MS. LICIA LENTZ, Assistant Principal
MR. KEVIN MURRAY, Assistant to the Principal
MS. MARLO ROBINSON, Assistant Principal
2550 Greensburg Pike, Pittsburgh, PA 15221 412-244-1100412-242-2344 (Fax)
August 12, 2010
Dear Parent/Guardian and Student:
On behalf of the Woodland Hills High School staff, we would like to welcome you to the 2010-2011 school year. We sincerely hope you had an enjoyable summer break and are looking forward to a very exciting and challenging school year. Students at Woodland Hills High School have the opportunity to participate in an outstanding academic experience through the numerous academic offerings and our exceptional faculty and staff.
All students will begin the 2010-2011 school year on Tuesday, August 24, 2010. The normal school day begins at 7:10 AM for students, and ends at 2:15 PM. On August 24, 2010only, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students will report on a 2-1/2 hour delay basis at 9:30 AM; 9th grade students and anyone new to the building should report by 7:10 AM for a brief orientation and building tour. Listed below is important information regarding the upcoming school year. We encourage you to attend “Welcome Back Night” on Thursday, August 19that 7:00 PM in the high school auditorium. A complete list of first period classes will be posted at Woodland Hills High School on Friday, August 20, 2010.
For the 2010-2011 school year the high school will begin each day at 7:10 a.m. and end at 2:15 PM. Our school day now includes eight classroom periods with three periods for lunch. Report cards will be issued district-wide four times on November 11, January 27, April 5 and the final report card will be mailed home during the week of June 9, 2011.
Forbes Road Career and Technology Center Students
- AM Forbes Road students will report to the cafeteria at 7:10 AM on August 24th.
- PM Forbes Road students will report at 9:10 to their first period class.
Guidance Counselors Alignment
- Mr. Arnold10th Grade
- Mr. Brand111h Grade
- Mr. O’GradyCareer Counselor
- Ms. Rebich 9th Grade
- Ms. Smith12th Grade
Medication Policy
Please see the medication letter and permission form at the end of this letter for specific information.
Student Schedules
Students will receive their schedule on the first day of school. If there is an error in your course selections, please contact your counselor during the first week of school. As a reminder, schedule changes will only occur under the following circumstances:
A.An error was made in the course on the schedule and is different from the course selected.
B. You have selected the Work Study Program.
C. The level of the course is inappropriate for the student's ability. (This change will only be made if the parent, teacher and principal feel it is warranted.)
D. No course changes or deletions will be permitted after the first two weeks of school. There is very limited space in moving students from one course to another due to the student enrollment and limited space available. No course changes will be made without the consent of the principal.
- A student would like to schedule a more challenging class.
Open House
The Open House program for Woodland Hills High School is scheduled for Thursday, September 23, 2010 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Parents will report first to the auditorium for an overview of the evening’s activities. Following the meeting in the auditorium, parents will report to their student's first period class and then follow the student's regular schedule for that day.
Student Accident Insurance
Information and application forms for accident insurance will be distributed to all students during the first week of school. Parents: please be certain to ask your son/daughter for the insurance information. Purchase of accident insurance is voluntary.
Attendance Policy
Students will receive grades for all classes, but a student may not be awarded credit for grade advancement and graduation if the student exceeded ten (10) days of absence for a semester course or twenty (20) days of absence for a yearlong course. State law requires parents to submit a written excuse for each absence, indicating the date, reason of absence, and parent/guardian signature within three (3) days of the date of absence. Parents/guardians must complete a student absence form for every full or partial day of absence. If a medical excuse is submitted verifying absences, Woodland Hills School District Policy requires the excuse to be submitted within three (3) days from the last day of absence.
Student Handbook
Students will receive a copy of the Student Handbook the first week of school. The Handbook contains information regarding student behavior, daily procedures, time schedules, eligibility information, and specific guidelines for attendance procedures, etc. This information will be reviewed with each grade level in a general meeting with the building administrators. Social Studies teachers will review the handbook in more detail during their classes the first week of school. It is the responsibility of every student to know and observe the rules, policies and regulations of the high school and school district. Parents/guardians are asked to review the Student Handbook with your students during the first week of school. Please be sure to go over the dress code policy with your student to ensure that they are dressed appropriately for school.
Student Parking
Students are not permitted to park on school grounds without a parking permit. A limited number of parking permits are available for seniors only. Permit applications are available in the main office. There is a slight charge for obtaining a student parking tag.
Parent Meetings
We schedule three parent meetings throughout the school year to present information regarding school programs and to have an open discussion regarding the work of the high school. All meetings are scheduled to start at 7:00 PM in the High School Library. We strongly encourage parents to attend these meetings. These meetings are currently scheduled for October 7, January 6, and March 10.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
This year there will be Parent-Teacher Conferences scheduled on Thursday, November 11, 2010 and Thursday, March 3, 2011.
School and Home Communications
Throughout the school year you will be receiving information and announcements regarding events and activities at the high school. We sincerely hope you encourage your student to get involved in school activities and make time in your busy schedule to attend the same events. Faculty members will be encouraged to contact the parents/guardians regarding any significant change (positive or negative) in a student's achievement or behavior. All parents of students with a “D” or lower and in danger of failing or dropping two or more letter grades will be called by the teacher of the class before the end of the grading period. Parents/guardians will also be contacted regarding any serious discipline "problems" or any violations that may result in a suspension. Please contact the appropriate school personnel any time you have a concern, problem or question. Communication between the school and home is essential to the success of all of our students.
Tobacco Policy
For purposes of this policy "smoking" shall mean all uses of tobacco, including but not limited to cigars, cigarettes, pipes, and smokeless tobacco. In order to protect students and staff from an environment that may be harmful to them, and because the Board cannot condone the use of tobacco due to its possible harm to personal well-being, the Board prohibits smoking and all use of tobacco in all school buildings at all times on school grounds. The Board also prohibits smoking on school grounds during athletic events and school activities. This policy is in effect 24 hours per day/7 days per week.
Military Opt-Out Procedures
According to the No Child Left Behind Act, the school is required to provide contact information (name, address, phone number) to military representatives annually for the purpose of recruiting students. Parents/Guardians who do not wish to release this information should contact the guidance office.
Calendar of Events
Please review our Calendar of Events. This is just a partial list of the numerous activities that occur at Woodland Hills High School. We hope you and your student will be able to become involved in as many activities as possible. Students involved in school activities not only are more successful academically, they also have an outstanding school experience.
Thank you again for your support as we work to focus on providing each student with challenging and supportive educational opportunities. Woodland Hills High School is committed to fostering personal excellence and responsible engagement in curricular and extracurricular activities.
High School Administrative Team
Kennywood Park ParadeThursday, August 19, 20107:00 p.m.
WHHS Marching Band
First Home Football GameSaturday, September 4, 20108:00 p.m.
WHHS v. Manatee Florida
Open HouseThursday, September 23, 20107:00 p.m.
High School Auditorium
Homecoming – Parade/Friday, October 1, 20106:00 p.m.
Football game v. AltoonaTurtle Creek Borough & Stadium
Homecoming DanceSaturday, October 2, 20107:00 p.m.
Woodland Hills High School
WHHS Parents’ MeetingThursday, October 7, 20107:00 p.m.
High School Library
Marching Band CompetitionSaturday, October 9, 20105:30 p.m.
Parent/Teacher ConferencesThursday, November 11, 2010 8:30-2:30 p.m.
WHHS Parents’ MeetingThursday, January 6, 20117:00 p.m.
High School Library
WHHS Parents’ MeetingThursday, March 10, 20117:00 p.m.
High School Library
Parent/Teacher ConferencesThursday, March 3, 2011 12:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Academic Awards BanquetWednesday, April 27, 20116:00 p.m.
National Honor SocietyThursday, May 5, 20117:00 p.m.
Induction CeremonyHigh School Auditorium
Senior Dinner DanceFriday, May 13, 20116:30 p.m.
Junior/Senior PromFriday, May 20, 20116:00 p.m.
Athletic Awards NightWednesday, May 25, 20117:00 p.m.
Tentative Graduation DateFriday, June 3, 20117:00 p.m.
Annual Kennywood PicnicTuesday, June 28, 2011
MS. LICIA LENTZ, Assistant Principal
MR. KEVIN MURRAY, Assistant to the Principal
MS. MARLO ROBINSON, Assistant Principal
2550 Greensburg Pike, Pittsburgh, PA 15221 412-244-1100412-242-2344 (Fax)
Dear Parent/Guardian:
All medications, including over-the-counter drugs, must have a written order by a licensed medical practitioner and be accompanied by a completed permission form signed by the custodial parent/guardian. A Medication Permission Form is attached for your convenience.
Students are not permitted to carry medication except for inhalers, which may be carried with written permission of a licensed medical practitioner and the parent/guardian.
All medication must be in its original, properly labeled container. All students must register medications with security upon arrival at school. This medication will then be forwarded to the Health Office. The student should then report to the Health Office to update the school nurse and provide the required written permissions.
Daniel L. Stephens
Daniel L. Stephens
2010-2011 School Year
To Be Completed by Physician:
Student’s NameGradeAgeRoom
Name of MedicationDosage
Termination Date
Possible Side Effects/Contraindications
Student Restrictions
Physician’s Signature
Physician’s Phone NumberDate
Prescribed medication must be in original labeled bottle. Send only the amount needed.
To Be Completed by Parent/Guardian:
I will take full responsibility for the prescribed medication, which is to be taken by my son/daughter during school hours. I relieve the school district and its employees of any responsibility for the benefits or the consequences of the medication.
Parent/Guardian Signature____Date____
Home Phone NumberWork Number