In order to make our classroom as efficient as possible, I have some procedures and policies for you to follow.
Academic Planner – You will need to be responsible and plan your time wisely. Your academic planner also serves as your pass to/from class.The academic planner is also a place to write down your weekly homework assignments.
Notebook – You will need a 1” three-ring binder with 5 dividers. We will label the dividers in class.
**Please do NOT use your English class notebook for ANY OTHER REASON THAN ENGLISH. Your notebook will be randomly graded throughout the year for neatness and completion.**
Please be sure to have plenty of college-ruled notebook paper in your notebooks at all times.
Books – Your $20fee for my classroom will be used to purchase class novels and grammar journals.
Writing Utensils – You may use either pen (black ink only) or pencil in my class to take notes and complete your journals. You will need another pen in a DIFFERENT COLOR OTHER THAN BLACK in order to assist with revising/editing and checking some of your assignments. Also please have a highlighter with you during class for editing/revision and other classroom activities, including annotating texts.
Memory Stick / Flash Drive – You will need this device to save material from the computer in order to be able to work both at school and at home on your writing and projects.Google Apps allows students to save work in their “Google Drive,” so students may use this option instead of carrying a flash drive. Another online option is Dropbox (which allows 2GB storage to access anywhere and share files).
Beginning in the 2015-2016 school year, teachers at Chelsea Middle School will use a universal grading system in which grades will be divided into 3 weighted categories: Gold, Silver, and Bronze.
Gold = 60% of overall grade
This category will consist of major tests and projects. There will be at least 4 gold grades over the course of a 9 weeks grading period including the benchmark assessment.
Silver = 30% of overall grade
This category will consist of quizzes, assignments that build to a gold level project or paper, collaborative work, etc. There will be at least 6 silver grades.
Bronze = 10% of overall grade
This category will be made up of homework, bellringers, participation, study guides, etc. There will be at least 10 bronze grades.
Assignments are due in class on the due date. CHMS has a policy that promotes learning and holds the student accountable for his/her academic success. If a student fails to complete an assignment, he/she will receive a discipline notice from me for parent to sign notifying them of missing assignments. Work turned in one (1) day late will automatically be deducted 10%; after that ½ credit will be given on ALL late assignments.
If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get your missed work; you will not be reminded. Most make up work can be found in the “Absent” box at the front of the room. Each class’s work will be put in that class’s folder. Make-up work is due within three days of your return to class. DO NOT make the mistake of coming to me at the end of the nine weeks and asking for your make-up work; no missed work will be turned in after the permitted time period. If you are absent for more than two days, it would be wise for you to contact me for your assignments at !
Academic honesty is expected in all policies and assignments. Reported or observed violations will be taken seriously and handled through the appropriate channels.
My classroom rules are posted on the wall in my room, but I will list them here as well. I would also like to remind you that I will have a sheet signed by each student and his/her parent(s)/guardian(s).
1. Be prompt. When the bell rings, I expect you to be in your seat working on your bellringer.
2. Be prepared. I expect you to have all your materials with you when you come into my
classroom – notebook, paper, pen/pencil/highlighter, personal reading book, HOMEWORK etc.
3. Be respectful. I expect you to show respect to other people (teachers and peers) as well as
property (school and personal). You do not have to agree with someone else’s opinion, but
you do need to respect it.
4. Do your best. Each of you is a capable person. I expect you to always strive for excellence,
whether it is on homework, class participation, a project, a test, etc.
5. Follow all rules in the Student Code of Conduct.
Consequences: Discipline Sheets
Although I expect nothing but wonderful behavior from my students, I do have a discipline notice to address possible infractions. A student will be given a discipline notice after breaking classroom rules.Please notice that having homework on time is a classroom rule. If a student does not have his or her homework, consequential action will be taken. The consequences for each noticeare verbal warning/discipline sheet, isolated lunch, after school detention, and then office referral. If it is a serious infraction, the student will be referred directly to the office. After three discipline sheets within the same grading period regarding the same infraction (i.e. three discipline sheets for not turning in class assignments) a student will be given after school detention. Again, I do not anticipate any problems this year, so I do not anticipate having to use my discipline notices.
Although you may call the school (678-2710) to leave a message for me, the best ways to contact me or receive information about my class are the e-mail and blog listed below as well as our class’s Google Classroom account.
Please ask me if you have any questions about this information. If each of you follows these guidelines, our classroom will run efficiently and our school year will be successful. Thanks for your cooperation!
Chelsea Middle School 2014-2015 School Year