

MASTER of Science



September 2008



1.1PREAMBLE...... 3


1.3Rationale...... 4


1.5Bio-Energy...... 6

1.6Hydropower...... 6

1.7Solar and Wind Energy...... 6

1.8Energy Efficiency in Buildings...... 7


1.10Mode of Teaching...... 7


2.5Award Level...... 7




6RESOURCES ...... 12

6.1Space 12

6.2Computer Labs...... 12

6.3Research Labs/Facilities ...... 12

6.4Field Attachments...... 13

6.5Human Resource ...... 13

6.6Student Support ...... 15

6.7Funding ...... 16

7TARGET GROUP ...... 16



10PROGRESSION ...... 21



13BUDGET ...... 74


Energy is essential to economic growth and poverty reduction in Uganda. The national drive to eradicate poverty and achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) requires trained manpower to handle energy development projects. This often requires advanced training which the undergraduate courses/degrees alone cannot provide. The Faculty of Technology is thus proposing to start a unique postgraduate programme in Renewable Energy to be run in collaboration with the following partner Universities: The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway), University of Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzania), Addis Ababa University and Mekelle University (Ethiopia), Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (Mozambique) and University of Malawi (Malawi). It is aiming at addressing the shortage of appropriately trained people, to power the growth of renewable energy industry in the country and the region.

The purpose of this master programme is to provide state-of-the-art education in the field of renewable energy by means of economically and environmentally friendly systems and technologies. A strong emphasis is placed on dealing with renewable energy engineering tasks with due consideration of technical, environmental and socio-economic issues. Advanced methods are applied to identify, describe, quantify and find solutions to a diverse range of energy problems. Participants will gain proficiency in renewable energy project design and implementation, operation and maintenance, as well as in crucial phases of policy generation. Advanced training in a research-oriented perspective is also included.

The master programme has duration of two years with three semesters of taught courses and one semester of thesis project. During the first year, students will be taught general courses in renewable energy, project planning and management and entrepreneurship in line with energy development. During the first semester of the second year of study, students will specialize in one of the three specializations of Bioenergy, Hydropower and Solar energy. An individual thesis project in the area of specialization will be carried out in the second semester of the second year of study. Successful completion of the programme results in the award of the degree of Master of Science in Renewable Energy.


2.1 Rationale

Currently, engineers and other scientists are forced to go outside Uganda to attend Masters level postgraduate courses. While such courses upgrade technical knowledge, they are not appropriate in that the socio-industrial circumstances in the countries of training are very different from those in Uganda. This results in a mismatch between training acquired and the needs of Uganda. A locally run and well designed postgraduate programme will upgrade technical knowledge with emphasis on local needs and problems. The proposed Master Degree programme in Renewable Energy will meet the demand for appropriately trained people in the field of renewable energy technologies and applications.

The most important renewable energy options identified as mitigation measures to reduce the level of greenhouse gas emissions caused by over dependency on energy derived from fossil fuel include the development of bio-energy, hydropower, solar and wind energy, while energy intensity consumption reduction would also require the introduction of both energy efficiency and management measures, as well as the application of best design practices in the built environment.

The process of developing the curriculum for the course, writing of the proposal seeking for funds and many other related activities started way back in 2006. The workshops that were held in Kampala, Uganda and Trondheim, Norway for planning the project involved many participants from Tanzania, Mozambique,

Malawi, Ethiopia and Norway who put in a lot of valuable time and resources to ensure the programme curriculum critically addressed the challenges facing the development of the renewable energy industry in Uganda and other East and Central African Nations. The allocation of funds by NORAD to support this master programme was as a result of its relevance in meeting the needs of the local society in Uganda and other East and Central African nations. This master program will run concurrently at both Makerere and University of Dar-es-salaam and movement of students between the two universities to carry out specialized courses and experiments/laboratories has been arranged.

It is envisaged that the programme will achieve effective training in renewable energy technologies, acquisition of advanced knowledge and understanding in the selected specialist areas of renewable energy and broadening the knowledge of engineers in areas of renewable energy specializations.

2.2 Market

Renewable energy specialists have a wide market in Uganda and beyond. The Government's Renewable Energy Technology policy calls for the increase of the contribution of Renewable Energy in the national energy mix. It also proposes to appoint energy officers in the districts. Graduate from the programme will be the ideal candidates.

It is envisaged that at the end of the training programme, graduates will work in the following areas of renewable energy.

(i) / Bio-Energy,
(ii) / Hydropower,
(iii) / Solar Energy,
(iv) / Wind Energy, and
(v) / Energy Efficiency in Buildings


The Master of Science in Renewable Energy degree programme with specialization in bio-energy has been designed in such a way that graduates will be provided with integrated technology and management skills required to compete internationally. The programme is designed to qualify students for occupations and careers in area of bio-energy production, fuels process equipment designs, pollution associated risk assessors as well as energy efficiency.


The Master of Science in Renewable Energy degree programme with specialization in hydropower has been designed in such a way that graduates will be provided with integrated technology and management skills in the area of hydropower development. The programme is multidisciplinary in nature and is designed to qualify students for occupations and careers in areas of integrated water management, land survey, dams and canals construction, hydroelectric power house design and construction, water turbines and control systems designs and installation, hydroelectric generators design and installation as well as electricity distribution networks design and monitoring.

2.2.3Solar and Wind Energy

The Master of Science in Renewable Energy degree programme with specialization in solar and wind energy systems has been designed in order to introduce emerging technologies associated with solar and wind energies integrated with management skills. The programme is designed to qualify students for occupations and careers in solar energy systems design and installation, PV and wind energy systems design and installation, solar energy design in built environment as well as energy management.

2.2.4 Energy Efficiency in Buildings

The Master of Science in Renewable Energy degree programme with specialization in energy efficiency in buildings has been designed in such a way that graduates will be provided with a specialized knowledge in energy efficiency in built environment integrated with management skills. The programme is designed to qualify students for occupations and careers in residential and industrial energy efficiency and management field, building site planning and green buildings design and construction. The students will be able to carry out residential, commercial and industrial energy audits and recommend the best measures for energy conservation.


The programme aim is to train engineers and scientists in the area of renewable energy by providing them with core skills and knowledge needed in solving the practical challenges facing the energy industry and the community in general with regard to energy development, provision and utilization.

2.4Mode of Teaching

The programme will be conducted by giving of lectures, laboratory exercises, assignments and project work.


The title of the programme shall be Master of Science in Renewable Energy (MSc. RE)

2.5Award Level

The degree Master of Science in Renewable Energy will be awarded to a student who fulfills all the requirements for the program or upon attaining total credits for graduation. The candidate who qualifies for admission to this programme must hold a bachelor's degree in any of the following fields: Mechanical, Electrical,

Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering and Bachelor of Science in any of the three subjects: Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics.


Though the Master of Science in Renewable Energy is unique in its curriculum design, it however has similar core objectives and aims with other master programmes currently being offered by Faculty of Technology. It focuses on in- depth teaching of the theoretical work, practical work and field studies and research like the other degree programs being offered.

At the start, the courses will be taught by existing specialized lecturers within the faculty backed up by visiting professors from Norway and other collaborating partners in East Africa. The allowances and travel expenses will be catered for by the allocated project fund from NORAD up to end of 2010. The allocated fund will also offer ten scholarships to students per year for two consecutive intakes which will fully cover their tuition fees, stipend and all other learning related expenses.

It is planned that by 2011, the program should be sustainable both in terms of finances and human resource. Opportunities for training academic staff at PhD level in areas of specializations under this programme are being earmarked.

The faculty staff members coordinating this programme are working hard to get additional funding from other development partners to continue supporting the activities of this programme. So far GTZ has offered to fully sponsor four more students to study this master program. Also, because of the programme's unique structure/design and its relevant curriculum, it provides the faculty the opportunity of attracting a sizeable number of private students over time.


The general aims and objectives of the programme tally with those of Makerere

University. The specific aims of this Programme are:

•To provide the country and the region with sufficient high level engineering human power in renewable energy as agents of development and change, thus contributing to the indigenous development of infrastructure, industry and trade.

•To conduct research in the interest of suitable exploitation of renewable energy resources in Uganda and the region, ultimately leading to innovation of technical products and production processes for renewable energy industry

•To provide expert professional services in the form of consultancy.

The specific objectives of this programme are:

•To instruct at least 10 students in the Renewable Energy field in each academic year

•Provide knowledge in analysis of Renewable Energy systems

•To develop capacity to evaluate and recommend effective Renewable Energy schemes

•To train students in appropriate research/project methodologies.



The MSc.RE programme shall be run on semester system.

Semester I / Code / Course name / CU / LH / PH / CH / New/Current
All Core Courses / RET7101 / Electrical Energy Systems / 3 / 40 / 10 / 45 / New
RET7102 / Hydropower / 3 / 40 / 10 / 45 / New
RET7103 / Bioenergy / 3 / 40 / 10 / 45 / New
RET7104 / Solar Energy / 3 / 40 / 10 / 45 / New
RET7105 / Statistics and Research Methods / 3 / 40 / 10 / 45 / New
Total CU / 15
Semester II / Code / Course name / CU / LH / PH / CH / New/Current
RET7201 / Other Forms of Renewable Energy / 3 / 40 / 10 / 45 / New
All Core Courses / RET7202 / Entrepreneurship Development / 3 / 45 / 0 / 45 / New
RET7203 / Project Management / 3 / 45 / 0 / 45 / New
RET7204 / Energy Policy, Planning and sustainable Development / 3 / 45 / 0 / 45 / New
RET7205 / Optimization of Energy Systems / 3 / 40 / 10 / 45 / New
Total CU / 15


Semester III / Code / Course name / CU / LH / PH / CH / New/Current
Bioenergy Specialisation (All core courses) / RET8101 / Thermochemical conversion Processes and Application / 3 / 40 / 10 / 45 / New
RET8102 / Biochemical Conversion Processes and Applications / 3 / 40 / 10 / 45 / New
RET8103 / Design and Modeling of Thermal Power Systems / 3 / 40 / 10 / 45 / New
Total CU / 9
Solar Energy Specialisation (All core courses) / RET8104 / Solar Cell Technology / 3 / 40 / 10 / 45 / New
RET8105 / Electrical Energy Conversion in PV systems / 3 / 40 / 10 / 45 / New
RET8106 / Solar Thermal Technology / 3 / 40 / 10 / 45 / New
Total CU / 9
Hydropower Specialization (All core courses) / RET8107 / Design and Maintenance of Hydropower ElectroMechanical Equipment / 3 / 40 / 10 / 45 / New
RET8108 / Hydraulic Structures in Hydropower / 3 / 40 / 10 / 45 / New
RET8109 / Development of small Hydropower / 3 / 40 / 10 / 45 / New
Total CU / 9
Energy Efficiency in Buildings (All core Courses) / RET8110 / Heat Transfer and Thermal Insulation in Buildings / 3 / 40 / 10 / 45 / New
RET8111 / Low Energy Architeture / 3 / 40 / 10 / 45 / New
RET8112 / Energy comfort in Buildings / 3 / 40 / 10 / 45 / New
Total CU / 9
Semester IV / Code / Course name / CU / LH / PH / CH / New/Current
Thesis Proposal and Dissertation / RET8201 / Thesis / 10 / 0 / 300 / 150 / New
Total CU / 10
Total Credit / Jnits for a s / tudent to graduate in this program are 49



Although the existing lecture rooms in the faculty can serve the students who will be admitted to this program, a special arrangement for these students has been made. A class specifically for these master's students has been organized with power point presentation facilities. Therefore the faculty is ready to offer a good learning environment to the students. The offices for this program will be located in the state-of-the-art facilities of the Centre for Research in Energy and Energy Conservation (CREEC) in the faculty though the program is under the Department of Electrical Engineering.

The master's program will fully sponsor ten (10) students for each academic year 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 intake. Six (6) of the ten (10) students will be Ugandans and the rest will come from the eligible countries. We may have a very limited number of private students enrolling for this programme, and therefore this will not greatly affect the facilities/space arranged.

6.2Computer Labs

The faculty has put in place a suitable computer lab for the students. A total of ten (10) additional computers dedicated to the programme will be bought using the fund from NOMA to cater for the first intake. The student/computer ratio is estimated to be 1:1.

6.3Research Labs/Facilities

The faculty has a well equipped facility for Bioenergy experiments/practical including the gasifier. The fund from NOMA also provides for purchase of some laboratory equipment and consumables. Where the faculty lacks test equipment, students will take the courses or experiments from the partner institution (University of Dar-es-salaam) and then transfer the credits. There are plans to apply for addition funding to purchase more laboratory equipment. There are 3 specializations for this Master program, namely Hydropower, PV Systems and Bio-energy. Those doing the first two specializations shall be allocated to the University of Dar-es-Salaam where laboratory facilities are better than ours.

6.4Field Attachments

Fieldwork will be part of the module work and will form part of the theoretical degree programme as part and parcel of teaching in each module. Field trips to industries dealing in energy production as well as those with intensive energy consumption processes will be visited and also students will be attached to do typical energy projects with them. This proposal emphasizes collaboration with partners Universities in the region on the conduction of the field work.

6.5Human Resource

The faculty has enough lecturers who will be taking part in teaching different courses in this program as shown in Table 6.1. The available staff members will be boosted by over six (6) visiting professors from Norway who will take on modules in various courses.

All the lecturers involved in this program have qualifications of PhD and above. The faculty also currently has three PhD students in energy who will conduct tutorials for the master's students.

The list of lecturers above will increase since the project emphasizes that the other cooperating Universities other than Makerere, Dar-es-Salaam and NTNU should also take part in teaching and supervision of students. Furthermore, some teaching assistance in areas of relevancy has been promised by Faculty of Science particularly Departments of Mathematics and Physics and Faculty of Economics and Management at Makerere University.


To ensure sustainability of staff, the project has applied for additional funding to educate more lecturers from the host institution at PhD level in areas relevant to this master programme and the funding is yet to be approved by the relevant NORAD/NOMA committees in Norway.

Table 6.1: Academic Staff with confirmed Participation

1 / Dr. I.P. Da Silva / Permanent / ELE3104 ELE7104 / 4 4 / RET7101 / 3 / 11 CU / ELE2201 ELE7201 / 4 3 / RET7204 / 3 / 10 CU
2 / Dr. M. Okure / Permanent / MEC3105 MEC4102 / 4 4 / RET7103 / 3 / 11 CU / MEC3205 TEC7302 / 4 3 / RET7205 / 3 / 10 CU
3 / Dr. A. Sebbit / permanent / MEC2101 MEC4105 / 4 4 / RET8101 / 3 / 11 CU / MEC4206 MEC7201 / 4 4 / RET7201 / 3 / 11 CU
4 / Assoc. Prof. J. Byaruhanga / Permanent / RET7202 / 3
5 / Dr. S.B. Kucel / Permanent / MEC7101 MEC3104 / 3
4 / RET7102 / 3 / 10 CU / MEC7202 MEC4205 / 3
4 / RET7203 / 3 / 10 CU
6 / Assoc. Prof. T. Togboa S. / permanent / EMT 3101 EMT7103 / 4 4 / RET7105 RET8109 / 3 3 / 14 CU / ELE7214 ELE4202 / 4 3 / RET7202 / 3 / 10 CU
7 / Prof. Tom Otiti / Permanent (Phy. Dept) / Unknown / RET7104 RET8105 / 3 3 / 6 CU / Unknown / None
8 / Dr. Sengonzi JB / Part-time / Unknown / RET8102 / 3 / 3 CU / Unknown / None
9 / Prof. Torbjorn N. / Visiting / Unknown / RET8109 / 3 / 2 CU / Unknown / None
10 / Prof. Annund K. / Visiting / Unknown / RET8108 / 3 / 2 CU / Unknown / None
11 / Dr. Oyvind S. / Visiting / Unknown / RET8103 / 3 / 2 CU / Unknown / None
12 / Prof. Ivar W. / Visiting / Unknown / RET8108 / 3 / 2 CU / Unknown / None
13 / Prof. Lars Norum / Visiting / Unknown / RET8107 / 3 / 2 CU / Unknown / None
14 / Dr. Gaute S. / Visiting / Unknown / RET8106 / 3 / 2 CU / Unknown / None

The current teaching load for permanent lecturers who will take part in teaching this program is 8 hours per week. If the above full time lecturers are to add on an average of 4 hours per week to teach a course unit in the proposed master program, this will bring the total hours to 12 hours, which is above the minimum of 10 hours recommended by Makerere University. This implies that the faculty can provide the quality of teaching needed since the participating lecturers have enough time to teach this programme.