Classroom Guidelines
Mrs. Manske’s AVID Class
Dear Students and Parents/Guardians:
Welcome to a new school year! This is going to be an exciting and challenging year. This letter outlines the guidelines for behavior and work in my classroom. I ask that students keep a copy of these guidelines in their binder for reference throughout the year.
Classroom Rules
These rules apply at all times and are not negotiable.
RULE #1-RESPECT THE TEACHER AND OTHER STUDENTS AT ALL TIMES-This includes: listening when others are speaking and using polite manners.
Work Expectations
Students will be completing a variety of work assignments in this classroom. I expect all work to be completed on time and to the best of each student’s abilities. In addition, students are expected to follow the MacArthur Standards for Written Work (see School Handbook). Students will receive an assignment card each time an assignment is incomplete or missing. Late work will be accepted, however it will be marked down significantly.
Classroom Information
1. Attendance- If a student is absent, it is his/her responsibility to get any make up work and turn it in on time. A student has the number of days that he/she is absent to turn in any missed work. If an assignment was given before the absence, it is to be turned in the day the student returns. This includes TRFs and Cornell Notes.
1. Citizenship/Behavior- Citizenship grades will be marked down for each of the following infractions: tardies, unprepared for class, unexcused absences, dress code violations, and inappropriate behavior. All students are expected to act in a polite and respectful manner at all times. The following are the consequences for both positive and negative behavior.
POSITIVE / NEGATIVEVerbal Praise / Verbal Warning
Positive Notes/Calls Home / Classroom Clean-up
Student Recognition Awards/Extra Credit / Teacher Detention
Special Privileges / School Detention And/Or Parent Conference
PRIDE IN YOURSELF AND OUR CLASS!!! / Referrals to Counselor and/or Assistant Principal
2. Detentions- Teacher detentions will be held twice a week for 15-60 minutes after school or by appointment. Students must inform the teacher before a detention if he/she needs to reschedule. Students who do not show up for detention or make other arrangements will receive a school detention for double the time of the missed detention. School detentions will be assigned based upon the school guidelines for tardies, missed homework, and behavior.
3. Grades- are posted on the Aeries Grading System. Parents who do not have a login and password should contact the office. Grades are based on a standard scale 100-90% = A, 89-80% = B, 79-70% = C, 69-60% = D, 59% or below = F. Extra credit will be given periodically. Assignments will be divided into the following categories: Tutorials, Cornell Notes, Curriculum Support, Reading, Projects, and Leadership/Community Service.
4. Materials and Supplies –Each student is expected to come to class prepared! Students should have the recommended supplies listed in the School Handbook. In addition, students should have a 70 page, spiral notebook. I am also asking that students bring in a dry erase marker to use in tutorials. The marker will be left in class and should not be carried in the student’s backpack. If students are unable to get any of these supplies, please let Mrs. Manske know immediately.
5. Donations- I am also requesting that students consider donating additional dry erase markers, tissue, or any college/university décor to the class. These are high use items for my students and would be greatly appreciated.
6. Tardies- Students are expected to be in their seats beginning to copy the agenda when the bell rings. If they are not, they are tardy and will receive a tardy card. The school-wide tardy policy will apply.
7. Office Hours- I will be available to assist students after school on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays. In addition, I am available Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunch. I am happy to meet with parents in person or by phone. Please call to schedule an appointment.
8. AVID Tutors- The AVID tutors will be available to assist students at lunch on Tuesdays and Thursdays in my room. This is a great opportunity for students to get additional help. Take advantage of it!
This information and additional information about my classes, including deadlines and homework are available on my teacher page on the MacArthur Fundamental website, If you have questions about anything contained in this letter or about your child’s language arts curriculum, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school (714) 568-7700 or email me at . I look forward to working with you to make this a successful and memorable year.
Mrs. Manske
Language Arts Teacher
Please sign and return to Mrs. Manske.
I have reviewed Mrs. Manske’s AVID Classroom Guidelines for the 2013-2014 school year and will do my best to follow them.
Student Name (Please Print)
Student Signature Date
Class & Period
Parent Name (Please Print)
Parent Signature Date
Parent email and phone number