Ms. ScillieriRespect. Character. Integrity. Empathy.6th Grade Science

September 2017

Dear Students and Parent/Guardians:

Welcome to Memorial School for the 2017-2018 school year. My name is Ms. Scillieri and I am your child’s Science teacher. We are going to have a busy and productive year filled with exciting learning activities and school events.

It is my belief that positive interaction between teacher and parent strengthens the feeling of support all children need for success in school. My goal is to create an atmosphere of open communication regarding your child’s progress and behavior in both home and school.

Throughout the year if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to e-mail me at

Looking forward to a great year!


Ms. Scillieri


STUDENT: I have read this information and understand it.

Print Name ______
Signature: ______

PARENT/GUARDIAN: I have read this information. My child and I have discussed it.

Print Name: ______

Signature: ______

Phone Number: ______

E-mail Address: ______

Classroom Expectations

Note from the Teacher: As a teacher, I pride myself on an efficient and smooth running classroom. To achieve this, I have established a few simple rules. As a student, it is your responsibility to learn and abide by the classroom rules. By complying to the below rules, I promise you a more organized and effective learning experience.

  • Respect yourself, peers, teacher and all belongings in the classroom.
  • Do not do anything that prevents me from teaching or anyone in class from learning.
  • Keep your hands to yourself
  • Stay in your seat unless we are doing an activity that requires movement across the classroom.
  • I need to see your eyes at all times during instructional time.
  • Nothing goes airborne.
  • The bell does not dismiss you, I do.
  • Enter and exit the classroom quietly and calmly.
  • Keep a neat work area and hand in work you take pride in.

Following these expectations will earn positive rewards in science class:

  • “Gotcha being good” ticket
  • Star on table war chart
  • Positive praise
  • Positive e-mail/phone call home
  • A warm feeling in your heart because you know you made the right choice

Failure to follow the expectations will lead to consequences in science class:

  • Verbal Warning
  • Lunch Detention
  • Contacting parents/guardians
  • Losing lab or other project privileges
  • Referring students to administration for further disciplinary action

Classroom Policies

Note from the Teacher: I will lead a respectful and disciplined classroom. To achieve this, I have established a few simple policies. As a student, it is your responsibility to comply with these policies. If you decide not to comply with these policies, there will be logical consequences. By enforcing these policies, I promise to you fairness and order in our classroom.

1. Lateness--A student who is not in his/her seat when the bell rings is late. Tardiness is not acceptable in my classroom. The office will be notified to record the student as late and a 20-minute lunch detention will be assigned.

2. Academic Honesty--It is expected that students will display integrity, use genuine, sincere and fair means for the accomplishment of the tests, classwork, homework or projects from which evaluations of progress shall be determined. Students found plagiarizing, copying or cheating in any way will receive automatic zeros and parents/guardians will be notified.

3. Attendance--If a student has an excused absence from class, he or she is responsible for the assignments/notes that were missed. Use the while you were out folder for missed work.

4. Notebook—Every student is required to maintain an orderly, up-to-date notebook for this course. Notebooks must be brought to class each day.

5. Late Work—Classwork, labs, and homework assignments turned in late will earn half creditif they are handed in one day after the due date. If the assignment is handed in a day late and a missing assignment slip is signed partial credit will be given. If an assignment is not completed for the following day or is completed and does not have the missing assignment slip signed zero credit will be earned. Long term projects will have lateness as part of the rubric and will not be subject to the same policy.

6. Make Up Tests--If a student misses a test or quiz, he/she is to make up the test ASAP. It is up to the student to schedule the make-up.

7. Going back to class/Homeroom- If you forget something then you will have to do without; however, if it is an item that is due he/she will receive a “check minus” in classwork for that day.

8. Leaving class-A student will be allowed to go to the nurse in emergency situations only. Cough drops and Band-Aids will be kept in class. One student at a time will be allowed to leave class to use the restroom/get a drink.

Grade categories

Assignments Will Be weighted Using Memorial School’s Science Class Grading Policy. All Science Classes through grades 5-8 Are Held To The Same Grading Policies.

Tests / 40%
Classwork, Homework, Quizzes / 20%
Labs/Projects / 40%

6th Grade Weekly Classwork Rubric

  • On time
  • Prepared
  • Came in and completed Warm-Up/Do-Now
  • Focused and displayed effort throughout class
  • Hit daily goal of lesson (quiz, notes, exit slip, workbook pages, writer’s/reader’s notebook, science interactive notebook, centers, lab, project, etc.)
/ 
  • On time
  • Prepared
  • Needed to be redirected for Do-Now/Focus
  • Displayed some focus and effort
  • Had to be redirected for not following procedures, routines, and expectations
  • Hit daily goal
(quiz, notes, exit slip, workbook pages writer’s/reader’s notebook, science interactive notebook, centers, lab, project, etc.) / -
  • Late
  • Unprepared
  • Needed to redirected for Do-Now/Warm-Up
  • Lots of talking, distracted, unfocused
  • Unprepared
  • Did not hit daily goal
(quiz, notes, exit slip, workbook pages writer’s/reader’s notebook, science interactive notebook, centers lab, project, etc.)

Students who are not using their time wisely, disruptive unfocused, and/or did not hit daily goal will be sent to another classroom to complete their work or complete an alternate/modified assignment for a grade.

If a student is removed more than two times in one marking period, parents are notified and the student will be written up and dealt with by administration for the third offense.

Our goal is to spend more class time LEARNING, not disciplining.

Homework and Classwork

Students will not be receiving nightly homework from this class due to the fact that most of the work will be hands-on and will be completed during class time. However, when homework is assigned, it must be completed on time. The majority of homework assigned will be to complete any assignments not finished in class. If an assignment is not handed in students will have the opportunity to earn partial credit by handing in the assignment the next day along with amissing assignment slip signed by a parent/guardian. If the assignment is not handed in the next day with a signed slip, the student will earn a "0" for that assignment.

Assignments will NOT be accepted late, unless the student is absent the day or days before. It is thestudent’s responsibilityto stop in before or after school for any missing assignments or notes and to reschedule making up an exam or quiz. In class a “while you were out folder” with absent work will be utilized for each class. It is the students’ responsibility to use this feature of class. Parents/Guardians and students can also access my faculty page for all class related assignments.

You can find the homework and class notes listed on the website by doing the following:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Memorial
  3. Click on Faculty Pages
  4. Click on Scillieri, Christina
  5. Click on Assignmentsfor any upcoming classwork, homework, quizzes, and tests
  6. Click on Notesfor printable versions of class notes if a student is absent

Science Work:

  1. All assignments will be posted on the faculty page
  2. Homework is given to review and enrich the material covered in class. It is meant to practice the content needed to prepare for hands-on learning through collaborative learning.
  3. Homework in science is not given weekly or daily but instead is assigned at the teacher’s discretion.
  4. Majority of homework will be to complete classwork not finished in class such as defining new vocabulary terms, interactive notebook templates, or follow-up lab questions.
  5. If an assignment is not completed in class a student must take a “homework slip” and return the slip signed by the parent/guardian along with the completed assignment for partial credit the next day. If the homework slip is not returned with the completed assignment a “0”. The student will also be assigned to lunch lab to complete the assignment during the recess period.

Supplies Needed:

Daily Planner

Pens and Pencils

Spiral notebook


6thGrade Science Workbook

Each Marking Period students will be receiving a new workbook. It is the student’s responsibility to bring the workbook to class everyday unless otherwise notified. The science workbook is a supplemental material in science class. It will be utilized to introduce new lessons, reinforce concepts and practice skills. However, it will not make up the majority of the learning experiences in this class.

6th Grade Science Notebook

For the most part, students will be relying on their notes when studying for quizzes and tests. All quizzes in science are open notebook. In class we will be utilizing the format for an Interactive Notebook (INB) where students complete graphic organizers, templates, create sketches and use other visuals to enrich the science learning experience. The first few weeks of school will be used to teach students how to set up their notebooks.Therefore, it is very important for students to maintain a well-organized notebook and folder. I will be keeping a notebook with the class to help them stay on task.

Labs and Projects

During any lab or project SAFETY is of the upmost importance. We will go over lab safety in the beginning of the year and prior to any lab activity. Any disruption or unsafe behavior during labs will result in the loss of lab privileges. Students will complete an alternate assignment OR earn will lose credit on the assignment depending on the infraction.

Tests and Quizzes

Students will have a quiz after each lesson in science class. All quizzes are open notebook. Tests will be announced 3-7 days prior to the exam. A study guide will be handed out and a review will take place in class. It is the students’ responsibility to complete the study guide.

Extra Credit

Opportunities for bonus points on quizzes will be given throughout the school year for the completion of enrichment activities. However, it is 6th grade policy that extra credit assignments will not be given out to “bump up” an average. It is through consistent effort and accountability that a student will earn their grade in class. Furthermore it is learning through quality of work not quantity of work that drives the overall learning experience.

Remind Me App

This year in class parents/guardians/students have the option to set up for text message alerts using the Remind app. The app is free to download and simple to use. By joining your child’s class on the Remind app it is another way to foster the parent/guardian/teacher communication and relationship. Remind is optional and is just another way to know what is going on in class. I will send messages of any upcoming tests, homework assignments, and due dates for long term projects. Besides sending text messages remainders through the application the school website and e-mail will be monitored often.

6th Grade Class Code: @science645

Text @6science645 to “81010”

I am looking forward to an exciting and rewarding school year for students and teacher alike. This year I will be teaching science but the ultimate goal as a class is to do our best and to grow as learners. If you have any concerns or questions please e-mail me at any time, I can be reached at

Your partner in learning,

Ms. Scillieri