Mrs. Rebecca Jackson-Barbara and Mrs. Janine McKenna – Dance P.E. (310) 732-0900, ext. 617, Mrs. Jackson-Barbara: Mrs. McKenna:
Welcome to 8th grade Dance P.E.! Prepare to….
This year, you will…
- Improve strength, flexibility, endurance, balance, and coordination.
- Practice and perform movement combinations in a variety of dance genres.
- Create and perform original works of choreography.
- Research cultural and historical influences of dance.
- Develop an awareness of musical and rhythmic elements.
- Learn and utilize appropriate dance vocabulary.
- Critique performances based on aesthetic, technical, and artistic values.
- Improve overall health, self-image, and physical well-being.
- Have fun!!
- Please note: Dance P.E. students do not participate in the annual P.E. track meet.
We in the P.E. department ask that you have the following items for your PE locker at all times:
- Clean socks
- Personal items (e.g. deodorant, feminine protection, etc).
- Padlock purchasedfrom the school. You must bring your padlock with you the day we assign lockers.
- P.E. uniforms purchased from the school
- Sneakers suitable for running
Additional items needed specific to the dance class:
- A ½ - 1 inch, three-ring binder with lined paper and a pen or pencil (which will remain in your PE locker at all times)
- Hair ties (an absolute must for any dance class)
- Black dance pants or leggings (optional)—long or cropped below the knee (P.E. shorts are the only shorts permitted)
- Jazz shoes or ballet shoes(color of your choosing)
Dress Code for Cardio Days –includes running and other fitness activities (usually Mondays, unless told otherwise):
- Properly worn PE uniform (labeled with your name)
- Sweatshirt on a cold day (optional)
- Properly worn sneakers with socks
- Hair pulled away from your face
Dress Code for Dance Days:
- Black dance pants/leggings or PE shorts
- School-issued P.E. shirt with your name on it - A sweatshirt may be worn over PE shirt on cold days.
- Jazz shoes or ballet shoes -You may not be barefoot unless instructed otherwise.
- Ponytail. If hair is too short for a ponytail,secure it away from your face with a clip.
A few more reminders:
- No food or gum in the dance room. Water only!
- Jewelry is not permitted (other than stud earrings). This is for safety. Keep a little plastic or jewelry bag in your locker to safely store your jewelry when removed. Otherwise, jewelry easily slips through the cracks in the lockers and gets lost.
- Label all of your clothes and belongings with a permanent marker.
*If you have trouble supplying any of the aboveitems, please let me know as soon as possible, so we can discuss otherarrangements.
Dance supplies can be found online or at local dance supply stores, including… /Alva's
1417 W 8th St, San Pedro, CA 90732
(310) 833-3281
Expressly Motion Dancewear
23891 Madison St, Torrance, CA 90505
(310) 378-2204
The 5 P’s – Please always be--
*Punctual* *Prepared* *Productive* *Positive Participant* *Polite*
Dance Etiquette (Citizenship):All students begin with an “S” (satisfactory). You must earn your “O” (outstanding) by demonstrating the 5 P’s, by respecting your teacher, your fellow students, your environment, and yourself!! “N’s” and “U’s” will be assigned to students who do not demonstrate the above.
Grades: Dance P.E. relies heavily on each student’s daily active contribution. Students earn their grade byputting forth a concentrated effort, following instructions, cooperating with classmates, dressing out, and adhering to general dance etiquette guidelines. Additionally, there may be occasional written assignments, performance assessments, and tests/quizzes to compliment and enhance the curriculum.
Preparation (15%)- On time
- Dressed-out
- Hair done
- Materials ready
- 100% effort daily
- Focus in class
- Accepts teacher feedback
- Respectful (aka “dance etiquette”)
- Dance studies
- Written reflections
- Fitness assessments, e.g. mile run
- Formal and informal dance performances
Tardies— Students must be in the locker room before the tardy bell rings. Students will have 5 minutes to dress at the start and end of the period, students must be seated in assigned spot at this time. If students are not seated and prepared promptly, a tardy will be issued.
Locks— Students are to use only their assigned PE locker. They should not share their locker or combination with anyone other than PE staff. The locker is the responsibility of the student. Be sure to double-check your lock before exiting the locker room. Close and securely lock your locker and check around you before heading out for class. Do not leave anything out!!
iPods and other music-playing devices (e.g. phones)—Periodically, there will be class assignments during which students will create their own choreography. Students will be permitted to bring their own music-playing device with parent permission. Students must understand that use of the device is for the in-class assignment only, and any inappropriate use of said device (e.g. surfing the net or taking photos/videos without permission) will result in loss of the privilege. Furthermore, the teacher and school are not responsible for the loss, damage or theft of the device. Students will not be penalized if they do not receive parental permission to use the device in class.
Video—There may be opportunities to video record informal dance assignments in class. These opportunities will serve as a learning tool only and are not be posted or shared in any way outside of class.
Absent or Inactive—If a student is not able to physically participate in P.E. because of an illness or injury, a parent’s note stating the specific reason for the excuse will be accepted for up to 3 days (and must be submitted to the health office before school). For a student to be excused from P.E. longer than 3 days, a doctor’s note stating the nature of the illness/injury is required. Students present in class who are excused from an activity will be required to either watch class instruction or complete a non-physical alternative assignment. Long-term illness or injury situations will be handled on an individual basis.
If a student misses classroom instruction, assignments, tests or quizzes, it is that student’s responsibility to find out what he/she missed and to turn in any missed assignments for credit and/or notify the teacher if he/she needs to make up a quiz, test, or performance assessment. Students have as many days as they were absent to make up any written assignments.
After 12 days ofabsences, students will no longer be allowed to make up daily participation points and may be issued a “no mark” (NM) per the Miraleste handbook (also, detailed in the Miraleste student agenda).
Late Work— Late work from an unexcused absence may be considered for full or partial credit, at the teacher’s discretion.
Email—This is the best way to reach me. I read my emails daily and typically respond within 24 hours. I welcome communication with my students and their parents.
Signature Page
Dear Student and Parent,
I am very excited to embark on this journey. It’s going to be a great year!!
Should you have any questions at all today or in the future, I am always happy to hear from you.
Yours truly,
Mrs. Jackson-Barbara
Please sign below to indicate that you have read and understand the policies for Dance P.E. (DUE in student’s notebook by Friday, September 1, 2017):
Student Name and Period (Please print)Parent Name(Please print)
Student Signature & DateParent Signature & Date
My student has permission to bring to school a music-playing device (e.g. iPod/mp3/cell phone) for relevant class assignments: (circle one)
I have read and understand the policy regarding use of iPods and other devices (page 3).
Student SignatureParent Signature
Entire course packet must be printed and kept in student’s Dance PE notebook.
Signature Page must be completed and turned-in for credit by Friday, Sept. 1st.
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