The Backyard “BUZZ”
Mrs. Reeves’ and Mrs. Cadden’s Classroom News January 8, 2016
*What a great first week back! We started an author study on Jan Brett. We read 2 different versions of The Mitten, and compared and contrasted them. We also reviewed characters and setting of each book. This is a great thing to do when you read to your child at night. J
*On that note, we are sending home a reading log for your child. For every book you read to your child, please write it down. When the list is completed, please send it in and your child will get a prize. J (Remember any person can read your child a book. You can even have an older sibling read to him/her as homework! )
*In conclusion of our Jan Brett study, we made gingerbread houses which the children LOVED! Thank you so much for sending in all of the candy, icing, graham crackers, etc for the houses. Check the webpage and facebook for pictures!
*We have learned more than half of the alphabet so far. Please continue to work with your child on each letter/sounds. They should know the letters a-o!
*We are in need of glue-sticks.
*Please remember to put your child’s name in his/her jackets-- especially with the colder weather coming. We still have some unclaimed jackets in the classroom!
Dates to Remember:
January 15th: No School
January 18th: No school
Scientist of
the Week
Next week’s
“Scientists” will be Jackson and Kallie. We cannot wait to see their experiments next week!
Star Students of the Week
This week’s star students are Connor and Gabby R. They have been big helpers this week! They have helped their peers, used nice manners, and tried their hardest! I am so proud of them! Way to go, Connor and Gabby R.
A Review of This Week
Jan Brett books
Author, illustrator, setting, characters
Letter of the Week
O o
Number of the Week
Teen Numbers
A Peek at Next Week
Writing Names
Letter of the Week:
P p
Number of the Week:
Amazing Fun Facts
Antarctica is the coldest place on earth with the coldest reported temperature being
-89.4 C (or) -129 F.
The coldest place in North America: Snag, the Yukon Territory of Canada with a recorded temperature of -81.4 F on February 3, 1947.