Mrs. Baggott’s Classroom Policies and Procedures

These are policies as specific to my classroom. Each student must also be familiar with all school policies outlined in the student handbook.

Cell Phones: As stated in the student handbook, students are not allowed to utilize cell phones during class. In accordance to this policy, the following procedure will be followed with cell phone violations.

  1. Students will be given a verbal warning.
  2. Students will be asked to turn their phone into “Cell Phone Jail.” Cell phones will be kept here until the end of the class period.
  3. If a student refuses to comply with steps 1 or 2, or continually misuses their cell phone during class, students will be escorted to an AP who will keep the phone until the end of the day.

MacBooks: MacBooks are a wonderful learning tool and should be treated appropriately. Therefore, if a student is found to be using their MacBook inappropriately, i.e. visiting an unapproved website, using it for games, chatting, videos, or pictures, or simply using it when inappropriate to do so, they will lose the privilege to use their MacBook for the class period. If this happens, the student must then turn in their MacBook to me. If noncompliant or if the offence is repeated, the student will be escorted to an AP and lose their MacBook for the day. Any classwork on MacBooks that is missed because it has been confiscated must be made up with another medium (pen and paper), or on a computer outside of class (if applicable). If the course work is not made up, it will result in a zero.

Tardies: Students are responsible for arriving to class on time. Each day, upon arriving to class, students are expected to immediately go to their seat and complete the “first five” assignment in their MacBooks. I will lock the classroom door when the tardy bell rings. Students will not be able to enter the classroom after this point without a pass. If a student is tardy, they must follow the procedure set in student handbook.

Make-up Work: For each day of work that is missed, one day will be given to complete make-up work. Therefore, if a student is absent two days, they will receive two days after they collect the work to get it turned in. This does not absolve them from any work that accrues after they return. Make-up work will be waiting for students in the make-up folders when they return to school. The week’s work will also be posted on the board and on Google classroom, in case the student missed a virtual assignment. It is the student’s responsibility to collect and complete all of their make-up work in a timely manner. It is also the student’s responsibility to schedule an appropriate time/manner to ask any questions they have. This means that it is not okay to ask questions about a previous day’s work while I am taking attendance at the beginning of class the next day.

Bathroom Policy: It is difficult for students to remain informed members of the classroom community if they are continuously leaving the classroom. Therefore, it is strongly advised that students attend to their bathroom needs before entering the classroom. Permission will not be given to use the restroom if it will cause the student to be tardy to class. Each student will receive two bathroom passes for each IPR (4 weeks) to be used in emergencies. These passes may only be used during individual work time, so that no instruction is missed and classmates are not inconvenienced. Once these passes are used, they will not be replaced until the IPR ends. Passes do not “roll over.”

Turning in Assignments: Assignments must be completed before entering the classroom on the day they are due, unless specified otherwise. If the assignment is physical (a worksheet), then it must be submitted to the appropriate basket upon entering the classroom. If the assignment is electronic, it must be submitted electronically with the time stamp showing that it was submitted before the start of class. If a student is found working on a past assignment during class time, the assignment will be confiscated. Late work will be accepted until the end of the following IPR, but must be completed outside of class.

Library and Hallway Procedures: Each class will attend the library every other Friday during class time. Some library visits will include a book talk and an informative mini lesson, while others will simply allow for book check out. Much like the school-provided MacBooks, the library is a learning tool that is expensive and intended to enhance the learning experience. It is a privilege to have such a tool at our disposal. Therefore, as a class, we must make an effort to show the library and its staff the utmost respect.

Although walking to the library is a sort of “field trip,” it is important to remember that library visits are during class time and all class expectations apply. When walking through the hallway, we must remain aware that there are classes going on around us. Therefore, voices must not be raised above a whisper, and there should be absolutely no banging on lockers or doors, looking through widows or open doors, or general horseplay. I expect all of my students to act their age, not their shoesize, and show me that they deserve this privilege. If these expectations are not met, consequences include loss of other privileges, referrals, parental contact, and detentions. Library visits should be a nice break at the end of the week, so please take advantage of them instead of abusing them.

Materials and Borrow Logs: All required materials should be brought to class every day. Students will not be permitted to return to their lockers to retrieve required materials. If a student forgets a material, that student is responsible for either asking a classmate to borrow that material for the class period, or taking advantage of my borrow log.

The borrow log is a system which allows students to borrow basic required materials or special materials, i.e. rulers, calculators, novels, or colored pencils, from me. Each material has been catalogued and assigned a number. In order to borrow a material from me, a student would need to sign out the item number and return it to me by the end of the hour. If the item is not returned, I will ask students to return or replace the item. If that is not possible, that student will lose the opportunity to use the borrow log in the future.