Mrs. Nelsen’s Contact Information:


Room # 106

Conference Time: 2nd Period (M, T, F 8:17-9:04 AM and Wed. 10:35-12:29 PM)

Welcome to 7th grade math skills! In this course, students will get support for concepts being learned in their regular math class, as well as work on filling in any holes or gaps that exist.


I have high expectations for all students who walk through my door. The goal while in math class is for everyone to be successful. It is necessary for all students to put forth their very best effort and exhibit a high level of respect and self-discipline in class every day. This will promote and foster a positive place where all students can work to their fullest potential.

Listed below are the expectations the district has regarding student conduct.


Below are Minimum Behavior Expectations for math class:

1) Come to class prepared and ready to learn.

2) Be respectful of others and their possessions.

3) Behave in an appropriate manner for the classroom.

4) Keep your hands and property to yourself.

5) Raise your hand before you speak. (when appropriate)

**Follow all school rules – Standards for Student Conduct**


The following are specific interventions and consequences that apply when you do not meet expectations. Although these consequences are meant as a guideline, I reserve the right to handout a consequence that I feel is appropriate for a given offense depending on the situation.

1st Student Offense: Warning

2nd Student Offense: Warning and Seat Change

3rd Student Offense: Phone Call/Email Home/Teacher Assigned Detention (lunch or otherwise)

4th Student Offense: Parent Conference

5th Student Offense: Referral



This will be the best way to find an outline of what is to come in my class. When possible, I will post a copy of assignments to my website so that students can print off extra copies of an assignment if needed. You can locate my website at


Progress reports are a great line of communication with students and parents, as well as a way to check your child’s progress in my class.


This will be your “go to” place to check your student’s grades. Comments may be written explaining certain aspects about the assignment. Please check the parent portal weekly for updated grades.


1. Summatives (50%) - tests, quizzes, and projects

2. Formatives (50%) – warm-ups, daily work, quizzes, 3 week skill checks (check points), homework, spirals, and work completed in our computer programs.


We will sometimes do review projects that go over the standards we have learned. These may require substantial time at home if not completed at school.

Tests will be given to assess student learning during the quarters.

Quizzes cover material only from a few lessons, and will be given and counted as a summative when a unit test is not possible.


Warm-Ups are done the first 10 minutes of class. The warm- ups may consist of review problems, problem solving, or state-released STAAR questions.

Daily work will be done in class. This will cover what was taught that day or from a previous day.

Quizzes will cover a few lessons, and students will know about it ahead of time.

Check Points are given to assess how well the students understand the current curriculum. All students in the grade, taking the same class, will be given the same checkpoint.

Homework is a learning experience. I feel very strongly that math requires extra practice, so my students may have some nights where they will need to complete homework. My goal is for students to do their best work on every assignment

Spirals will house student resources, notes, classwork, and homework when needed.

Computer Work will be completed using one of two programs. Both programs provide work at each student’s individual level.

** Work must be shown on all papers in order to receive credit. It is hard to help students find their mistakes if there is no work to review. Students learn best by identifying and fixing their original mistakes; this is hard to do without work for each problem. No work = no credit. **


Students who have been absent shall complete make-up work and exams. The time frame for make-up work is the number of days that a student was absent. (Example: if a student was absent for two days, then they will have two days to complete the work) I will let you know when you assignment is due. It is your responsibility to remember to turn in assignments, and it is not your teacher's responsibility to remind you.


• Late work in regular classes will be accepted. This includes homework, classwork, and some projects. The exception to this is if a project has been done solely in class. If this is the case, then the project will not be accepted late.

• If a student does not turn in the missing assignment, they will receive a DND (Did Not Do) that has a value of a 0.

• The following are the point deductions given for late work:

 1 day late – maximum of an 85 can be earned

 2 days late – maximum of a 70 can be earned

 3 or more days late – maximum of a 50 can be earned


  • 5th Tardy- After School Detention
  • 10th Tardy- After School Detention
  • 15th Tardy- Saturday Class
  • 20th Tardy- Saturday Class
  • 25th Tardy- Three Days in ISS


Test grades can be replaced with a better grade. In order to accomplish this, students will be required to come to a tutoring session to relearn the missed skills. Students will then be given the opportunity to make corrections to their tests/quizzes. The student must complete the test correction reflection sheet (one per problem), and of the new answer is correct, they will earn back half credit per problem. This should be completed within one week of the original test.


Tutoring will be offered every day of the week by the math department, however, I have tutoring on Thursday afternoons from 3:00-3:30pm. Students may come to tutorials with me after school, if prior arrangements have been made. Pick up time will be no later than 3:30 on the designated day.

Students are required to have their own ride. Prior arrangements need to be made with parents, so that there will be no confusion the day of tutoring.


Students are allowed to bring their own technology for use. In order to encourage responsible use of personal devices I have set a few expectations.

Upon entering the classroom students are expected to place their device on the upper, outermost corner of their desk face down and on silent. Students will be allowed to use their devices only during specified times in class. If a student is using his/her device during an unauthorized time or for an unauthorized purpose the device will be taken up and MAY be turned into the office.

At no point is photographing or videotaping of anyone allowed while in the classroom. If a student uses either of these applications the device will be turned into the office and a detention will be issued.


Listed below is the projected Scope and Sequence we will be following this year. Please be aware that it is difficult to predict the levels of our students and our pacing will be dictated by students’ needs, not dates, on a Scope and Sequence.

• 1st 9 weeks

– Number and Operations

– One-Variable Equations and Inequalities

– Proportional Reasoning with Ratios and Rates

• 2nd 9 weeks

– Graphs and Two-Variable Equations

– Similarity

– Probability

• 3rd 9 weeks

– Circles and Composite Figures

– Volume and Surface Area

– Data Representations

• 4th 9 weeks

– Making Connections

– Essential Understandings of Algebra

– Essential Understandings of Geometry



Teachers strive to teach students organizational skills. Therefore, students will be required to keep an organized binder. Every student will need a 1 inch binder to keep their math papers in. Each student will also need 1 set of dividers.

I have found that organization is the key to success in school. If students learn to put unfinished or graded papers in the correct binder section, they will be better prepared and do better in school.


Student will need to purchase a three ring spiral notebook. Class resources, notes, homework, etc. will be done in the spiral.


Paper will need to be purchased for their folders and use. We will be using notebook paper on a daily basis, so replenishing it throughout the year will be necessary.


This is a math class and mistakes will be made, as that is one of the best ways to learn. It is easier to correct mistakes written with a pencil. Please make sure that your student has plenty of pencils to use for math class.

(Return this form, with the signatures, to Mrs. Nelsen. It counts as a math homework grade!)

I have read this course policy paper. I understand the expectations and requirements for my class. I intend to comply with these guidelines. I will ask for help and/or assistance if I need it.

Student Printed Name ______

Student Signature______Date______

Parent Printed Name______

Parent Signature______Date______

Email address and Daytime Phone Number ______

Other comments or concerns you would like me to know about your child:






