Advanced Chemistry Syllabus
Mrs. Schultz 256-428-8050 ext. 169 Room 169
Text: Fundamentals of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, McMurry
Tutoring sessions: Power Hour office hours: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (2nd half); see me if assistance is needed before or after school
Course Description:Advanced Chemistry is a laboratory based course designed for students planning to pursue a career in science or with a strong interest in Chemistry. The course will cover new topics not included in Honors Chemistry. Organic Chemistry will be emphasized.
Course Objectives:
Advanced Chemistry is a challenging course which surveys key areas/families of organic and biological compounds, emphasizing structural formulas and chemical reactions.
Classroom Expectations:
- Be in your seat and ready to start class when the tardy bell rings. Place your cell phone in the container on the front table.
- Be prepared for class each day. Bring pencil, paper, and computer to class; pen and lab manual to lab. You will need the following supplies for this course:
Scientific calculator -- it does not have to be expensive.
Loose leaf notebook (binder) with loose leaf paper
1-subject spiral notebook
- Contact lenses will NOT be worn while in the lab.
- Follow all safety rules in the lab.
- This period is for chemistry only. Any other work may be taken up and not returned.
- Surfing websites unrelated to the lesson during class is unacceptable. Students who violate this rule will be subject to disciplinary action.
- Respect the rights of others. For example, no talking while the teacher or a student is addressing the class.
- Follow all school rules: food, drinks, tobacco, CELL PHONES/electronics (no ear buds), DRESS CODE, etc. If you did not receive a student handbook, please ask your homeroom teacher to provide you with one.
- When problem solving is involved, work must be shown in order to receive credit. This statement applies to homework, lab reports, and tests.
- It is important to keep up daily, as learning new concepts frequently involves building on old ones. If you feel you are not understanding the material, it is important that you talk to your teacher about getting help BEFORE your grades begin to decline.
- Receiving help on homework and lab assignments is OK so long as it involves explanations by the person assisting and not just copying. Cheating on any homework assignment, quiz, or test will not be tolerated. Copying or sharing homework, classwork, labs, or other assignments will be considered cheating, and both parties will receive a zero. Students using a cell phone during tests or quizzes will be reported to the administration via a disciplinary referral for cheating. All infractions involving cheating will be reported to both the Honor Society Committee and your parents or legal guardians.
If the class rules are not followed, detention will be assigned.
Grading Procedures
Grades are based on the approved Huntsville City Schools grading scale:
A = 90-100%
B = 80 to 89%
C = 70 to 79%
D = 60 to 69%
F = Below 60%
Huntsville City School Grading Distribution:
Grades are determined based on the following procedures:
60% -- Summative Assessments (test, lab performance)
40% -- Formative Assessments (in-class assignments, homework)
All assignments are due the following class day unless otherwise noted on the calendar. Late assignments will receive full credit only if received the day you return from an EXCUSED absence.
All assignments are due the following class day unless otherwise noted on the calendar.
To receive full credit for missed assignments, a copy of the notes from the missed lesson must be shown to your teacher.
If a student does not complete an assignment a “1” will be used as a placeholder in INOW. The highest possible grade that can be earned is a 70%. Students who have not completed homework or who have unexcused absences are required to attend Academic Overtime during my office hours in Power Hour.
Policy for makeup tests:
Students who miss a quiz or test with an excused absence can take the makeup test for full credit during Power Hour or before/after school by appointment.
Students who score below 70 on a chapter/unit test will be given the opportunity to take a makeup test for a maximum grade of 70.
Students missing test grades for unexcused reasons will be offered a day to take the makeup test for a maximum grade of 70.
LATE WORK: If any student does not complete an assignment a “1” will be used as a placeholder in INow. The student has until the next test (or ten days) to make up a missing or late assignment. The highest possible grade that can be earned is a 70%.
1 day late=70%
2 days late=65%
3 days late=60%
4 days late=55%
5 days late=50%
6 days late=45%
7 days late=40%
8 days late=35%
9 days late=30%
10 days late=1%
Note: The percentages above reflect the highest possible grade that may be earned.
An assignment calendar created in accordance with the HCS Chemistry pacing guide includes all assignments, labs, and tests. This will be made available to all students via Edmodo on a monthly basis.
To access the HCS Chemistry pacing guide, which includes all units of study, reviews, and exams, see your Edmodo group or HCS website.
Sequence of Instruction
Introduction to Organic Chemistry
Aromatic Hydrocarbons
Carboxylic Acids and Esters
First Semester Exam
Amides and Amines
Qualitative Analysis
Final Exam
Laboratory experimentation utilizing Alabama Science in Motion will be conducted regularly throughout the year.
Sign, detach, and turn in the bottom portion to your teacher.
I have read the Advanced Chemistry Syllabus.
Student signature Parent signature Date