Mrs. Tullos’s Class Rules
As we all know, children are human and therefore not perfect! However, I do have high expectations for behavior at school. Excellent behavior will be praised and rewarded with various prizes and privileges. Mistakes and bad choices will be addressed with love and common sense. Afterwards, we will move forward and strive to do better next time! My goal is the same as yours: guiding your child to make good choices and take responsibility for his / her actions. Thank you in advance for your support!
1. I will listen when teachers are talking.
2. I will follow directions.
3. I will keep my hands, feet, and objects to myself.
4. I will work quietly and not disturb others.
5. I will show respect for school and personal property.
6. I will work and play in a safe manner, and will follow the rules in each area of the school.
7. I will be truthful.
Work Habits
8. I will participate in class.
9. I will work neatly.
10. I will follow all written and oral directions.
11. I will stay on task.
12. I will complete and return all homework.
13. I will work quietly.
14. I will take care of my books and supplies.
Continued on back!
1. Warning.
2. Lose 10 minutes of recess. (-2 points)
3. Lose entire recess (-2 additional points)
4. Office visit and/or contact parents. Discipline to be determined by teacher or principal. (-2 additional points)
· If behavior persists, following steps include in-school suspension and out-of-school suspension, if necessary.
· Severe behavior will automatically result in consequence # 3 or 4.
1. Recess
2. “Classroom cash” for purchasing prizes.
3. Class-wide rewards.
4. Other praise and recognition as needed. J
My child and I have read and discussed the Class Rules.
Child’s Signature:______
Parent’s Signature:______
Best telephone number you can be reached during the school day: