Mrs. J. Monaco Email Addresses:

WTHS 11/12 Room



Psychology is the study of human behavior. Students will be encouraged to focus on personal understanding and psychological growth throughout this course. The course covers an introduction to psychology, theories of psychology, personality, states of consciousness, child and adolescent development, perception, and abnormal psychology. Through the course of study, students will encounter opportunities to develop personal maturity, prepare for life after high school, increase self-confidence and self-esteem, and more clearly understand a variety of human experiences.

  • Students will learn to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information.
  • Develop respect and tolerance for others.
  • Develop an insight of the past and how it relates to the present and future.
  • Develop written, oral, and listening skills.
  • Develop time management and organizational skills.
  • Develop an ongoing desire to learn.

Class Rules

  1. Show RESPECT to teachers, classmates, administrators, guests, and personal property!
  2. No talking when the teacher or classmate is talking!!
  3. Remain seated until the bell rings. The bell does not dismiss you; the teacher does.
  4. Raise you hand to ask or answer a question.
  5. I adhere to the Student Handbook, therefore any violation of a stated rule will be written up with a Discipline Referral.

Grading Policy

I use a TOTAL POINTS SYSTEM. Projects are worth the most, followed by tests, then quizzes, then homework/classwork.


  • A 0% will be given if you are found cheating on tests, quizzes, homework, classwork, or special assignments. (If you are found in possession of a classmate’s paper it is assumed you are copying and a grade of 0% will be given to both.)
  • If a student has an excused absence, he/she has one day (for every day out) to make up the work. It is the student’s responsibility to ask for the work. There are bins in the back of the room that have folders in them. Look in your period’s folder for the make-up work.
  • Points are taken off the participation/preparation grade for not having a notebook, textbook, or writing utensil. Come to class prepared!
  • Points are taken off the participation/preparation grade for being late to class. Late means not in the door when the bell rings. After 3 unexcused lateness = 30 minutes after-school teacher detention. 4th unexcused lateness = referral and administrative detention.

School policy mandates that more than 2 minutes late to class without a pass is considered a cut; you will receive a 0% for any assignment, quiz, or test done or due that day.

  • YOU are responsible for making arrangements with me for after school appointments for extra help and/or make-ups.
  • You are responsible for checking in PowerSchool and monitoring your grades.

**This class is designed to be participatory. Your ideas, observations, opinions, and questions need to be expressed in order for you and your classmates to benefit from class. Be prepared to actively participate in class discussions.**


(Not necessarily in this order)

  1. Introduction to Psychology

Definition of Psychology

Scientific Basis of Psychology

Historical Approaches to Psychology

Career Opportunities in Psychology

*Body Project

  1. Theories of Personality



*Trait Theories Evaluation

  1. Abnormal Psychology

Personality DisordersDissociative Disorders

Anxiety DisordersSubstance Abuse

Mood DisordersTreatments

*Abnormal Psychology Project

  1. Child Development

Pre-natal DevelopmentConcerns of Parenting

Development of Formative YearsParenting Styles

Social/Moral Development

*Fetal Problems Project

  1. Parenting and Family Life

MarriageFinancial Budgeting

ParentingTime Management

Family Life

*Parenting Experiment

  1. Adolescent Development

Emotional DevelopmentPhysical Development

Social DevelopmentMoral Development

Intellectual DevelopmentRole in Society

  1. Art Therapy

Artistic Ability and Therapy

Emotional State of Being

  1. Memory

The Brain

Storing Information

Retrieving Information

  1. Sensation and Perception

DifferencesSubliminal Messages

Five SensesIllusions

*Sense and Perception Project

  1. Parapsychology/States of Consciousness


Psychic AbilityNature of Sleep/Dreams

AstrologyAltered States of Consciousness

*Dream Analysis Group Project

  1. Culminating Activities

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