Study Part III of the Constitution, bylaws and standing rules of local, state and International chapters.

Study Treasurer’s Instructions to Officers of Local Chapters (IOLC).

Watch online training for treasurer on Int’l website (under Resources)


Keep a correct, up-to-date list of members and record attendance at each meeting. Treasurer calls the roll at the beginning of each meeting, using the wording found in the President’s Book.

Receive and disbursefunds of the chapter. Give receipts for all cash received or upon request. Enter all transactions in Local Chapter Treasurer’s Financial Records and Roll Call Book. Each year the first receipt issued on or after March 1 shall be No. 1.

Complete monthly reportForm X.(W) The report is dated as of the first of the month. Read report at the first meeting of the month and give the report to the recording secretary to be filed for the auditors. Keep a copy for the treasurer’s records.

Follow the instructions for correct posting found in front of the Treasurer’sFinancial Records and Roll Call Book. Make all entries in ink. Make corrections by drawing one line through the incorrect entry. Do not use white-out.

As Needed:

Order emblem for new initiate following ceremony of initiation.

Send chapter contributions to P.E.O. projects along with the current gift transmittal form (WI W) to Executive Treasurer, Kathy Jameson.

Individual contributions for International projects no longer go through chapter treasury. These are sent directly to International. (W)

Wisconsin projects (H.E.L.P. and WCSF are sent on project transmittal forms). (WI W)

Read “Helpful Hints” regarding individual donations for explanation.

March Beginning of Year Items

Memorize and/or become familiar with the treasurer’s part of the Ceremony of Initiation.

Copy the names of members into the Roll Call Book as of March 1 listing members alphabetically, adding new members and deleting outgoing members. Nonresidents are listed at the end of roll call.

Train incoming treasurer using training checklist. (WI W)


Remind chapter that proceeds from fundraising projects should be sent to the state as soon as possible. All contributions for projects must be postmarked on or before January 15 to be included in the next state convention’s proceedings.

Remind all snowbirds that their dues are due February 1 and become delinquent on March 1.


Remind sisters to bring their dues to the January meeting. Send dues notices to active nonresident members in early December.

Prepare a budget. Although accepted by chapter vote, it is only a guide. The chapter must still vote on all bills presented for payment, including budgeted items.


Continue to receive dues from sisters and remind those who have not paid them by February 1 that dues are considered delinquent by March 1.

Forward the donations and gift transmittal to the ExecutiveTreasurer.

All contributions for projects must be postmarked on or before January 15 to be included in the next state convention’s proceedings.



Issue Membership Cards to all members whose dues were paid. These cards serve as their receipts.

At the last meeting in February, read the names of members who have not paid dues. At this time, the chapter may vote to advance the dues for any unpaid members so that the treasurer can close the books.

No checksare to be written in March until the approved copy of the annual report (Form 25) has been received from Executive Treasurer.

MARCH End of Year Items

Complete annual reports Form 25 as of March 1. Be certain that membership numbers agree with the Corresponding Secretary numbers.

Mail all 3 signed copies of Form 25, one copy of the IRS-SC and dues check to the Executive Treasurerbetween March 1 and 10.

When approved copy of the annual report Form 25 is received from the Executive Treasurer, read the report to the chapter with the next monthly report. Make certain the Recording Secretary states in the minutes that the Treasurer’s Annual Report was approved. One copy is filed by the president; the other copy is for the files of the treasurer.

W = International P.E.O. Website (

WI W = Wisconsin Website (

Local Treasurer Helpful Hints


Use the official Emblem order form for ordering emblems for new initiates after their initiation. Two clasp options for the P.E.O. emblem are available. Determine which style the member prefers before ordering. The Emblem Division receives emblem orders, related correspondence and returned emblems.

After an initiation confer with the corresponding secretary to see that the Change in Membership Form has been sent to International. The P.E.O. RECORD subscription will also be processed following receipt of the form.

Order a Constitution from the Supply department for the new initiate.

Gift Transmittals:

The project donation gift transmittal form should only be used to report chapter gifts. No change was made to the procedure for sending local chapter gifts.

At the 2009 Convention of International Chapter, an amendment was passed that changes how gifts from individual donors to the P.E.O. projects are to be processed. These forms are found under “Giving Opportunities” on the International website.

  • Gifts to Cottey College should be forwarded directly to the college.
  • Gifts to the other International Projects (ELF, PCE, IPS, Scholar, STAR and the P.E.O. Foundation) should be forwarded directly to the P.E.O. Executive Office.
  • Gifts to WI Cottey Scholarship Fund should continue to be mailed to the WI Executive Treasurer. This gift transmittal form can be found on the WI website.

Individual and chapter donations to the H.E.L.P. Fund are to be sent to the H.E.L.P. Fund treasurer as stated on the H.E.L.P. Fund gift transmittal form.


Use the Local Chapter Supply Order form to order needed supplies of the chapter officers. Send with correct remittance to P.E.O. Supply Dept., 3700 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA50312. The form can be downloaded from the International website. Credit card orders may be placed on the International website. The 8-digit number above your name on The RECORD is required.


 Preparing the budget in late fall allows the vote and input from most chapter members before some leave for warmer winters. Also, weather can cancel meetings in January or February when a vote might be taken.

Having the budget prepared in late fall allows project giving to be decided on so gift transmittals can be sent by the January 15 deadline. This should eliminate the last minute decision on project giving.

Annual Reports:

The local chapter’s fiscal year is March 1-Feb. 28/29. The last check written is dated February 28/29 and is made payable to “Wisconsin State P.E.O. Chapter” for state and International dues, reinstatement and initiation fees and state chapter assessments as listed on Form 25. Amount of check should equal line 7 “Total Remittance” on Form 25.

Use the Annual Report Checklist for Chapter Treasurers to review all information before mailing annual reports.

Make certain that membership figures—including total active members, initiations, and reinstatement numbers agree with the chapter corresponding secretary’s numbers. Then complete the annual report Form 25 and the IRS-LC forms which have been received. Sign the forms and have the president sign the forms after she verifies that your numbers agree with those of the corresponding secretary.

If the officer who prepared the annual reports is out of town in March, include with the annual reports the name, address, phone number and

e-mail address of a contact person who can answer questions.

Auditing Committee performs audit gives its report at the next regular business meeting in March or April.

Do not include project donations with annual reports.


No checks are written after books are closed until approved annual report Form 25 has been received from Executive Treasurer.

New treasurer needs to have a transition meeting with former treasurer. Items to cover are found on officer transition checklist found on the state website.

Make certain necessary bank signature cards are completed and instructions to the treasurer are understood. Comply with USA Patriot Act requests from bank(s) holding chapter funds. A packet of information has been provided to the president to help the chapter satisfy these requirements.

Record chapter IRS identification number on the inside front cover of the Treasurer’s Record Book. The number will be needed to complete the Annual Summary of Tax form.

Keep track of funds—receive donations and proceeds of money making activities. If using the computer program, become familiar with the bookkeeping program.

No project contributions will be processed in March.

Remember that any funds donated to H.E.L.P. Fund, Inc. go directly to the H.E.L.P. Fund, Inc. Treasurer. Also, note that funds going to the P.E.O. Foundation need to be payable to the P.E.O. Foundation.

Remember to throw away old forms! Changes have been made over the years and most information is outdated and should no longer be used. Current forms are found on the website.

WH 01/2012