DATE: March 27, 2012
TIME: 10:00 a.m.
PLACE: 500 N. Calvert Street
3rd Floor Conference Room
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
PRESENT: Frank Mancini, Chairman, Industry Member
Michael Berg, Vice Chairman, Industry Member
Robert Welborne, Industry Member
PRESENT: Gae Herzberger, Administrative Aide
Sloane Fried Kinstler, Assistant Attorney General
Steven Smitson, Assistant Commissioner, Occupational
And Professional Licensing
ABSENT: Michael Oles, Secretary, Industry Member
Todd Borz, Industry Member
Frank Mancini, Chair, called the business meeting of the State Board of Master Electricians to order at 10:00 a.m.
The minutes of the Business Meeting and minutes of the Executive Session held February 28, 2012, were reviewed. Motion (I) was made by Mr. Berg, seconded by Mr. Welborne and unanimously carried to approve the minutes as presented. Motion (II) was made by Mr. Berg, seconded by Mr. Welborne and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the Executive Session as presented.
There were no complaints to report.
PSI submitted a candidate’s license examination for review because the candidate challenged several questions. After review of the examination, Mr. Berg added 2 points to the candidate’s score, which gave him a passing mark.
OLD BUSINESS: Continuing Education
The proposed regulation for requiring continuing education for the renewal of State master electrician’s licenses has been filed in the electronic filing system.
The members continued its discussion from last month’s meeting regarding requiring licensees to attend a Code update course every 4 years. If such a course is not required, the board could prepare a policy statement recommending the licensees study certain subjects to meet the continuing education requirements.
Other boards monitor compliance through random audits, whereby the department’s computer system randomly selects licensees who are then required to submit their proof of continuing education certification to the board.
Motion (III) was made by Mr. Berg, seconded by Welborne and unanimously carried, to accept modifications to the Code updates based on any article or code update of the National Electrical Code. § (a).
The Board reviewed House Bill 10, Electrical Inspectors-Master Electricians License Required, and discussed residential, commercial and home inspection agencies.
This amendment to the Bill was introduced January 11, 2012.
Motion (IV) was made by Mr. Berg, seconded by Mr. Welborne and unanimously carried, to opposed the amended language and to strike Section § 6-313 (a)(2) (i)(ii) of the proposal in order to protect the public, to have accountability of the electrical inspectors, to ensure that inspectors are professional and competent by having demonstrated minimal competency in the provision of electrical services by holding a master electrician’s license.
Mr. Smitson agreed to present the Board’s position to Harry Loleas, Interim Commissioner for the Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing.
The Board reviewed the examination statistics submitted by PSI Examination Services for the month of February 2012. Below are the exam results.
Candidates Tested / Passed / Failed / Pass %Master Electrician / 33 / 5 / 28 / 15%
The Board received an e-mail from a licensee regarding continuing education requirements. The board agreed to table the discussion until next month’s meeting.
Motion (V) was made by Mr. Berg, seconded by Mr. Welborne and unanimously carried to enter into Executive Session at 11:20 a.m., in the 3rd Floor Conference Room, Baltimore, Maryland 21202-3651. This meeting was permitted to be closed pursuant to Section 10-508 (a) (8) of the State Government Article, Annotated Code of Maryland. The purpose of the session was to consult with Counsel concerning material pertaining to an applicant for licensing.
Motion (VI) was made by Mr. Welborne, seconded by Mr. Berg and unanimously carried to return to the public meeting
Motion (VII) was made by Mr. Welborne, seconded by Mr. Berg and unanimously carried to accept the findings in the Executive Session.
The Board approved 4 applications to take the master electrician’s examination.
The Board placed in pending 3 applications to take the master electrician’s examination in order to request that the applicants submit additional information to support their applications.
The Board denied 1 application to take the master electrician’s examination.
Motion (VIII) was made by Mr. Berg, seconded by Mr. Welborne and unanimously carried to adjourn the meeting at 12:30 p.m.
Frank Mancini, Chairman Date
_____Without Corrections
_____With Corrections