Mrs. Amfahr’s Parent Information Packet



I believe that in order for each child to be able to perform their best in school, he/she needs to be able to feel safe and be part of an environment that is conducive to learning. Each child needs to do his/her part in order to create an environment that is safe and where learning can take place. We will be following the school expectations of being Safe, Repectful, and Responsible.

We will be using Class DoJo this year. You will be able to see how your child is doing throughout the week. Your child will have opportunities to earn rewards as well. I will only contact you if there was a serious issue or if certain behaviors persist. I will not be contacting you each time they lose a point. Please talk to your child about the loss of points and how they can make changes so that it doesn’t happen again. We will do some graphing of the data and goal setting here at school as well.


Your child will have a planner this year. I will be putting the assignments and topics covered during the day on the board for your child to copy into their planner. Your child is to highlight or circle the subjects that are homework. Please look at, discuss the planner with your child. I will jot short notes in the planner on occasion. You are welcome to jot quick notes about after school transport changes or upcoming absences and so forth there as well. Please remind your child to show me any notes first thing in the morning as I might not check planners immediately. Thank you.


Your child will be bringing home a Take-Home Folder each day. In addition to the planner, please check the folder daily. The folder will have notes, completed work, papers from specials, etc, and any work that might need to be completed and returned the next day.



In the elementary this year, one of our building goals is to ensure that students are proficient readers. This includes fluency and comprehension. Fluency in reading is needed so that the brain can be free to think about the comprehension of what is being read. Please encourage your child to read 20 minutes or more each night. You will be amazed to see your child’s growth throughout the year when they practice daily at home and at school. They can read to themselves, to a sibling, to you, or a pet. You can read with them or to them as well, so they can hear how a fluent reader sounds. Just like sports, dance, or piano, reading needs to be practiced daily to continue to grow as a reader.


We will be learning a lot of games this year that practice skills that we are working on in class. Ask your child to play games with you. Once the year gets started we will have information to give you so that you can get on-line to play the games, as well as, see what we are learning each day, and get practice materials should you like more help with a concept.


A child’s birthday is always a celebration! If you would like for your child to have his/her birthday celebrated in the classroom, feel free to send store-boughtbirthday treats. We will celebrate your child’s special day even if you choose not to send treats. If you do not wish for your child’s birthday to be celebrated in the classroom, please let me know as soon as possible.


You are welcome to come have lunch with your third grader any time! Please make sure to send a note or e-mail in advance as there might be a change in schedule that day and also to notify the kitchen with the correct number of hot lunches. Also, please remember to check in at the office to sign in. The secretary will buzz our room to tell us you are here. Lunch will be at 12:50-1:20. Thanks!


Because of the late lunch time, we will have a snack time in the morning. If you wish, you may send a healthy snack with your child each day. Students have brought granola bars, fruit, yogurt, cheese and crackers, goldfish, raisins, pretzels, etc. If a child brings something that is not a healthy snack (for example: potato chips, cookies, candy bars) they will be asked to put it in their locker to take home. Please contact me if you need assistance in providing a snack for your child. It is important that the students have enough fuel to get them through the morning. We work VERY hard in third grade! 


Please go over this handbook with your child. It is important to have everyone on the same page. Education must be made a priority. I want every child to succeed to the best of their ability. In order for this to happen, the teacher, parent, and child need to be doing their part in the classroom and out of the classroom. Let’s have a great year! In the interest of saving paper, I will send many information pieces through the Carlisle website, DoJo, or an email. Please let me know if you will need a hard copy of the items I post. Thanks!


8:00-8:10Arrive and get ready for the day (tardy after 8:10)

8:10-8:30Morning Meeting

8:30-9:20Literacy Block (Reading & Writing)


9:40-10:05Literacy Block (Reading & Writing)




12:35-12:50Literacy Block (Reading & Writing)


1:20-1:50 Science

1:50-3:10Walk to Read & WIN

Thanks for sharing your child with me!