Mrs. Morgan and Mrs. Killian

Course Description and Policies

6th Grade Individuals and Societies

Textbook: United States History: Civil War to the Present; Houghton, Mifflin, Harcourt

Course Content: U.S. History – Industrial Revolution to the Present

Activities: Various activities will be incorporated into the lessons. They have been planned to make the study of history an enjoyable and exciting experience. Activities will be completed in both groups and on an individual basis. They will include some reports, creative activities, and presentations. Other resources will include video clips, documentaries, technology, research and the library.

Homework: In lieu of homework assigned each night, each student will be responsible for a Unit Portfolio. The portfolio will consist of assignments such as, but not limited to: index cards, critical readings, summaries, discussions, and reflections. All assignments will be discussed in great detail in class and instructions will be posted on the course website for your convenience. The portfolio will be graded and feedback will be provided each week. Each student’s chapter portfolio will be different, as it gives your student an opportunity to become involved in their own learning. It is important to note that some of the assignments will require internet access and access to a computer. In order to provide technology based instruction and assignments I need your help. Please respond accordingly:

Yes, my student will have access to internet and a computer in order to complete the Unit Portfolio.

No, my student will not have access to internet and a computer, and will need accommodations in order to complete the Unit Portfolio

Homework Policy

Partial credit will be given (depending on the assignment) based on the completion of the assignment and accuracy/quality of student work.

Late homework assignments will NOT be accepted.

Make-up Work Policy

It is the student’s responsibility to get assignments missed during an absence. It is recommended to have a friend in each class they can call/text after school to find out what was done in class on the missed day. The student/parent may email the teacher to obtain work missed during the absence.

Listed below are the school procedures for “make-up” assignments:

· Parents/students may email the individual teachers to obtain assignments. Teachers may be contacted through our website ( Please contact a counselor for extended illnesses so a plan of action is created for missed assignments.

· Immediately upon returning to school, it is the student's responsibility to speak with the teachers regarding all missed assignments and make-up work.

· Students will have the number of days absent plus one day to turn in all assignments (Example: A student is absent for two days because of an illness. The student will have three days to turn in the work assigned during his/her absence.)

· Any assignment/project/test assigned prior to the student’s absence is due the day the student returns to school. The student does not have additional days to turn in the scheduled assignment.

· Special projects and long term assignments are due on or before the scheduled “turn in” date.

· It is recommended that all students have a “study buddy” with whom they or the parents may check for assignments in case of absence or early dismissal.

· Students must write all assignments in school planner to eliminate concerns regarding assignments during brief absences.


Grading Procedure: Tests/Major Projects – 60%

Quizzes/Class work/Minor projects – 30%

Homework – 10%

Plagiarism: Taking credit for an author’s work that is not written by you is plagiarism. If you plagiarize you will receive a ZERO. Do not cut and paste information from the Internet. It is best to paraphrase, use your own words or give credit to the author.

Classroom Rules

Trash goes in the can.

No cellphone in class. (Except BYOD)

Try your best!

Come to class prepared with all necessary materials.

Work Hard.

Have a positive attitude.

* Failure to follow the rules will lead to these consequences before a discipline referral is sent to office for Group A Offenses (not necessarily in this order)

  1. Conference w/student5. Phone call to parent
  2. Loss of privilege6. Referral to counselor
  3. Discipline assignment7. Conference w/parent
  4. Note home to parent8. Other Action

Class Procedures

  1. Enter the class quietly, take assigned seat, and immediately write down homework.
  2. Answer/complete any BELLWORK on the board (i.e. copy objectives).
  3. When announcements come on, ALL activity will stop and there will be NO TALKING.
  4. END OF CLASS – If assignments are completed, homework may be started or silent reading may be done. All students must remain seated until dismissed by the teacher. All trash must be thrown away as students leave the room.

Class Materials: A dedicated TAB in your SCHOOL BINDER; loose leaf paper, blue, black and red pens, colored pencils or crayons, and index cards. A library or personal reading book must be brought everyday. Any free time will be spent reading silently.

Students must keep a neat and well-organized notebook. The type of work Individuals and Societies classes will keep include, but not limited to:

  1. Important Information, i.e. course description, syllabus
  2. Objectives/Bellwork
  3. Current Chapter Work
  4. Unit Portfolio
  5. Old Chapter Work
  6. Maps/Current Events/Primary Source Documents

*** Each student will be expected to participate in our National History Day Projects due in 3rd Quarter. Information will be sent home with specifics during 1st Quarter. ***

Mrs. Morgan’s class: I will be using Remind for announcements and reminders. Please TEXT @dcdc7 to the number 81010 to be added to the remind list. For any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me via e-mail through the school website.

Student Name______Period______

My child and I have read and understand the Course Description and Policies as written.

Parent Signature:______Date:______

Parent Email:______Parent Ph. # ______

Student Signature ______Date:______