October 27, 2008


RFP #2960DB – Copiers: Walk-Up

This addendum serves to provide answers to questions received for RFP #2960DB – Copiers: Walk-Up. This addendum along with Addendum 2 Questions and Answers are posted on our website as a Word Form and a PDF file. To download these documents, go to http://lake.k12.fl.us, click on Departments, scroll to Purchasing and click. On the Purchasing page, click on Bid Opportunities and scroll down the table to the Copiers: Walk-up bid and click.

Please note that the opening date has not been changed. All RFPs are due in the Purchasing Department, 29529 County Road 561, and Tavares, Florida 32778 by no later than 2:00 PM on Wednesday, November 5, 2008.

Acknowledgement of Addendum by Vendor:

This addendum shall be completed by Vendor and returned with the RFP Package. If a RFP package has already been submitted, this addendum must be submitted to the above address in a sealed envelope, which is marked on the outside: Addendum 2 to RFP #2960DB- Copiers: Walk-Up. This is to acknowledge receipt of this addendum, which will become a part of the proposal document.

This addendum must be signed and returned in order for your RFP to be considered.

Company Name

Name (Typed or Printed) Title


Signature Date


“Equal Opportunity in Education and Employment”


RFP #2960DB Copiers: Walk-Up

1.  What machines would need to integrate with the coin operated system? B&W machines only? Yes

2.  It appears that none of these machines have print capabilities. Is that correct? ( I ask this because 99+% of the machines we place have print capabilities) We have requested pricing for a networking system under optional accessories. The few machines that are currently utilizing that accessory are used to print.

3.  Do you have any machines that are being traded in as part of this RFP? No

4.  Is there any buyout as part of this RFP? No

5.  Who is responsible for the return of your current machines? AXSA will pick up their machines in conjunction with the placement of new machines.

6.  This appears to be a straight CPC contract. Would you like to own the equipment at lease end? No

7.  Billing manager information... for service?, lease or both? Both

8.  In looking at your time line, if you have a 12/15/08 award date, when would installation commence? When would the equipment need to be fully installed? Optimum install would occur between Dec 19th – Dec 23rd continuing Jan 2nd until finish.

9.  Your contract is stated as being for 3 years with two one year renewal option... However your contract award date estimate is in December and all of the equipment will be on the ground Jan 1. Your term ending date is June 30, 2012. This contradicts your 3 year contract, as this is really only a 30 month contract with two one year renewals. The term of this contract shall be from date of contract execution through June 30, 2012 with the possibility of renewal for two additional one year periods upon the mutual agreement of both parties.

10. Do you hold instructional sessions in the summer? Yes, various instructional programs are held during the summer. We do not have any year round schools.

11. Do you make copies during the summer sessions? Yes

12. Is training in phases acceptable to the users? No, per page 29 Paragraph B Training: “Training shall be performed after each installation and prior to actual operation.” Someone at each site must be fully trained before actual operation of the machines.

13. Is a train the trainer program acceptable? It may be acceptable at some sites. It would be up to the Principal or the Department head as to whether they would accept a train the trainer program or if they would like to have a group training session.


“Equal Opportunity in Education and Employment”