8th Grade SCIENCE

Mrs.Gaffney Room 505


Welcome to 8th grade science at O. Henry Middle School. My name is Mrs. Gaffney and I am super excited to be your science teacher. This is my 11th year to teach science.I am also the girls’ soccer coach and SEL Coordinator. I graduated from Texas A&M with a degree in Anthropology and Zoology. Go Aggies! I love sports! I enjoy playing ultimate frisbee, basketball, and soccer. This year in Science will be filled with challenging inquiry labs, research projects, science articles, outdoor learning time,field trip opportunities, and many other activities. I look forward to working with you to ensure a great year!

Teacher Contact Information



Classroom Instagram: gaffneyscience


Monday – Mrs. Tanner, Room 501

Tuesday – Ms. Hibbard, Room 504

Wednesday – Mrs. Gaffney, Room 505


  1. Coming into class- Come in quietly and sit in your assigned seat before the bell rings.
  2. Starting class- Begin the “Do Now” (which will be explained on the front projector).
  3. Leaving Class - You must have a pass in order to leave the room.
  4. Homework - Homework will be assigned on Monday and due on Friday.
  5. Leaving your seat – Do not get out of your seat without teacher permission.
  6. End of Class- The teacher dismisses you, not the bell. Always push your chair in!

Grading Policy:

Homework / 10%
Participation, Classwork, Do Nows, Quizzes / 50%
Tests, Major Lab Reports, Projects / 40%

Late work:

1st Semester: Late assignments will lose 10 points for each day late. Students will receive a maximum grade of 50 for assignments that are 4 or more days late.

2nd Semester:Late assignments will lose 10 points for each day late. Students will receive a grade of a ZERO for assignments that are 4 or more days late.

(If an assignment is not turned in, MSG (0%) will be entered into the gradebook until the assignment is turned in.)

Make-up work for absences

Students who are absent should:

  1. Check the website before returning to class to see what they missed.
  2. Ask 3 peers for a description of what they missed.
  3. Check the make-up work folder in the classroom for extra copies.
  4. Come to tutoring.


  1. Be prompt!
  2. Be prepared!
  3. Be productive!
  4. Be polite!
  5. Be positive!

Discipline Policy:

  1. Verbal warning
  2. Student conference
  3. Phone call home
  4. Detention
  5. Referral

*Please review all of this information with your parents.

** Please sign the Safety Contractand return by Friday, September 26th.