Mrs. Newport – 7th Grade Texas History

Parent and Student Acknowledgment Form


Please initial the following policies and expectations as you read them together and return back signed

Student Initials / Parent
Initials / Policies and Expectations
7th Grade Classroom Rules:
  • Be prepared. Bring all materials to every class time
(Social Studies 5 subject notebook, AVID Binder, homework, supplies)
  • Come to class on time, be seated, follow procedures, and be ready to learn
  • Follow dress code rules as indicated on the school handbook: ID’s must be worn ALWAYS
  • Food, beverages and GUM are not allowed
  • Stay on task, participate 100% and do not disturb others
  • Respect everyone – no vulgar language, bullying, harassment, violence
  • Understand the teacher dismisses you and NOT the bell
  • Respect other peoples differences, opinions, cultures, languages and property
  • ALL electronics must be off during school/tutoring hours unless it is for class activity
  • Complete all assignments on time and take pride in your work

1st Offense: Verbal Warning and Redirection
2nd Offense: Teacher/student reflective conference along with parent contact (Friday detentions)
3rd Offense: Mandatory Parent Conference along with Administration
4th Offense: Immediate Office Referral/Breach of Class Contract
Severe Disruption or threatening conduct will be an automatic office referral.
Positive Reinforcements:
Verbal praise, Positive phone call home, Positive note home and ability to participate in recreational school activities. (e.g. dances, pep rallies, sports)
Homework Schedule:
Monday = Math and Social Studies Thursday = Social Studies and Science
Make Up Work Policy:
If a student is absent he/she is responsible for making up work according to the school policy for an absence. Students may see teacher before class, after class and/or afterschool on the date of their return to school. Students are given 2 days to complete the missed assignments for each day of absence.
Late Work Policy or Failed Assignments:
Students may re-do an assignment and/or exam should they receive a failing grade within 3 days from notification. They have 3 school days upon notification of late work along with a 10 point deduction per day on the assignment. It will become a grade of a zero on the 3rd day of not turning it in.
Tardy Policy:
Students are tardy if he/she is not in the designated classroom when the tardy bell rings. Parent contact will be made after each tardy. On the 4th tardy, a discipline referral must be sent to the office
Progress Reports:
Every 3 weeks students will receive progress reports. Student’s will need to return their progress reports back to their advisory teacher and signed by their parent/guardian
SPC Rafael Hernando Middle School Websites:
Students and parents will use school website for classroom information and as an extra avenue we will be using Reminder App (Text 81010 and Text the message @mrsdnewp)
We have read through the information packet and we understand what is expected.
Parent Signature______Parent Phone #______Parent Email ______
Student Signature______Date______