Weekly Newsletter

Mrs. Franks and Miss Swarlis

Issue 6 October 4, 2013

We have been working very hard in Math class and during our C.E. (Core Extension) time to master multiplication skills. The boys and girls are still taking the timed tests each Tuesday and Thursday. Please encourage them to practice these at home!
We have been learning to multiply 2-digit times a 2-digit number. We have been working every spare moment to help those students who still need help with this concept. There will be a multiplication quiz next Tuesday. We will then be moving on to division, but we will continue to take the multiplication timed tests through January. The goal is for every student to be able to pass the 100 problem test in five minutes. If they can do that, we have them try it in three minutes! They really need to have their facts memorized!
Our division unit will take us through the end of the first nine weeks. We will then be working with Prime and Composite Numbers and Factors. We will spend the bulk of the second nine weeks on Fractions. / Science
Our Science classes are working with Life Sciences. We will be learning about how organisms can be affected by changes to their environment. Sometimes the changes are beneficial, but sometimes they are harmful.
We started reading There’s an Owl in the Shower this week. This book is a good book for children this age and the theme goes along well with this idea of changes to ecosystems and the way these changes can affect the organisms there. Next week, we will focus on changes to ecosystems.
We will then be writing Owl reports for a few weeks. These reports are a great way to combine nonfiction reading and writing. Our fourth grade Language Arts standards require that the students complete a research project. We try to work cross-curricular whenever possible!
Language Arts
The boys and girls started their guided reading groups this week. When not at the table for small group instruction, the students will be rotating through stations of worthwhile independent work.
Keep practicing the Spelling words! The boys and girls are improving their spelling skills!
Remember to try to read a little each night! The boys and girls have a reading log in their Reader’s Notebook at school that they can keep track of books and amount of time spent reading each week! / Social Studies
The students are working on the geography of Ohio in Social Studies. We are adjusting our weekly schedule to accommodate the guided reading groups.

Important Dates
Oct. 18th: No school for NEOEA Day
Oct. 25th : No school for Waiver Day
Oct. 31st: Halloween Party 2:15
Nov. 21st and 25th: Conferences
Nov. 27th-29th: Thanksgiving Break
Please check with your child to see if they need any supplies replenished! Many do not have pencils or dry erase markers.
Please practice Math facts at home when possible!!!

Happy October Birthday!

Mrs. Franks’ Class Miss Swarlis’ Class
Maggie H. Oct. 9 Theoren B. Oct. 8
Drew F. Oct. 18

Mrs. Franks’ class book orders are due on October 11th.

Contact Information:
Mrs. Franks
Miss Swarlis
Crestwood Intermediate School 330-357-8203
Mrs. Franks Ext. 3222 Miss Swarlis Ext. 3220