MS Environmental Health Sciences Major (42 credits)

Academic Advising and Tracking Form

(Requirements Apply to Students Admitted Fall 2015)

Name: ID# Entered:


A. Required Public Health Core (9 credits)

BIOST & EP 540 Introductory Biostatistics

BIOST & EP 630 Principles of Epidemiology

EHS 565 Environmental Health Practices

B. Required Environmental Health Science Core (12 credits)

EHS 666 Environmental and Occupational Toxicology I

BIOST & EP 640Intermediate Biostatistics

EHS 671 Risk Assessment and Management

EHS691B Graduate Seminar – Research Methods

C. Elective Environmental Health Courses (minimum 9 credits, maximum 15 credits)

EHS 600Molecular Epidemiology

EHS 590TLDevelopmental Origins of Disease

EHS 690RPTeaching the Teacher I

EHS 790VSGraduate Seminars in Environmental Health

EHS 667Environmental and Occupational Toxicology II

EHS 690XExposure Assessment in Environmental and Public Health

EHS 696Independent Study

D. Other Elective(s) (maximum 3 credits) potential courses listed below

ANIMLSCI 697I ST-Special Topcs in Toxicology

BIOLOGY 564Human Physiology

BIOLOGY 568Endocrinology

HPP 590RPrinciples of Injury Prevention and Control

BIOST & EP 631Epidemiological Investigation – Research Methods

BIOST & EP 632Applied Epidemiology

BIOST & EP 639 Cancer Epidemiology

BIOST & EP 691Data Management

BIOST & EP 737Advanced Methods in Epidemiology

BIOST & EP 740Analysis of Mixed Models &Longitudinal Data

BIOST & EP 741Design &Analysis Of Experiments

BIOST & EP 743Analysis of Categorical Data

CE-ENGIN 572Environmental Engineering Analysis

CE-ENGIN 573Environmental Engineering Microbiology

CE-ENGIN 575Advanced Solid and Hazardous Waste Management

CE-ENGIN 577Surface Water Quality Modeling

CE-ENGIN 579Air Quality

CE-ENGIN 590NNum Methods for Environ and Water Resources Engineering

CE-ENGIN 661Subsurface Pollution

CE-ENGIN 671Biological Phenomena in Environmental Engineering

CE-ENGIN 672Physical and Chemical Treatment Processes

CE-ENGIN 680Water Chemistry

CE-ENGIN 772Instrumental Methods in Environmental Analysis

CE-ENGIN 774Processes at the Particle Water Interface

CE-ENGIN 776Bioremediation of Contaminated Soils and Ground Water

CE-ENGIN 790MPathogen and Indicator Organism Microbiology

ENVIRSCI 504Air Pollution & Climate Change Biology

ENVIRSCI 515 Microbiology Of The Soil

ENVIRSCI 535Methods in Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

ENVIRSCI 575PLNTSOIL 575 Environmental Soil Chemistry

ENVIRSCI590C Biosafety Principles and Practices

MICROBIO 550Infection & Immunity

MICROBIO 552 Pathogenic Bacteriology

MICROBIO590S Parasitology

MICROBIO590W Writing and Reviewing in the Sciences

MICROBIO597E ST-Env Microbiology

MICROBIO697D ST-Acid Mine Drainage

MICROBIO 797B ST-Microbioal Aspects of Biogeochemisty J Club (1)

NRC 592GS-Introduction to GIS

NRC 697K ST-Advanced GIS

NRC 697G Special Topic: Design and Analysis of Ecological Data

NRC 697S ST-Design & Analysis of Ecological Data LAB

NRC 697K ST-Advanced GIS

PLNTSOIL597X ST-Inorg. Contaminents in Soil

RES-ECON 720 Environmental Resource Economics

E. Master's Thesis (9 credits)

EHS 699 Masters Thesis

1. Thesis Chair (Env Health):

2. Member (Env Health):

3. Member:

Consultant Member: Organiz:

Thesis Title:

Date Proposal Filed: Date Defense Held: P/F:

F. Course Credits Approved for Transfer by Graduate Program Director (12 credit maximum)

No more than 6 max from UMass/Worc, 6 max non-degree, 6 max non-UMass school; Graduate credits may not have been used toward a previous degree; must carry a "B" or better grade and be relevant to the Environmental Health major

Sem/Yr Taken Credits Course Name Institution

G. Statute of Limitations Extension: (Maximum extension 4 months under extraordinary circumstances)

New SOL DateReason for ExtensionFaculty Requesting

H. Financial Support Record: (R.A., T.A., traineeship, if available, awarded only in first 4 semesters)

Sem/Yr.AmountName of Grant or Other SourceP.I. or Dept. Funds

I. Advisor Contact Record:

At least one contact per semester is recommended

Advisor Date Nature of Contact





J. Permanent Contact Address:

Address: Email:

Certification of Total of Credits Towards Degree/All Degree Requirements Satisfied


Faculty Advisor’s Signature Date

Copies of all administrative memos related to degree requirements must be stapled to this sheet. This form, attachments, and a copy of the final transcript are filed in the departmental archives.