East Linton Primary School on Wednesday 22nd June2016 at 7.00pm
Chair: John Paterson
Treasurer: Pam Tannahill
Clerk: Nichola Ma
- Welcome & Apologies
Present: Gill Gardner,Esther Nyandwi, Tasim Martin-Berg, David Russell, Audrey Hartland, John Paterson, Bea Taylor, Fiona O’Sullivan, Ruth Peck, Audrey Hartland, Lynsay Barker
Apologies:Michael Veitch, Amanda Thomson Lucy Daniels, Rosetta Horn, Joan Bell, Pam Tannahill, Colin Carroll,
- Approval of Last minutes
- Matters Arising
ACTION– Gill to pass John Liz Dorrian’s email
John talked briefly about attending the ELAPCM 15th June and how he feels East Linton Parent Council had slipped in terms of parental involvement compared to other parent councils.
Members discussed comparisons to other parent councils and East Linton’s focus on fundraising which can sometimes deter from other important issues on the table.
Suggestions on how to brand and publicise the Parent Council to improve involvement were discussed. Perhaps a recognisable logo or a t-shirt which could be worn at Parent nights and other occasions. Photos of members were intended last year but they never got off the ground.
Gill said we could take the section at the School front door (where the leaflets are) and use it to promote the Parent Council.
Tasim asked how we would get the ELPC leaflet in the P1 packs. Gill confirmed they had already gone but could do something for the ‘back to School’ night in September. Could also send an email out in some format during the first week of school re-starting.
Fiona mentioned that the Face book page has worked for the Class of 22’ – most parents signed up within 24 hours. Suggestion that we should make better use of social media.
On a separate note, John asked if all members were happy with the Letter regarding staffing issues at East Linton PS, which is to be sent to Richard Parker at East Lothian Council. All agreed.
- Correspondence
Autumn Fair update
Tasim, Linsay, Pam and Lucy have been working on developing a plan of action for the autumn fair in September.
They have produced an eye catching poster and a ‘Sign up genius’ online, where people can put their name down to help out with stalls, setting up, clearing away etc. Initial plan to send out on Monday to all Parent Council members and distribute posters around the school and village during the school holidays. The main objective over the summer is to encourage people to sign up to help.
Suggestion to use a fundraising target, such as staged development of the new playground plans. Sole and Rebecca were leading on the playground activity but Parent Council currently unsure where they are at with progress.
ACTION - When we send updated flyer home with kids at the beginning of term – add information about the fundraising target and update the day! Also remember to send as a snapshot in the email (use Snipping Tool), rather than an attachment that people will have to open.
ACTION – Gill has agreed to organise a parent council logo with the help of children in school.
Further discussion about the Autumn Fair - talking about the FB page and other communication – should there be 1 key person who leads it or should it be rotorised amongst PC members.
Other correspondence
- A budget is available for administration and training within the remit of Parent Council work - £212 in total for the academic year. John wanted to point out its available and we should use it to welcome people to meetings or for printing costs etc. Can keep receipts and claim for expenses if needed.
- Community Broadband – looking to extend to optical format. Working group in East Lothian – doesn’t appear to impact East Linton at present
- Dunbar Science Workshop Saturday 25th June – puppetry with a presenter from Cbeebies
- Head teacher report
- P7 just completed their transition days to High school which went very well. Julie Ross met with teachers on Friday and this week the pupils went by themselves
- New P1 children visited school to meet their teachers. Positive and confident children with no tears. Really nice to watch them come in and interact well with each other. P1 buddies brought them back to their parents
- Numeracy/literacy evening went well with a representative for every child which was really encouraging and a first for the school
- Recruited a new class teacher last week
- P5 going over to the bowling green on Friday’s
- P1 did a great performance about bees (youth music initiative) using their own creations with music and lyrics
- Summer concert – children who learn instruments in or out of school were able to perform and the choir also got the opportunity to perform. A great event which showcased lots of talent within the school
- P5 involved in the outdoor education project – Strive (organisation that trains young adults as outdoor education leaders) can only take so many children at any one time so a slightly democratic process was used to select children to take part. Fencing, clearing rhododendrons, archery, building dens, long boarding amongst other activities. Positive feedback from both children and parents that took part.
- Staff tracking meetings in school. Support, barriers for every child looked at their data, progress etc. School improvement next year focussing on the basics – numeracy, literacy etc.
- Curriculum will be published by the September ‘meet the teacher’ night.
- No future specialists, such as a French assistant, but there might be students we can access from Edinburgh University. Will depend on the budget.
- Gill talked about the ‘drip drip’ effect of the French learning which was the purpose of the French assistant and the desire for the learning to be natural rather than forced. Funding not yet agreed by the council.
- Brief discussion followed about perhaps a parent who speaks French and would be willing to share/volunteer to help at school. May be as an after school club and pay a French teacher to run them. Parents might be willing to pay if only a couple pounds a time.
- Gill summarised by thanking the Parent Council, parents and her staff for their support and help throughout the year.
- Additional Items
Discussion about Nursery polo shirts and whether it would be possible to source them for the coming school session in August. Gill advised to contact Patricia Busey at Fenton Barns. She will make the t-shirts and then a message can be sent to parents when available.
Another question was raised from Nursery parents asking whether the Parent Council would consider funding a decking area that can be used in all weather? Perhaps a screen that can be erected to protect it from the wet weather so that the children can play out pretty much all the time. A suggestion of some form of Perspex as it will still let lots of light in. Although it will need to meet H&S, FIRE regs etc. Discussion about how it would be fitted and who we could approach to make that happen.
ACTION – source the name of the company used to get a FIRE retardant screen and feedback to PC members.
Feedback from some nursery parents that they feel a little out of touch with fundraising and parent council goings on. Suggestion to add to Audrey’s newsletter.
Next Year – is it a good idea to focus on a couple of key objectives for the parent council? John agrees it’s good to show what the PC wants to achieve and make better use of parents’ skill sets to help parent council flourish. A suggestion to make a short film about the parent council (from a child’s perspective) and upload to Face Book
Various Ideas discussed for different ways of promoting the parent council.
- Treasurer’s report
Balance @ 1/6: £2183.38
May income: £239 (50-50 club income £81, additional tea towel sales £158)
May outgoings: £181 (50-50 club payments £52, disco food/prizes £129)
Pending income: £132 (additional teatowel income banked)
Pending outgoings: £228 (50-50 payments £43, Sports Day oranges £22.50, P7 yearbook printing £162.)
Tea towels - sold another £132 worth at Sports Day, remaining 20 are in the Post Office to sell, I will check next week how many are left. Currently we are sitting at a profit of £524, plus whatever comes in via Post Office.
50-50 winners May
74 – Donna Tsang
50 – Heather Bishop
44 – Fiona Byrnes
Next meeting to be held before the AGM (which will be held the same night as the parent night) in August to prepare for the autumn fair and to discuss what we’re planning to do at the parents’ night.
Date for next meeting – Tuesday 23rd August 2016
ACTION Clerk to arrange school let.
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