



Mrs. Keri SmithMrs. Lynette ChappellMr. Lyman Dayton

Suggested Materials

3-ring binder with lined paper

Colored Pencils/crayons

Pencils and Pens

**Each day you are expected to bring the items listed above as well as your planner and a book to read.

What We Are Studying

Organization skillsTest taking skills

Time ManagementNotetaking

Community ServicePlagerism

Brain researchPublic Speaking

College and career research7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens


  • Please check Illuminate and the daily homework email regularly for important course information. Homework information is also available at
  • I want your student to be successful, to feel challenged, and to have a great experience this year. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me.

Grading Policy

Report Cards will be broken up into three sections, each independent of one another.

Domain 1: Academic Mastery

  • Grades are based on summative evidence that the student has learned the curriculum standards which include the state standards.

Domain II: Academic Work Habits

  • Teachers will assign an E (excellent), S (satisfactory) or N (Needs Impovement) to communicate how well the student exhibits academic work habits.
  • (Daily class assignments, on-time to class and prepared, participate in discussions, respectful, etc.)

Domain III: Citizenship

  • Teachers will use the “Citizenship” grade to communicate to the student and parents how well the student is meeting behavior expectations of each class. The following grading rubric shall apply:
  • E – Always or usually meets behavior expectations;
  • S – Usually meets behavior expectations with few reminders;
  • N – Often fails to meet expectations even with reminders.

CPREP Standards

Common Core Writing Standards:

1. Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.

a. Introduce claim(s) and organize the reasons and evidence logically.

d. Establish and maintain a formal style.

e. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented.

4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

7. Conduct short research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question), drawing on several sources.

Common Core Speaking and Listening Standards:

1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on- one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.

5. Integrate multimedia and visual displays into presentations to clarify information, strengthen claims and evidence, and add interest.

Common Core Language Standards:

1 & 2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

WSCA Core Beliefs:

3. The future we want to create includes a community of leaders who have a collaborative relationship and establish a strong communication structure to inform and engage both internal and external stakeholders in setting and achieving district-wide student learning and achievement goals.

4. The future we want to create includes a community of leaders who are knowledgeable, ethical, responsible, critical thinking and engaged members of society.

Class Expectations:

I will follow the CPREP core components: committed, prepared, respectful, engaged, and professional. I expect my students to follow the same components.

★Show respect for yourself, your classmates, your teacher and your school facility. Students will not be allowed to disrupt instructor or the learning of their peers.

  • Raising your hand to speak or get out of your seat allows everyone to be heard in class.
  • Be respectful, honest, courteous, and exhibit appropriate classroom behavior at all times.
  • The teacher will dismiss the class, not the bell. Class will be dismissed when students are quiet and the room is organized.

★Students are expected to come to class completely prepared with materials and ready to participate.

★Every student needs to participate in class every day.

★Enjoy your food or drinks before class. Students may have a water bottle in class.

★Enter the classroom QUIETLY and be prepared to work! Students must have all required materials on their desk, be in their seats, and completing the warm-up by the tardy bell.

★Students are expected to take notes every day and store class materials in an organized binder. There will be notebook checks throughout the quarter.

★Leave pictures, electronics, phones and toys in your backpack/locker or they may be confiscated.

★All work is due at the beginning of class. Students are responsible for printing their assignments and having the necessary materials for projects. Plan ahead so last minute difficulties will not cause late assignments.


It is the student's responsibility to obtain missed notes and turn in any missed assignments. Students have the amount of class days they were absent to turn in the missed assignments.


Use of technology is permitted within my class. Technology use is defined as a tablet/iPad, a laptop, and e-reader to support student learning. Before students use technology, they need to understand the following:

  • A student needs to ask for permission to use the device and explain how it will be used
  • Technology may be used only to assist in homework or assigned projects
  • Students are responsible for their own device, and should keep it properly stored when not in use.

I have read the syllabus for CPREP. I understand the requirements necessary to be successful in this course.

Student Name (printed)______(period)______

Student Signature______Date______

Parent Name (printed)______

Parent Signature______Date______

Parent Contact Info: (please print clearly)

Email Address:______

Phone Number: ______

I am excited about having your child in my class!