Mrs. Hellmuth - Theology 10 Course Syllabus

“Whoever wishes to follow me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.”

Mark 8:34

Mrs. Marci Hellmuth

St. Bonaventure High School, Room 609

Office Hours: before school or by appointment

It is my pleasure to welcome you to my class in Spiritual Life and the Church and to your school year 2017-2018 at St. Bonaventure High School. I look forward to sharing a positive, fun, challenging, and successful learning experience with you and your fellow classmates.

1st semester: Paschal Mystery (Spiritual Life): This course explores how the Paschal Mystery (Christ’s suffering, death, resurrection and ascension) makes our redemption possible and how we can imitate Jesus as He calls us to holiness.

2nd semester: Ecclesiology (The Church): This course guides the students toward a deeper understanding of the Church as the means to encountering the living Jesus. The students explore their role in the Church and Christ’s invitation to actively participate in and contribute to the life of the Church.

Required Materials

  • Supported Version of Apple IPad.
  • The Paschal Mystery: Christ’s Mission of Salvation (Saint Mary’s Press) 2nd edition “shelf it”
  • The Church: Christ in the World Today (Saint Mary’s Press) 2nd edition“shelf it”
  • Catholic New American Bible Revised Edition Bible App recommended

OrIgnatius Press Augustine InstituteBible App (free download)

  • Theology binder and/orfolder to keep handouts and class notes
  • Lined paper, blue or black pens, highlighter, #2 pencils (recommend: colored pencils/markers, stapler, scissors, post-its, and a ruler).

Expectations of Behavior

1. SBHS school policies regarding rules and attendance will be followed. This includes attendance, tardies, dress code, cell phones, ipads, academic honesty, etc.

2. Arrive promptly and ready to learn. Your presence in this class is valuable and necessary for your success and the learning experience of all the students. Class discussions are an important part of the learning experience of this course. Please be prepared to participate and share in all class activities.

3. Bring required materials including a positive attitude. You are responsible for the organization and maintenance of your Theology binder/folder. It is expected that you will come to class each day with a positive attitude and bring your charged ipad, and other necessary materials.

4. Respect yourself, others, and the learning environment. You are responsible for contributing to a safe and respectful classroom environment where all students can share and learn. It is expected that you will treat yourself, others, and the classroom with respect and courtesy. No leaving your desk without permission to sharpen pencils, to get tissue, or to throw away trash.

5. Take responsibility for your learning and education. You are responsible for your learning and educational goals. It is expected that you will invest the necessary time and effort required to complete all class work to the best of your abilities.

Ask, if you have questions. Please let me know if you need help.


Grades are weighted and earned by the student based on a percentage of points earned out of the total points possible.

100-90 pts = A 89-80 pts = B 79-70 pts = C 69-60 pts = D Less than 60 = F

Writing/Journal prompts ~ 16% Tests/Quizzes ~ 24% Semester Final Exam ~20%

Homework/Classwork ~ 16% Projects/Presentations/Participation ~ 24%


Absences ~ If possible, check Schoology; upon your return from being absent from class, check with me or a class buddy to find out what else you missed. If your absence is “unexcused,” you cannot make up classwork, quizzes, or exams from that day.

Beginning Class ~ Walk in the classroom quietly, set down your books quietly, take your seat, take out your materials, and begin your journal prompt or warm-up exercise.

During Instruction ~ Listen attentively, raise your hand if you have a question, ask questions that pertain to the subject being discussed, and remain in your assigned seat.

No conversations with other students or sharpening of pencils while the teacher or presenter is speaking.

End of Class ~ Quietly pack up your things, pick up any trash around you to deposit in the trash can on your way out of the classroom; Wait until you are dismissed by me – the bell does not dismiss you.

Written Work ~ All written work including journal entries, review questions, and short answer responses will be neatly written; formal essays will be written using the MLA format.

Classmate Support “class buddy”

Student Name ______Phone# ______

Student Commitment

I have read, understand, and agree to follow the terms of this syllabus.


Student Name Student Signature

Parent/Guardian Commitment

I have read, understand, and agree to support my student in following the terms of this syllabus.


Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature