Great Bentley Parish Council
4 September 2014
Present / Cllr B. Herbert (Chair), Cllr K. Plummer, Cllrs L McWilliams, Cllr C. Warder, Cllr R. Taylor, Cllr G. Wright and Cllr P. Balbirnie (from item 61).Also in attendance were 20 members of the public.
Public Questions /
  1. Mrs Bishop awaits a formal response to her memorial wreath enquiry.
  2. The agreed relocation of the refuse bin on the Green remains outstanding.
  3. Millennium clock requires adjustment.

09.14/5.55 / Apologies for absence: Cllr J. Hills, Cllr L. Edwards and Cllr P. Balbirnie.
09.14/5.56 / Minutes of the last meeting:Cllr Herbert proposed the minutes of the meeting held on 31 July 2014. Cllr KP seconded the proposal and the minutes were agreed as a true record of proceedings.
09.14/5.57 / Declarations of Interest:
Cllr McWilliams declared a disclosable pecuniary interest agenda item 09.14/5.61e.
Cllr Wright declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 09.14/5.71.
09.14/5.58 / Information & Reports: None.
09.14/5.59 / County and District Councillors Reports:
a)County Councillor – It was noted that Cllr Lord resigned earlier this week.
b)District Councillor – Cllr L McWilliams provided an update on the ongoing BT junction box issue noting that she has taken this matter up with TDC's new Rural Projects Panel, and already received responses as to how partners are looking to resolve the problem.
09.14/5.60 / Police Community Support Officer (PCSO): The Clerk reported that he has been advised that the PCSO tripartite contract has been prepared and now just awaits signature of the parties.
09.14/5.61 / Other Reports:
a)PCSO Incident Report: Cllr Herbert read out the previously circulated report for the benefit of the members of public present.
b)Tendring District Association of Local Councils:Cllr Taylor referred to his previously circulated report. He highlighted the issue regarding the new Fire Safety Agents.
c)Transport: Buses 85 and 86 are being discontinued due to the increasing subsidies required to operate them.The Horizon bus timetable has been changed to link in with others. Now reduced to a 5 day a week service.
d)Footpaths:David Gollifer’sreport was noted.
e)Caretaker: Bob McWilliams report was noted.
f)Village Events:None that have not been previously raised.
09.14/5.62 / Correspondence:
a)Deliveries to Tesco (01-08-14);It was agreed that the issues raised need to be addressed. RESOLVED: To write to Tesco raising the matters.
b)World War 1 Centenary Commemoration (11-08-14);Noted.
c)Wedding 6th September (30-08-14); Noted
d)Circus Complaint (01-09-14);The Clerk was asked to respond.
e)Invitation to attend a public meeting with Nick Alston – PCC on 15-09-14; Noted.
f)Circus Complaint (02-09-14);The Clerk was asked to respond. Cllr McWilliams prosed, Cllr Wright seconded and it was RESOLVED: Tointroduce a public diary of events to minimise conflict between events on the Green.
g)Invitation to a briefing on possible development sites for inclusion in the new Tendring District Local Plan (02-09-14); Noted.
09.14/5.63 / Parish Clerk Report:
The Clerk presented a brief verbal report.
09.14/5.64 / Finance Report:
The monthly expenditure report (attached as an Appendix) was proposed by Cllr Taylor seconded by Cllr Herbert and agreed as a true record of proceedings.
09.14/5.65 / Village Green Working Party:
Cllr Herbert read his report including a letter of complaint from an allotment holder. He put forward his proposed responses to the issues raised, which in turn were agreed.
It was reported that the work that the contractor on the Bold Venture site has forced the fence to fall over on to Parish Council land.RESOLVED: To write to Mrs Simmons askingfor the fence to be reinstated.
Cllr McWilliams relayed a request she received that permission is granted to Friends of the Green to erect a railway sign at the entrance to the Station Road Car Park. Cllr Herbert agreed to investigate the practicality of the request.
09.14/5.66 / Request to Fell a Tree on the Green;
Cllr Wright declared a non-pecuniary interest. RESOLVED: No objection.
09.14/5.67 / Highways:
a)Cllr Balbirnie reported that ECC has posted an advertisement inviting comments regarding the lifting of the weight restriction on the bridge over the railway on the Weeley By-Pass. He proposed and Cllr Taylor seconded. RESOLVED That GBPC to write supporting the lifting of the weight restriction.
b)Cllr Wrightasked that the ongoing issue of the lorry that is continually parked outside Crabtree Cottage, Ravens Green Road, Lt Bentley is reported. RESOLVED: Report to Highways and alert PCSO Cox of the situation.
09.14/5.68 / Village Emergency Plan:
The Clerk advised that he is awaits a response from Catherine Boyer-Besant, TDC’s Senior Joint Emergency Planning Officer to the draft emergency plan he submitted to her for comment.
09.14/5.69 / Future Agenda Items:
1)Damage to the Southside of the Green.
Public Question’s: The Chairman invited questions from the public present.
1)Mr P. Harry asked if incidents of crime in the village are increasing with regard to the PCSO’s report.
2)It was confirmed that it is likely that there will be an election to fill Cllr Lord’s ECC councillor seat on 9 October 2014.
3)Drainage prob. Advised to complain to Highways and add to agenda
4)Has there been any progress on painting cross hatching lines by the post-box? Also want disable access to the post box would be very helpful. Agreed that the Clerk would report this matter to Highways.
5)It was reported that the shop that houses Cindi’s deli is up for auction and that there is a risk that the village will be left with no independent shop notwithstanding Tesco.
09.14/5.70 / Exclusion of the Public: The Chairman closed Part A of the meeting and invited the members of the public present to leave prior to continuing on to Part B of the meeting.
09.14/5.71 / Proposed Wind Turbine at High Barns:
Cllr Taylor proposed that this item be discussed as a Part B item. Cllr Herbert seconded the proposal. RESOLVED: That the public is excluded from this part of the meeting in order to allow members to consider sensitive personal data.
Anoriginal motion had been proposed prior to the meeting. It was agreed to postpone this until the opportunity to discuss the issues had been taken.
Cllr Taylor proposed Cllr Balbirnie seconded and it was RESOLVED: The Parish Council has investigated Great Bentley STOP Ltd and is satisfied that the company is correctly set up to receive a financial grant from the Parish Council.
Cllr McWilliams proposed an amendment to the original motion. That the Parish Council agrees a financial contribution of up to a maximum of £5,000 is donated to underwrite the costs incurred by Great Bentley STOP Ltd. This amendment was seconded by Cllr Balbirnie. The amended motion was carried.
RESOLVED: To make available a sum of up to £5,000 to underwrite Great Bentley STOP Ltd in its efforts to oppose the current application for a wind turbine within the Parish of Great Bentley.


Great Bentley Parish Council

UNAPPROVED Minutes of the Meeting held on 4 September 2014

Present: Cllr B. Herbert (Chair), Cllr K. Plummer, Cllrs L McWilliams, Cllr C. Warder, R. Taylor and Cllr G. Wright. Also in attendance were 14 members of the public.

Public Questions: None.

07.14/5.25Apologies for absence: were received from Cllr J. Hills, Cllr L. Edwards and Cllr P. Balbirnie.

07.14/5.26Declarations of Interest: Cllr McWilliams noted a non pecuniary interest in planning application 14/01134/OUT and advised that she would leave the room while that item is discussed.

07.14/5.27Minutes of Last Meeting: The minutes of meeting held on 31 July 2014 were proposed by Cllr McWilliams, seconded by Cllr Plummer and agreed as a true record.

07.14/5.28Planning Applications: To consider planning applications, the summary details of which are set out in the table below.

Planning Reference No. & Email Link / Application Details / Address/ Location / Comments
14/01008/FUL / Creation of a visitor centre in the Tithe Barn, Cart Shed, Diary and adjacent paddock inc. changes of use to A1, A3, B1, D2 and conference functions wedding receptions use; construction of extensions; internal and external alterations and all ancillary works. / The Priory,
The Bury,
St Osyth / Gt Bentley Parish Council would wish to support St Osyth Parish Council in its view.
14/01066/FUL / Variation of details approved under conditions 2 (approved plans), 8 (Landscape Mgt Plan), 9 (vehicular access), 13 (turning heads), & 14 (Traffic Mgt Plan) of planning permission 14/00513/FUL. / Land north of Frowick Lane, St Osyth / No comment, no objection.
Mr R Burgoyne / Two x 3 bed houses. / Land adjacent 2 Station Cottages Station Road Gt Bentley / No objection, no comment.
Mrs Vera Palmer / Variation of Condition 18 of 12/00955/FUL to allow the existing restaurant to be used for storage. / Former Little Chef Colchester Rd Gt Bentley / Members asked for some detail on what is to be stored. The Clerk agreed to inquire and circulate members for comment.
Mr D Shipp, Mr & Mrs D Bennett / Proposed erection of 5 detached houses. / Builders Yard & Land R/o The Royal Fusilier Public House Aingers Green Great Bentley / Cllr McWilliams left the room for this item. The Council resolved to object to this application and express concern about density.
14/01180/OUT / Outline application with all matters reserved for residential development of 0.59 ha of land to create 4 detached dwellings. / Land north of Carpenters Farm, St Mary’s Rd
Gt Bentley / No objection, no comment.
14/01182/OUT / Outline application with all matters reserved for residential development of 0.1 ha of land to create 1 detached dwelling. / Carpenters Farm, St Mary’s Road
Gt Bentley / Cllr McWilliams volunteered to check location is within the development area. If not, the Council resolved to object. If it is then no objection.

The Chairman agreed to consider the following application, which arrived after the agenda had been circulated.

14/01243/TCA / 1 No. Beech – reduce by half. / Oak Cottage
20 Cherrywoods
Gt Bentley / It was noted that the Tree Warden has no objection. No objection and no comment.


Offer to work in partnership by Gt Bentley STOP: It was noted that this correspondence and its contents will be considered as a separate agenda item during the Parish Council meeting that follows immediately after this meeting.

07.14/5.30Planning Matters for Report:

a)Appeal lodged for non-determination of the Sturrick Lane application (14/00431/FUL).The appeal was noted. Cllr McWilliams was asked to explain the appeal process for those present not familiar it.

b)Invitation from two Parish Council representatives to attend a briefing on possible development sites for inclusion in the new Tendring District Local Plan (02-09-14). It was agreed that Cllr Herbert and Taylor would attend to represent GBPC.

Public Questions: The Chairman invited questions
