Mrs. Samuelson 2016-2017 Classroom Expectations

Class Website:

**The BEST way to reach me is through email:

Classroom Procedures:

Students are expected to come to class on time everyday.

Students are required to bring their NOTEBOOKSwiththem to class every day.

Please be aware of the BYOD policy. I will follow the school-wide policy. You are expected to turn

in your device at the beginning of each class to the cell phone storage wall. Use of these

devices during class is at my discretion.

Required Materials:

Three-Ring notebook and lined notebook paper. (No other subjects in notebook.)

A set of 3 dividers for your notebook. (Notes, worksheets, quizzes/tests/projects.)

Pencils and pens.

Evaluation and Grading:

Expect 4 to 5 quizzes and tests per nine weeks. Expect at least 1 project each 9-weeks.

All graded materials are given a numerical value. You would therefore divide the total earned points

by the total possible points to get the percent grade.

Please refer to the student handbook regarding cheating and plagiarism.

Please refer to the student handbook for Virginia Beach City Public School’s Grading Scale.

Extra help after school is available Tuesday & Wednesday through a scheduled appointment.

Classwork and Homework:

When classwork is not finished in class, it is due the next day of class.

When homework is assigned, it is to be turned in on the due date.

Late Work:

Each student will be given 5 late work passes each 9-weeks. Late work (except projects) can be

turned in with a late pass for full credit as long as we are still within that teaching unit. Any late

work turned inpast the end of the unit will NOT be accepted.

Make-up Work:

When you are absent, ALL make-up work is due 2 days afteryou return to school.

Projects are to be turned in the day you return.

Speak with Mrs. Samuelson if there are extenuating circumstances or a long-term absence.

Because all test/quiz dates are posted on the monthly calendar, ALL students are expected to take

tests and quizzes even if they are absent the previous class period.

Check the monthly calendar you are given for any work missed.

Any missed work can be found in the missed-work file folder or on the class website.

Field Trips:

Students are only permitted to go on field trips if they do not haveany referrals AND no more than

2 detentions from Oceanographyclass AND are passing class with at least a C- (when permission slips

are due). Mrs. Samuelson reserves the right to deny a student field trip privileges if

behavior/attitude in the classroom is a problem.

Mrs. Samuelson’s Schedule:

1A / 2A / 3A / 4A / 1B / 2B / 3B / 4B
Planning / It’s Academic
Rm. 237 / Biology
Rm. 237 / Biology
Rm. 237 / Oceanography
Rm. 211 / Oceanography
Rm. 211 / Oceanography
Rm. 211 / Planning
OLHS Honor Code: The Honor code of OLHS embraces the concepts of personal integrity and mutual respect and is the school’s acknowledgment of the importance of excellence in all educational endeavors. Knowledge without ethics is both useless and dangerous, and it is the desire of the OL community to ensure that its students understand the importance of having the two work in conjunction with each other. The code is designed to address academic misconduct, and its penalties, are therefore, academic in nature.
“I have neither given nor received unauthorized help on this assignment and pledge to uphold the OLHS Honor Code.” – Honor Pledge
Tardy Policy: Our class strictly adheres to the OLHS tardy policy. All students who arrive to class without a pass will be sent to the tardy window. Any student who misses more than 15 minutes of a class will be counted absent for that day. / Technology: Students must become familiar with the class website (listed on first page) where assignments and announcements will be posted. Some homework assignments and projects will require the use of a computer. If one is not available at home, students can use a computer at school during It’s Academic or after school in the Library Media Center (LMC).
Semester Rule (VBCPS Policy): Any student who misses more than six class periods will receive a 63/N or the average he or she has earned if it is lower than 63. Attendance will be taken within the first 15 minutes of each class. If you are not present, you will be counted as absent. / Parent Portal & Student Portal: Parents can view student grades by signing up for Parent Portal. Students can access their grades via Student Portal. If you have not already done so, please make sure your family is signed p for access to Parent or Student Portal so you will have the ability to keep track of your grades.

Please have you and your parents/guardians fill out the form on the next page and turn it back into me by ______. This copy is for your parents to keep at home. You will also receive a copy for you to keep in your notebook.

I have read and understood Mrs. Samuelson’s Oceanography Class Expectations for the 2016-2017 school year.

Students Printed Name ______Block _____

Student's Signature ______

Parent/Guardian’s Printed Name ______

Phone # ______

Parent/Guardian's Email ______

Parent/Guardian’s Signature ______