SUAM Appendix G
Executive Order 747 Due Diligence Checklist
(Referenced in SUAM Sections 9015)
For DevelopmentProjectsUsingExistingCampusLand (see also SUAM 9015 et seq)
Title Assessment
- Campus to provide drawing showing location on campus and limits of work (preponderance of the value, if widespread)
- Campus does preliminary site clearance, advises Land Records and CPDC Planner of any title encumbrances, and works with Land Records, title company, et al, to resolve any issues.
Improvement Assessment
- Campus to have qualified people investigate the condition of any existing improvements and provide a thorough report, to include immediately needed repair costs, hazardous material removal/abatement costs, code deficiencies, maintenance issues, long-term on-going costs, etc.
Environmental Assessment
- Campus investigates, hires a consultant as necessary, and provides a report on any CEQA issues, including plans for addressing mitigation issues.
- Campus to perform any required CEQA actions (EIR, etc. as necessary)
Relocation Assistance Assessment
- If the development involves demolition or rehabilitation of an existing, occupied, residential structure, the campus must consult with Office of General Counsel and CPDC Land Records regarding any requirements for relocation assistance pursuant to G.C. 7260 et seq.
For Development Projects Involving the Acquisition of New Property (see also SUAM 9019 et seq)
Title Assessment
- Campus to provide current preliminary title report for review by Land Records
- Campus to visually inspect the property for evidence of any encumbrances that may not be a matter of record (e.g. unrecorded power line easements, driveways, roads, etc.)
- Depending on the value of the property or complexity of the acquisition, the campus may need to hire a surveyor to complete an ALTA survey that will identify the topographic features and their locations in relation to the boundary.
Improvement Assessment
- Campus to have qualified people investigate the condition of any existing improvements and provide a thorough report, to include immediately needed repair costs, hazardous material removal/abatement costs, code deficiencies, maintenance issues, long-term on-going costs, etc.
- If buildings are being acquired, Section 8.2 of the CSU Seismic Policymust be followed (
Environmental Assessment
- Campus investigates, hires a consultant as necessary, and provides a report on any CEQA issues, including plans for addressing mitigation issues.
- Campus to perform any required CEQA actions (EIR, etc. as necessary)
Relocation Assistance Assessment
- If the acquisition involves acquisition of an existing, occupied, residential structure, the campus must consult with OGC and CPDC Land Records regarding any requirements for relocation assistance pursuant to G.C. 7260 et seq.