Mrs. Haugen, Syllabus:Team 7-3 Science, 2014-2015

Jenks Middle School,“A Tradition of Excellence with a Vision for Tomorrow”

  1. Contact Info, Resources:
  • You may either send an email (preferred) or leave a voice message (299-4415 ext. 5420)
  • Email: (); FYI – I don’t read work email between 4pm – 7 am.
  • Webpage on to middle school site, click on staff webpage link to the left).
  • Remind 101: A third party site that will text or email you reminders about homework from Science, LA, SS or team activities. Directions for this are on the team orientation form.
  • Review help:
  1. Book Information

Student guides are available to be checked out and sent home, but as they are available online, students will have the option to opt out and use the e-book. Three major topics with two separate student guides are completed throughout the year. We will use the Organisms – Macro to Micro(OMM) student guide from August to January, and from February – May we will use Human Body Systems (HBS) student guides.

Online ebooks:(direct links, no access code needed) Use the links below, or go through my website.



  1. Supplies and Organization

Daily required supplies:

  • Agenda, Pencil(s), Red or Purple Grading Pen
  • 3-ring binder with 5 dividers and loose-leaf paper
  • 1 spiral notebook (100+ pages suggested), or 2 smaller ones (one per semester)

Additional suggested supplies to be used on occasion: Highlighters, colored pencils

Supplies to be donated to the classroom: Graph paper, multi-colored post it notes, scotch tape

Directions for setting up the Binders

1)Write your name, “7-3 Science,” and your hour on the front cover with a Sharpie, or make a sheet to put inside the lining to identify you and the class. Also label the spine “Science.”

2)The dividers should be labeled as follows:

- “Course Information” should contain your syllabus, RPB, and other reference material

- “Learning Activities” will have all lab packets and class work

- “” will have homework, project grades, extra credit assignments, etc.

- “Quizzes and Tests” will have study guides, quizzes and tests

3) Your spiral should be kept in your binder (suggested: put it in the rings in the front of all your dividers). If it doesn’t fit in the rings, then keep it in the front pocket.

Directions for setting up the Spiral Notebooks

*Spirals are graded at least once every nine weeks. Spirals are mostly used for class notes and review activities. Completeness and neatness are important as they make a great review tool!

1) Write your name, “7-3 Science” and your hour on the front cover with a Sharpie. If you have a black spiral cover, you may write on the inside of the front cover.

2) Each page, or entry, should be numbered in the upper right corner as they are used.

3) As activities are completed in the spiral, each entry should have a title and date.

4) You may write in pen or pencil in your spiral. Please NO marker in your spiral.

IV. Grading Information

Course grades will be determined by using a weighted average of several graded categories.

20% Classwork and Outside Practice (used to learn and reinforce content before assessment)

30% Inquiry (activities and assessments related to science process and critical thinking skills)

50% Content assessments (tests, quizzes and projects that demonstrate student understanding)

Please check your powerschool account regularly for grade updates. All student work will be returned to you once graded to be kept in the binders both for you to view, and for review purposes. It is your responsibility to consult with the teacher if you feels there is a grade problem (mistake in grade entered, for example).

Homework and Late Policy:

The middle school has developed a new policy on homework and grading. Work done (inside and) outside of class to practice and reinforce concepts are a work in progress and should not influence the grade more than 20%. Likewise, opportunities for retakes on assessments and corrections on projects will be consideredfor up to 80% of the original grade, as we want to emphasize growth and continuous learning. Work is expected on time, however, so deductions will occur for any late work, whether an assessment or homework, but must be turned in within a reasonable time frame (roughly one day for homework or a week from the original due date for projects).

Bonus/Extra Credit:

5 point bonus coupons can be earned at various times in class to be redeemed at any time, to add points for any grade. There may be occasional bonus assignments, or bonus questions on assignments, labs or tests. Additional extra credit assignments will NOT be assigned on an individual basis, so take advantage of bonus opportunities while you can!

V. Absences and make up work

If you are absent your teacher will probably NOT meet with you one on one during class on what you missed. It is YOUR responsibility to go directly to the “absence binder” upon return to the classroom at the very start of the hour, unless otherwise instructed and complete the following steps:

  1. Read over the sheets for the days you missed.
  2. Complete in your spiral any missed bellwork or notes,and get any handouts.
  3. Turn in any homework that was collected while you were absent. If you missed a quiz or test, you might be expected to take it the day you return, or arrangements must be made to make it up outside of class within a reasonable time frame.
  4. Write in your agenda any work to be completed, and its’ due date. You are allowed the same number of days to make up assignments that you are absent.
  5. Ask any questions about what you don’t understand.
  6. Then and only then should you sign the absence sheet, which indicates that you visited the binder and are aware of your responsibilities (by the way, if you don’t sign it does not excuse you from those responsibilities).

VI. Discipline

I have high expectations for your behavior. If a minor problem arises, the following progression of steps will occur:

I will first discuss it with the student or class, hoping it will be self-corrected.

Team Behavior Notice (form to communicate with parent)

After school detention

Parent – teacher – student conference

Discipline referral to administration (likely resulting in multiple detentions, Friday school, and/or In-House Intervention)

VII. General Tips for Success

Stay organized!! Follow the teacher’s directions for organization of classroom materials. Work with your parents to set up a consistent system for keeping track of, completing and returning homework. We recommend an expandable (for HW only).

Use your student agenda planner to keep track of assignments and due dates.

Keep track of your grades. Check power school on a weekly basis.

Ask questions or come in for help if you need it. I am available most days at 7:15 before school and 2:35 after school to answer questions or help you with organization, work or study. Advanced notice/appointment is appreciated.

Don’t satisfy for less than your best! No excuses.

NOTE: Please don’t tear this off…if you wish to keep a copy, please make a photocopy, or print one from the website.

This syllabus has been read by both student and parent.

Student name ______Signature ______

Parent name ______Signature ______
