Mrs. Nold’s Classroom Rules and Procedures

Algebra II2008 – 2009

Mission Statement

Together we will enable each child to be more than he or she ever hoped to be.


1. Respect, Respect, Respect

2. Come to Class Prepared and Wanting to Learn Something New

3. No Electronics (ie: cell phones or i-pods; calculators are okay)

4. Water Only (no other drinks or food)


1. 3-ring binder with paper

2. 3 Dividers (notes, practice work, handouts)

4. 4-AAA Batteries

5. 2 Dry Erase Markers

6. 1 Box of Kleenex (optional, but very helpful!)

Classroom Procedures and Grading

90% and up: A80 – 89%: B70 – 79%: C60 – 69%: D0 – 59%: F

Grading WeightsSemester Grades

Quizzes and Homework: 40%Cumulative (over both 9 weeks): 85%

Tests: 60%Semester Final: 15%

Practice work will be assigned daily. At the beginning of each class, students will get in their group to go over their practice work. Students will help each other figure out the correct answers. If no one in the group can come to the correct answer, the teacher will assist them. After the lesson, the students will receive guided practice from that lesson. Answers to the guided practice will be entered on the TI-Navigators in order to get immediate feedback on the students’ level of comprehension. At the end of the class period, the students will use their TI-Navigator to complete their Closer. The Closer will consist of questions from that day’s lesson, as well as from previous lessons in the same chapter. Students will receive up to 5 points for a completely correct closer.

Participation points will also be given each day totaling 5 points. The points will be taken away if the student is tardy, does not have their practice work, has no supplies for class, or is a disruption to the class.

Students will be tested over the material taught in class every 3 to 5 sections. Tests are worth 100 points. If a student is absent on a test day, they will be given no more than two JAG periods (once they are back to school) to make up the test. If this cannot be accomplished, the student needs to talk to the teacher the day they are back at school.

Extra credit will be available once a week. Extra credit is due on Friday of each week and will not be taken late for any reason. The student is given 3 points if they seriously attempt the extra credit each week, and they will receive 5 points for getting the extra credit correct.

Make-Up Work

1. Check the website for the notes and the assignment.

2. Once you have looked over the notes and assignment, come and see the teacher for more assistance.

3. The work will be due on the 2nd class period after the absence.

For example, if student is absent on Monday, nothing is due on Wednesday, and the assignment will be due on Friday’s class. Use your JAG time wisely.

If a student is gone for a school related activity, assignments for that absence should be obtained before the student is gone and all due dates will remain the same.

Topics we will cover in Algebra II

Semester OneSemester Two

Tools of AlgebraRadical Functions

Functions, Equations, and GraphsRational Exponents

Linear SystemsExponential and Logarithmic Functions

Quadratic Equations and FunctionsRational Functions

Polynomial Equations and FunctionsConic Sections

How to Contact Me


This contains all notes, assignments, and worksheets that are given in class.


This is BEST way to contact me and the quickest way I will be able to get back to you.

Normal Hours at School:7:00 am to 4:30 pm (during fall sports I will NOT be available after school)

Plan Period:3rdBlock on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays

4th Block on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays

Appointments can be made to meet at different times.

MATH LAB is open to all students before school on Monday – Wednesday and after school on Monday – Thursday. Locations are posted in every math classroom.