Mrs. Collier’s 1st Grade Handbook

Welcome to First Grade! I am looking forward to working with you to make your child’s first grade experience positive and exciting. I am including some information to help us get off to a great start. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Mrs. Sarah Collier


School Day Schedule: Maybeury’s school day begins at 8:10 AM and ends at 2:40 PM.

Home Folder: Each night your child will bring home a green take-home folder. The front of the folder will contain the week’s homework sheet, which serves as my primary communication with you. Sign off on your child’s behavior sheet daily, and address any issues as noted. Please send notes, lunch money, and forms to school in the green folder. The inside of the folder will contain the homework packet, graded papers, and notes from the school. I will check this folder each morning.

Blue Folder: Each night your child will bring home a blue folder. The folder will contain the spelling words, word wall words, and books that should be read at home from reading group. This folder should be returned to school each day with all materials in it. We use the materials during reading group. It is very important for the children to come to reading group prepared for the day.

Behavior: My goal is to create a caring and comfortable classroom environment. I want the children to respect each other, me, and our classroom. We will discuss how everyone makes mistakes and that it is okay as long as we learn from our mistakes. I will spend a lot of time in September modeling appropriate classroom behaviors and role-playing appropriate actions in order to build a respectful, caring classroom community.

Students will fill out a behavior sheet daily based on the Maybeury Core Values of MES: Make responsible choices. Expect the best from myself. Show respect for myself and others. If students demonstrate these core values, they will earn Mallard Money to spend at the Mallard Mall. If students do not adhere to the core values, they will not earn Mallard Money and will receive an appropriate consequence.

Our classroom will use a clip chart to monitor behavior. A clip chart is a great tool that allows students to be rewarded for positive behavior, while discouraging negative behavior.

Each student has a clothespin, or clip, with his or her name on it. Everyone will start on green at the beginning of each day, and clips can be moved up and down throughout the day based on behavior.

PINK: The Super Student level is reserved for outstanding behavior. A student who reaches this level will earn a special note home, and a jewel on his/her clip. After five jewels, clips will be retired to the Hall of Fame and a new clip will be given!

PURPLE: Students can move to the Great Job level for continuing to display good behavior. You should be very proud of your child for reaching this level!

BLUE: Students will move to the Good Choices level for showing that they are making the right behavior decisions! Ending the day on this level is great!

GREEN: Every student will start the day on the Ready to Learn level. As the day goes on, clips can be moved up and down, based on behavior. This level is

is a good one to be on!

YELLOW: A student will be moved to the Think About It level as a warning about his/her behavior, and a reminder to follow the rules.

ORANGE: Students who continue to display poor behavior can move down to the Teacher’s Choice level. Here, the teacher can decide what action to

take. Loss of recess or center time might be an appropriate choice.

RED: When a student moves to the Parent Contact level, the teacher will

notify parents via note, email, or phone call. A visit to the Principal’s office might also be in order. Students on this level may also lose recess time, etc.

The class will have an opportunity to earn a whole class reward by filling a Gem Jar. By using appropriate behaviors during special classes, receiving compliments from other teachers, receiving great lunch reports, and having excellent classroom behavior, the class will earn gems to fill our jar. When we fill the jar, the class will be rewarded with a special activity or treat.

What can the children expect from me? The children can expect me to be firm, fair, and consistent. In my experience, children thrive in this kind of environment.

Graded Papers: I will send graded papers home with students several times per week in the green home folder. Please review the papers inside with your child and make corrections to work. Please keep all papers at home unless specified to return on the paper.

Lunch: Our lunch will be from 12:50-1:20 daily. Parents are welcome to come and eat with the children. Please add money to your child’s account online at I will send home your child’s lunch account number for him/her to memorize. The meal prices are as follows:

Student Lunch$2.50

Reduced Price Lunch* $0.40

Adult Lunch $3.25

Student Breakfast$1.40

Reduced Price Breakfast*$0.30

Adult Breakfast$1.75

*Please contact the cafeteria manager for information about the free/reduced meal program for students.

Snack: We will have a snack break everyday around 9:30. Please help your child get in the routine of packing a healthy snack each day. NO JUICE BOXES! Water only, please. Please ask me if you need suggestions for healthy snacks.

Recess: We will have recess time daily from 11:15-11:45. Children are encouraged to wear sneakers.

**Sneakers are required on Wednesday for P.E. Children can only participate with appropriate shoes.**

Dismissal: At the end of the day, I will walk each child to his/her dismissal location. I will make sure all children know exactly where to go and also make sure they get there. Changes in dismissal must be made through the office using the appropriate bus pass. Please read the dismissal handout for more information. Please do not email me with dismissal changes.


*Monday: Library 8:30-9:00 AM

*Tuesday: Mystery Reader 8:30-9:00 AM

*Wednesday: P.E. 8:30-9:00 AM

*Thursday: Art 8:30-9:10 AM

*Friday: Music 8:55-9:25 AM

Homework: First graders will have homework nightly. Please take time to complete written assignments and read daily with your child. Homework should take about 10 minutes plus 15 minutes of reading. Please keep the homework in the blue folder. I check homework each morning. If an assignment is incomplete, I will note it on your child’s homework sheet. Homework is meant to reinforce skills taught in school. Please do not work ahead. It is important to work a little each night. Students are expected to complete homework every night.

Reading: Daily reading at home is the best way you can help your child develop and grow as a reader. As part of homework, first graders should read for 15 minutes every night and work on their reading log. Reading logs are due at the end of each 9 weeks marking period. While students are learning to read, I encourage parents to read with their child (read to the child, alternate reading pages, etc.). As children become stronger readers, children should be reading for 15 minutes independently in addition to books you choose to read aloud. Please help your child by reading every day at home!

Dress Code: The Dress Code will be strictly enforced. Please read the HCPS Student Dress Code Handout. Children who are not dressed appropriately will be sent to the office to call home for a change of clothes.

Birthdays: Birthdays are special days, indeed, and we celebrate here at school in several ways. (1) Your child’s name will be announced during morning announcements. (2) S/he will choose a birthday pencil from the office. (3) I give each child a birthday treat bag.

If you would like to celebrate your child’s birthday at school, I suggest that you come eat lunch with your child on his/her birthday. You could even bring him/her an extra special lunch or treat. Please do not bring food treats for the class, due to the myriad of allergies, religious dietary restrictions, health concerns, etc. Thanks for your cooperation with this!