IBTC is constituted as an AEBIOM working group, but has its own decision making structure. Full as well as Supporting members require an AEBIOM membership in order to join IBTC. The AEBIOM membership fee is based on the turnover of the respective company.
New companies are invited to join one IBTC meeting free of financial obligation as observers
Company Name and Abbreviation …………………………………………………………………………………………...
Company Name in English ……………………………………………………………………………………………………
Main Contact Person Mr. Mrs. Ms.…………………………………………………………………………………..
Address …………………………………………………………………………...... City …………………………………..
Postcode …………………………… Country …………………………………….. VAT …………………………………..
Phone ……………………………..... Fax …………………………………………… Web …………………………………..
E-mail ………………………………. *Please mention the correct e-mail address of the contact person dealing with AEBIOM issues
MEMBERSHIP PROFILE (Please tick where relevant)
Heating sector
Electricity production
Solid biomass fuels
Transport biofuels
Small companies (turnover < 10M€) / € 1,000
Medium size companies
(turnover < 40M€) / € 2,000
Large companies, only partly
doing business related to biomass / € 4,000
Large companies, mainly
engaged in business related to
biomass / € 8,000
Terms and Conditions of AEBIOM& IBTC Membership
After completion of this form, please scan and return to AEBIOM Secretariat by e-mail:.
1. Applications for membership must be submitted, in written form, to the President or the Secretary General of AEBIOM.
2. The application form must be fully completed with the requested information
3. All application forms received by the President or the Secretary General of AEBIOM are submitted for approval to the AEBIOM Board.
4. The admission of new members is subject to an unanimous decision of the AEBIOM Board.
6. The AEBIOM Board reserves the right to refuse an application for membership without the need to justify its decision.
7. Accepted members shall be notified within 30 days by the AEBIOM Secretariat and informed of the effective date of affiliation.In the event that admission is refused by the AEBIOM Board, the candidate may not appeal against such decision.
8. A member shall only enjoy its full membership rights if its membership fee has been paid in full.
1. The annual membership fee of each individual member will be determined on the basis of their most recently available worldwide turnover.
2. The membership year runs from January 1 (or in case of new members for the first time as from the date of admission) to December 31 of each year. During the first year a proportional fee is calculated on a quarter basis.
3. Membership fees are due annually upon the commencement of each membership year and are payable upon presentation of the membership fee invoice. Membership fees are due in full for each started membership year and cannot be claimed back in case of termination of membership during the year. The entire amount of the membership fee will be due and payable as from the first day of the membership year.
MEMBERSHIP - rights and obligations:
1. Members who have paid their membership fee of the relevant membership year will be entitled to participate in and exercise their membership rights.
2. Each AEBIOM member shall:
a) act in a manner compatible with the purpose and aims of AEBIOM;
b) pay in a timely manner all membership fees relating to its membership;
d) keep its constituent bodies fully informed of the work and progress of AEBIOM;
e) keep AEBIOM informed about any major changes in your organisation and especially any changes in the company’s contact person for AEBIOM. It is mandatory that AEBIOM has the correct e-mail address of the person in charge of AEBIOM issues.
f) inform AEBIOM each year in a faithful manner about its annual global turnover in view of determining the membership category and the amount of the membership fee. Upon request of AEBIOM each member shall provide information regarding its annual global turnover within ultimately thirty days following such request.
g) complete Annex 1 or Annex 2 according to the type of membership. This information will be used for the AEBIOM member’s catalogue.
3. Members that have not paid their annual membership fee will not be able to exercise their membership rights, notwithstanding their automatic exclusion in case of failure to pay after expiry of a fifteen days’ notice period.
1. Any full or associated member may resign from AEBIOM at any time before 1 October by sending a registered letter
or e-mail (with return receipt requested) addressed to the AEBIOM Secretary General.
2. Upon termination of membership, all membership rights will immediately and automatically cease, without prejudice to the obligation of the terminated member to pay any unpaid membership fees.
3. Membership fees that have not been paid remain due in full for the membership year in which the termination of membership (e.g. as a result of resignation or exclusion) occurred.
4. Membership fees already paid cannot be claimed back and will not be reimbursed, irrespective of the date of termination.
I accept AEBIOM and IBTC Membership Terms and Conditions
Yes, on behalf of my organisation I would like to become a member of AEBIOM and IBTC.
Signature: ……………………………………
Company Stamp…………………………….
Please complete the appropriate Annex for your association.
Please complete the appropriate Annex for your company.