Mrs. Susan Bowers: 6th Grade English/Language Arts (ELA)

Telephone 423-344-1439 Ext. 241


Please read carefully, sign purple policy page and return by Friday.

Dear Student and Parent:

I am honored to be entrusted with your education for this year and this is a responsibility I do not take lightly. In this letter you will find expectations all students are asked to follow.

  • Each class will begin with a “DO NOW.” These are questions asked at the beginning of each class period. Students are expected to complete these questions in their readers/writers notebooks. “DO-NOWS” will count as a weekly classwork grade.
  • Each student will receive an “Agenda Mate”. It is full of important information including rules, dress code, homework, etc. It is also good for parent/teacher communication. Please get in the habit of checking your child’s “Agenda Mate” nightly.
  • Daily, students are required to write in their Agenda Mates the learning goal (LG) and homework assignments (HW). The agendas will be stamped indicating the LG and HW assignment has been written correctly. If your child’s agenda does not have a stamp, please question them! I rarely write “no HW” Additionally, I post HW assignments on the school website,
  • Homework is due the next day and classwork is due the day it is assigned. 10% will be deducted for any late work and no assignment more than three days late will be accepted, unless there is an excused absence.
  • Students with an excused absence must request make-up work from each teacher. It is the student’s responsibility (NOT THE TEACHER’S) to ask for the assignment. If a student missed a day of class, they have one day to submit missed assignments. If a student missed two days of class they have two days to submit missed assignments.
  • Extra Credit: Complete all assignments according to Mrs. Bowers’ directions to avoid any thoughts of “extra credit”. If I allow extra credit it will be a privilege extended to all students, not just those students who are trying to bring up a grade the week progress reports or report cards are being sent home.
  • Official progress reports will go home once per quarter and report cards will go home at the conclusion of each quarter. Please visit to view your child’s grades regularly. (This is my online grade book.)
  • English Language Arts students NEED:
  1. Pencils (preferably mechanical pencils)
  2. Notebook paper in a binder
  3. Post-it notes 3 in. x 3 in.
  4. 1 large poster board (white) Please keep this item at home.
  5. The following novels are encouraged to be purchased, as we only have class sets. Students will benefit in the event they are absent, need to re-read, or use the book at home to complete assignments. The following novels will be read during the 2015-2016 school year:
  6. Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O’Dell
  7. Flush by Carl Hiaasen
  8. Inside Out and Back Again by Thanhha Lai
  • GradeComponents:

40% Daily work, homework (not to exceed 10% of this category), quizzes and teaching tasks

40% Tests, essays, and performance assessments

20% Midterm exams, midterm performance assessments, final quarter exams, and final quarter performance assessments

  • Students are expected to meet all the standards for behavior and dress code as outlined in the Student Handbook.

If you have any questions or concerns email or phone me and I will respond.

Kind regards,

Mrs. Bowers

Mrs. Bowers

423-344-1439 ext. 241