Hw 7/ Hw 6 due
12 / M / 11/4 / Polymers II / Ch.15
W / 11/6 / Exam 2
13 / M / 11/11 / Veterans Day / No class
W / 11/13 / Go over Exam 2 / Hw 8/ Hw 7 due
14 / M / 11/18 / Composites I / Ch.16
W / 11/20 / Composites II / Ch.16 / Hw 9/Hw 8 due
15 / M / 11/25 / Semiconductors / Ch.18
W / 11/27 / Novel functional materials / Ch.19-21 / Hw 10/ Hw 9 due
16 / M / 12/2 / Principles of materials design / Ch.22
W / 12/4 / Review for Final Exam / Hw 11/Hw 10 due
17 / M / 12/9 / Final Exam / 12:10 PM – 2:00 PM
W / 12/11
F / 12/13 / Material Selection Paper Due by 11:59 PM / Send e-copy to