Mrs. Tullis-Johnson’sHomework Calendar

April 2015

September 2014

The activities on this calendar are designed to reinforce the skills we are learning in class. Please help your child complete the task each day, and then initial in the corresponding box on this calendar to indicate that it was completed. We ask you to initial because not all of the activities are a written task that could be ‘turned in’. We encourage your child to work out the activities that require writing on a separate sheet of paper and submit the assignments for that week altogether on Friday mornings in his/her daily folder. (All weekly assignments can be turned in on 1 sheet of regular notebook paper or handwriting paper if space permits.) **Challengeactivities are optional. However, we would love to see your child try them!










Make a Chart for Nouns (Naming Words) and list 5 for each category.
Person / Place / Thing
/ 2
Write a complete sentence from 1 of the categories using the Nouns from the chart on Wednesday.
Challenge: Write a complete sentence using 2 of the categories from the Noun Chart from Wednesday. / 3
Tell an adult the parts of a plant & illustrate.
Ex: Stem, Roots, Leaves, & Flower


Practice Sight Words/Visit your local Library! / 7

Practice Sight Words/Visit your local Library! / 8

Practice Sight Words/Visit your local Library! / 9

Practice Sight Words/Visit your local Library! / 10

Practice Sight Words/Visit your local Library!
Write 5 complete sentences about your Spring Break!
Challenge: Read your sentences to an adult. / 14
Read a story and pick out the nouns and the verbs. Create a chart and sort them accordingly.
Nouns / Verbs
/ 15
Locate items around your house that is made from: wood, plastic, metal, paper, cloth
Challenge-Use tally marks for each category when you locate them.
wood / plastic / metal / paper / cloth
/ 16
Solve this word problem. There are 8 crayons in my crayon box. Now there are 17 crayons. How many more crayons are in the box?
Challenge- There are 10 crayons in my crayon box. Now there are 20 crayons. How many more crayons are in the box? / 17
Write a Subtraction sentence about how many strawberries that you saw on the farm. From the field trip to Southern Belle farm.
Field trip: Southern Belle farm
Write 5 sentences about your favorite part of the field trip to Southern Belle farm.
Challenge: Illustrate your sentences. / 21
Count to 100 by 1’s, 5’s, & 10’s.
Challenge: Choose 1’s ,5’s & 10’s write the numbers on a sheet of paper in order. / 22
Use these words: hit, pit, sit and change the first letter to create a new word.
Challenge: Use the new words in a sentence.
Earth Day! / 23
Use the “Qu” blend and write words that begin with “Qu.” Make a list of words beginning with “Qu.” / 24
Tell an adult what it means to be a good citizen. Ex: Follow rules, Walk quietly in the hallway, etc…
Write an Addition word problem using the number of students in our class. Girls-8 Boys-9.
How many ways can you decompose number 13? You may use your strategy of choice. Part, Part, whole, Ten Frames, Dots. / 28
Write a sentence about each part of a plant. (roots, stem, flower, leaf)
Challenge: Use a verb in the sentence.  Ex: The roots are growing. / 29
Count backwards from 23 to 11 while hopping on 1 foot.
Challenge: Write the numbers when you finish saying them backwards.
Practice writing and saying 10 “L” blend words. (You may not use the examples provided below.)
Ex: Blue, Glue, Clouds, Plants
Challenge: Practice 15 “L” blend words. / 30
Write 4 sentences about how you can make the earth cleaner and safer.
Reminders: Ice Cream is purchased on Thursday’s only. Please use plastic bag with your child’s name on it to send the money in. Please send a healthy snack daily!
Remember to read for at least 20 minutes daily,and record on yourreading log.
Have fun READING!!! 
Review sight words each night. Practice First In Math.