Ms. Claiborne’s Math Class Expectations
- PUNCTUAL…Be here
- Come to school daily and to class on time
- Take the initiative to start the warm-up on the board
- Complete warm-up BEFORE time expires – Check your work and wait patiently
- PREPARED…Bring supplies
- Pencils are sharpened BEFORE the bell rings (use your hand-held sharpener at your seat)
- Have your own notebook paper, pencils, and homework assignment with you DAILY
- Your notebook is neat: Papers are hole-punched, headed appropriately, and behind tabs
- You must bring your agenda to class daily
- ON TASK…Stay focused
- Discuss ONLY “Math Talk” during class time – No “social” talking during class
- Stay in your seat unless you have permission **hold all trash until the end of class**
- Stay focused on the math problems and help each other in your group work the problems together (compare your answers, discuss your strategies, get understanding)
- Listen attentively and actively during instruction – take good notes
- Participate in class – ask questions for better understanding
- Listen to others explain their solutions to math problems and compare your methods
- No playing or distracting others with noises
- CONDUCT…Set a good example
- Only ONE person may speak at a time – please wait patiently until it is your turn to speak
- Raise your hand to ask questions or give a response
- Always use good manners (please, thank you, you’re welcome, excuse me, may I, etc)
- Have a positive academic attitude
- Make “transitions” between activities as quickly and quietly as possible
- Be respectful of yourself, others, and property at all times
- Address any class concerns (grades, classwork, etc) to the teacher in a respectful manner and at an appropriate time (ex: before or after school, end of class – not during class)
- Conflicts are to be handled in a timely manner – be proactive and keep all necessary adults informed such as counselors, mentors, assistant principal, parents, and teachers
- Follow the instructions of your teacher and adhere to the Student Code of Conduct Book
- Record all homework assignments in your agenda before leaving class
- Complete all assignments on time (if absent, see Ms. Claiborne during homeroom)
- Show neatness and effort – PENCILS only
- Put your name, date, class, and assignment title on all papers (example on wall)
- Turn in all work by the due date
- Sign-up for tutorial as needed
- Homework reminders and links to interactive online help can be accessed at:
“When your choices fail you, change your choices” ~~NLA
***These expectations and procedures may be updated or modified at any time to meet the students’ educational needs***