Internet Vocabulary Words
HTML / Text-based computer language that creates hyperlinked documents.Hyper Text Markup Language
LAN / Local Area Network- If you connect to the Internet from an office or academic setting, you are probably connecting through a LAN.
Internet / The web cannot exist without the internet, and email is no longer the most popular internet service.
Digital Literacy / The ability to find, organize, understand, and analyze information using digital technology.
Web 2.0 / Refers to web sites where users can modify the content.
Hotspot / A public wireless hookup you can use to connect to the Internet when you can’t use your ISP.
HTTP / Hyper Text Transfer Protocol- is the language computers use to transmit hypertext documents over the Internet.
ISP / Internet Service Provider, a company that provides connectivity to the Internet.
Cache Memory / Is high-speed RAM that serves as a temporary storage area for data you access frequently.
Domain / Identifies a computer or web site on the internet.
Direct/Dedicated Connection / Always available for internet access.
FTP / File Transfer Protocol-Used to transfer files between computers.
Cookies / Web sites use cookies so that when you return to a site, it displays any preferences or other customized settings you selected. It is a small text file that web sites put on your computer to store information about you and your preferences.
Active X / Programming interface developed by Microsoft for Windows.
SSL / Protocol for managing the security of message transmissions on the Internet.
Digital Certificate / Electronic document similar to an ID Card.
Https:// / The S means that the website is secure and is safe to enter credit card or other personal information.
Refresh / Used to reload a webpage, you can press the F5 key, or elect view on the menu bar and then refresh.
Status Bar / Displays information about the progress of a web page.
Address Bar / Displays the URL of the active web page.
IP Address / Numerical addressing system that uniquely identifies computers and networks.
XML / Flexible text format for creating structured computer documents.
Portal / Web site that features useful content but also contains other links.
Podcast / Method of publishing audio files to the internet.
Encryption / Process of converting data to plain text.
Mosaic / The first graphical browser. It was created in 1993.
Browser / Software program you use to retrieve documents from the web.