Mrs. Olbrys Thirteen English Colonies 1

Mrs. Olbrys Thirteen English Colonies 1

Mrs. Olbrys Thirteen English Colonies 1


Thirteen English Colonies

Name:______Mod: ____

Date of Exam:______

The English Colonies

The ______can be divided into three regions

1.The ______Colonies (there were 4)

2.The ______Colonies (there were 4)

3.The ______Colonies (there were 5)

The New England Colonies





Who were the first people to settle in the New England Colonies? ______

-Where did they settle in the Colonies? ______

-When did they settle in the Colony? ______

-Why did they move to the Americas? ______

The Puritans

In 1630 established ______

They wanted ______(did not want to separate but reform)

They were led by ______

People would move outward from Massachusetts in the New England Colonies

Many settlers left Massachusetts to begin new colonies

______founded Rhode Island

Other settlers moved to ______and ______

Problems with New England

The ______and ______made New England a difficult place to ______

______and ______Winters.



______and tightly knit towns allowed New England to Prosper!!!

Geography Skills Activity

The New England Colonies were among the first English settlements in North America. Major Economic activities in the region included shipbuilding, fishing, and fur trading. Look at the map on page and 83 and answer the questions below.

1.What crops could the New England colony have grown?______

2.What other items did they make or produce? ______
3. Why do you think they did not grow more agricultural goods?

Because of problem in Massachusetts and issues with strict rule

Thomas Hooker-

Roger Williams-

The Puritans at War

The Puritans fought the ______for their land and won.

Once they defeated the Native Americans who were trying to fight for the right to keep their land they put the Native Americans into ______.

Life in New England Towns

Religion and Family

Sabbath - (LAW)

Men and women were separated


Town Meetings -

15 crimes carried the ______including ______.


Poor area for farming because of geography and climate (Natives helped)

Forests were full of ______, ______, and ______.

Cities became major place for ______.

They also ______and hunted ______.

Review questions

1.List the New England Colonies
2.What was the Geography and Climate like in the New England Colonies?

3.How did the Geography and Climate impact how the New England Colonies survived?
4.Who were important people in the New England Colonies and what did they do?

5.Describe what it would be like to live in the New England Colonies

THE Middle Colonies





New York was originally ______

 ______was the main port

Rich Dutch land owners had huge estates along the ______.

In 1664, England took over the colony and renamed it New York

Pennsylvania was founded by ______a Quaker

 Allowed ______

Treated Native Americans ______

______became an important Colonial city

The Middle Colonies

The ______and ______were well suited for famring

The Soil was ______.

There were ______winters

______, ______, and ______were grown there in mass amounts

Because of this the Middle colonies became known as the

They also had ______who made ______, ______, ______, ______, and ______.

Who moved to the Middle Colonies?





Reading and Exploring The Middle Colonies

Read page 85 Middle Colonies and answer the following questions or complete the sentences

  1. Most people in the middle colonies were ______
  2. New York and Pennsylvania grew large quantities of ______which were crops that ______
  3. ______and ______were busy ports in the middle colonies. What did they ship? ______
  4. What types of industries did the Middle Colonies have?
  5. Why were the middle colonies said to be diverse?

Look at map on page 83 and answer the following questions

  1. What crops did the middle colonies grow?______
  2. What other products did the middle colonies make?

Review questions

1.List the Middle Colonies
2.What was the Geography and Climate like in the Middle Colonies?

3.How did the Geography and Climate impact how the Middle Colonies survived?
4.Who were important people in the Middle Colonies and what did they do?

5.Describe what it would be like to live in the Middle Colonies

The Southern Colonies

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Mason Dixon Line-


______was established in 1633 by ______

He was a ______for Roman Catholics

He tried to get women and servants to move to the new colony

Religious Tolerance

Welcomed ______as well as ______.

However he latter feared persecution so he passed an Act of Toleration
which was

Bacons Rebellion

Settlers kept moving to Maryland in hopes to get rich

However the land by the water which was fertile was taken already

Therefore settlers had to move more and more inland (where Native Americans lived)

There is several bloody clashes and the govt did not act

______leads angry men and women to raid Native American Villages with little regard to whether or not they were nice


North Carolina-

South Carolina-

Rise of Plantations and Slavery

Slaves who had produced goods in this type of climate helped the settlers to produce ______and ______.

Used Native Americans until they died from Mistreatment and then they looked to ______for Slaves.



Established by ______in 1733

It was established to be a ______and a ______.

There were TWO ways of Life in the Southern Colonies

1. Tidewater Plantations (ON ATLANTIC COAST)

Southern Colonies experienced ______

Most profitable to raise ______and ______on large plantations


Tidewater Region-

Tidewater Plantations had their own ______and ______picked up crops and delivered goods directly to them

Very few people actually owned large plantations but they set the ______for Southern living


Which had ______and ______

______played a huge role in large plantations

2. The Backcountry South (Inland)

______of Tidewater

Thick ______and ______hills

More ______meaning here they were more likely to treat each others as equals

Men tended to ______fields of ______, or garden crops like ______, ______, ______.


Were ______sufficient.

Families were ______because life was hard and they had to work together.

Growth of Slavery

The South had the warm climate, ______, and ______

______and ______were grown

______and ______provided labor.

Slavery was enforced

Slave Codes-

- Slaves were considered ______not humans

-Slaves cleared land, worked crops, and tended to livestock

The Middle Passage was what the English sailors referred to the passage of slave ships West Across the Atlantic.

Conditions on Ships

Were horrible

Slaves were ______together on ______.

Only allowed above deck to ______and ______(2x/day)

10% died on the way to America (disease and mistreatment)

Total Deaths 2-3 million


New England / Middle / Southern
List them
Geography and climate
How they made a living
Important people and what they did
Other important facts

Roots of Self Government

The ______were closely tied to the “mother” England

England Regulates Trade

Trade in the colonies was ruled by MERCANTILISM -

The Colonies must ______the mother country

The Colonies must ______products from England only

The Colonies must ______products to England only

Navigation Acts


Could not trade with ______

England was able to ______

Each Colony had their OWN GOVERNMENT

Each colony had a ______legislature to write laws

Each colony had a ______to enforce laws

All laws had to be ______by the “mother” England

The Colonists wanted more political freedom

Read Pages 92-95 and answer the following questions

1.What did the colonists believe the government must protect?______

2. The idea you described above first came from the ______document

3. What is a representative government? ______

DO we have a representative government today? ______

4. What was the English Parliament? ______

5.What was the Glorious Revolution? ______

6. What did the English Bill of rights say? ______

7. There were three types of colonies set up in America by England define them

Charter Colony-



8. In general who was allowed to vote in the colonies? ______

9.What is Mercantillism? ______

10. What is an export? ______

11. What is an import? ______

12. How did the English follow a mercantilist policy? ______

13. What were the Navigation Acts? ______

14. Predict what you think will happen in the future between the colonies and England. ______


Life in The COLONIES

Colonial Society

For the most part people had ______with some class differences

Gentry -

Dressed in Latest Fashion

Middle Class-

They prospered because of the possibilities of the land

Indentured Servants-



Took care of the ______, ______, and ______.

Those who lived in the backcountry worked side by side with men

Those who lived in the Cities may have worked outside the home


Read pages 96-100 and answer the following questions.

1. What was the Great Awakening? ______


2. What was the impact of the Great Awakening on the Colonies? Explain______


3. Compare Education in three regions of the English Colonies

4. What was an apprentice?______


5. Who was Peter Zenger? ______


6. What is Enlightenment? How Does it Spread? ______



7. Who was Benjamin Franklin? What did he do? ______


8. What is Civic Virture? ______


Expression through Writing

Directions: Pretend you are an English colonist and you are writing a letter to a friend back in England. Use what your notes and the book to tell your friend where you live, what its like where you live, what you do every day, and tell them how your life might be different if you lived in one of the other regions of the English colonies.
