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Minutes of the meeting of Dunton Bassett Parish Council
Held on 9th July 2012 in the Village Hall, commencing at 7.15 pm.
Present: Cllr E Pridding (Chair),Cllr A Mofford (Vice Chair), Cllr C Hurford, Cllr K Thrower, Cllr J Pridding and Cllr P Clark
In attendance: Clerk and members of the public, Cllr N Bannister and PCSO Martin Doyle
Agenda Minute
Nu Nu
77/12 / Apologies for absence - None
78/12 / Declarations of interest - None
79/12 / Chairman’s Remarks– Thanks were given to all who contributed to the Diamond Jubilee Celebrations, the event was a large success. It has been noted that unfortunately it would seem that the new venture Spice 45 within the Village has closed. The lease is currently for sale.
80/12 / To approve minutes of the previous meeting 14th May 2012 – Resolved: these were approved.
81/12 / Clerk’s report -General Actions:
Fencing Parish Close – Graham Sutton has been asked to quote for repair and additional fencing within the Parish Close paddock.
Damage to barriers A426/Coopers Lane – reported. Action awaited. Resolved, repaired
Community Forum Grant – Unfortunately the Parish Council was not successful in the bid to gain funds from the latest Community Forum grants available, despite efforts made particularly from Cllrs E and J Pridding.
56 Coopers Lane – Request was made of me some time ago to establish who was responsible for tree maintenance re the large tree in the boundary of this property. It was eventually established that Severn Locks were responsible and details were passed to the resident.
Dunton Goes Green Group – I have contacted Aiden Aikman on behalf of the Dunton Goes Green group to request permission to clear-up and re-plant the area at the bottom of Bennetts Hill which has become over-grown and unsightly. A response is now awaited.
Community Governance Review – Follow-up conversation where I was advised that the Council Officers will put forward any of their views for recommendation to the Council in December. Following that the Council will contact all affected parties (i.e Parish Councils and residents) by those suggestions that they also think should be considered. We will hear something in February if they think Broughton’s idea is suitable.
Tree preservation order on Little Lunnon has been granted
Actions since last meeting:
69/12 – Allotment Training – This was not attended.
Ongoing Issues
24/12 possibility of purchasing security camera: To follow-up with PCSO Martin Doyle – response required.
Potholes outside the Merrie Monk ref – 5245972 due to large lorries turning around due to roadworks. On hold till the pub has new residents.
SHLAA Report – further to letter sent re land owned by Aikman Estates a conversation with S Pointer of HDC planning indicates that the report is yet to be discussed. More information will be received possibly at the end of May. Nothing as yet received, Planning Policy Department very short-staffed.
Concern raised regarding removal of tree on Old Coach Road resolved: Diseased tree was removed and others cut-back following HDC consent, tree to be re-planted: Clerk to monitor
112/11 Concern was raised regarding the stability of the wall outside 36 Main Street as it is leaning (seemingly due to tree roots) Action Clerk to follow-up and report. Jan 2011 – reported to LCC, awaiting feedback
Enforcement officers advised that Planning conditions on application numbers: 11/00230/FUL (horse-walker still not painted or ‘netted over’ as agreed) – Jan 2012 walker now ‘netted over’.Resolved: Conditions complied with, case closed with HDC.
10/01493/FUL (markings distinguishing car-park from road and car-parking provisions) have not been met. - HDC to follow-up and advise. May 2012 – Letter received – to be circulated. Resolved.
73/11 – Write to Aikman re ‘squaring off of Playground’ – Awaiting further advice, request forwarded to Aidan Aikman - no response to date. July 2012 Adrian Aikmen has responded to an e-mail saying that he will look in to it.
75/11 – Provide Terms of Reference for Community Fund Working Party to all members – Resolved, awaiting signed forms back - Alex
51/11 Richard Windley advised that he is waiting for the result of an indicative bid by De Monfort Housing to the Government Grants for funding of the project – March 2012, no up-date as yet.- he will advise
53/11 Bin top of Little Lunnon strapped to 30mph sign – May 2011 reported, repair awaited – Sept 2011 chased with LCC: Nov 11 chased with LCC, should be in place before November meeting? May 2012 – new free-standing bin on order.
88/10 Action Clerk – contact Aikman Estates and request permission to perform works. – request for swing gates as opposed to stiles Action Clerk - December 2010 – Aikman Agents contacted and funding for works safeguarded; awaiting confirmation of approval from Fisher German. January 2011 – Aikman approval still awaited – June, Correspondence between Fisher German and LCC taking place. September 2011, Fisher German still no response from tennant, letter from Parish Council to be drafted and sent: reply awaited.
Reading of the LCC Highways meeting minutes showed that Mr Fuchs is currently in talks with Highway officers regarding the possible relocation of the 40mph speed sign on Leire Lane – Clerk to keep PC informed, September 2011, asked Mr Fuchs if this has been completed.
82/12 / Meeting open to the public – A complaint was made reference the grass-trimmings being left on the public foot-path by the County Council contractors – Action Clerk to follow up. It was noted however that due to the current weather conditions that the grass has been growing very strongly and is also wet so the normal procedure of blowing the grass off of the foot-path is not as effective as normal. It was also noted that the grass along Church lane does not always seem to be being cut (near to the car-wash) and also in the lay-by Little Lunnon - Action Clerk.
PC Martin Doyle reported to the meeting: Crime figures over the last 60-days in and around the village show two thefts from motor vehicles, one burglary and two miscellaneous. One month ago PC Neil Patel undertook a late-night patrol. A number of catalytic converter thefts have recently been made around the area; a system is currently in place where those who have already been a victim of this crime can have security marking put on to the new replacement, but a wider system where people can use the marking as a preventative measure will be available later for a £5 charge. PC Doyle stated that it would seem the recent presence of a security camera within the village seemed to be a deterrent for some of the anti-social behaviour being experienced. A request was made that the Police put forward support to revert back from part-night lighting of the streetlamp on the Mount. PC Doyle advised that this would have to be backed up with evidence that crime had escalated as a result of the light being off after midnight, which is not the case. Laptop marking for security purpose is to take place in Broughton Astley soon where item and ownership details are logged in to the central Police system.
The recent heavy-rainfall resulted in water and cow muck coming off ‘The Beat’ resulting in flooding outside of the School and Village Hall. Photographs of this have been taken to use as support for the objection to building on the land. It was noted that the grass down Church Lane and the Main Road going past the car-wash garage towards Lutterworth is not being cut - Action Clerk. The topic of large lorries driving quickly down Station Road was raised. The Council members advised that vehicle details need to be taken in order to be able to confront repeat offenders.
83/12 / Rural Housing Enabler – to discuss any further development with investigations. Resolved: nothing further to discuss
84/12 / Playground Working Party – To receive updated report: Nothing much to report at present. The Community Team have been doing a good job keeping the area clear and will be available to work within the village for few weeks to come. A motion requesting up to a £50 spend on appropriate paint to ‘spruce up’ the furniture at the playground was seconded and voted in favour of. Action E Pridding. The Beacon erected for the Diamond Jubilee is still in situ.
85/12 / Parish Plan Committee – To receive updated report: Dunton Goes Green group will be holding a coffee morning soon with apple pressing, ideas for recycling and composting along with a stand promoting use of solar panels. The fact that Harborough District Council are soon to introduce a new recycling system for their home collections was discussed. It was noted that information from the thermal imaging project will also be available and that there is now 10 houses within the village which have solar panels.
86/12 / To discuss possibility of creating a Neighbourhood Plan – Cllr N Bannister gave the meeting an overview of what is involved in creating a Neighbourhood Plan and spoke of his recent involvement with the Broughton Astley project. Neighbourhood Plans would not stop the development within a village, but could help determine where any applications can be considered. Motion not to create a NP at this time proposed and seconded. Voted in favour. Following invitation to the meeting of Broughton Astley’s Neighbourhood Plan viewing Cllr Mofford attended and noted that he is now also part of a Working Party related to the NP. It was found at the meeting that included within Broughton Astley’s NP proposals was land within the Parish of Dunton Bassett. Motion to write to Harborough District Council and advise that this land noted is within DB parish proposed and seconded. Voted in favour – Action Clerk and copy to BA Clerk
87/12 / Broadview Windfarm – To receive updated report – Invitation for representatives to attend a meeting to discuss how the Community Fund will be paid-out in future to the three parishes has been made. This is due to the new owners indicating that the payments can either remain quarterly in arrears or could be paid annually in arrears. Action Clerk to liaise regarding meeting date. Motion to keep payments at quarterly if possible proposed and seconded. Voted in favour.
To receive updated report from Community Fund Working Party
The Working Party group has held a meeting and put forward recommendation to the Council. That awards be made to:
The Church
The Village Hall Committee
The Cricket Club
Motion to support the recommendation proposed, seconded. Voted in favour – Action Clerk.
88/12 / To discuss for adoption revised Code of Conduct: Resolved – Motion to adopt HDC Code of Conduct proposed, seconded and voted in favour.
89/12 / To discuss for comment Site Allocations Plan: Local Green Space
Further to recent circulation the Green Spaces to be requested be added to the plan (Playground, Wild area next to Leicestershire Round footpath and hedge to field, Parish Close, Little Lunnon triangle and the Primary School Playing field) were proposed, seconded and voted in favour. Action Clerk.
90/12 / Allotments – Carried forward to a later meeting.
91/12 / Finance:
To receive current financial statement – Resolved, received.
To approve for payment receipts for tub planting – Resolved, received.
92/12 / To discuss for approval 1st War Memorial honorarium payment: - Resolved, honorarium approved. Action Clerk
The planting of the bedding was discussed and it was suggested that a more simpler and more colourful rotation be put in place. Action Clerk
93/12 / Planning:
To discuss application 2012/CM/0215/LCC
Resolved: The planning application was discussed and Motion to object based upon the level of traffic increase as well as the fact that this application is not in line with the County Council’s Waste Strategy was put forward. Seconded and voted on in favour. Action Clerk
Any planning applications submitted between Agenda notification and meeting date will be considered
94/12 / Repairs and Maintenance
Broughton Astley Community Group
Cllr E Pridding reported that we have the use of our own Community Group now every Wednesday and requested ideas for work for them to undertake.
95/12 / To discuss for comment Street Lighting Energy Saving Scheme Annual Review
Resolved: No comment. Action Judi, to note in the next newsletter that any problems re the lights being turned off should be reported to either the Police or Parish Council.
96/12 / Items for discussion on next agenda
Dates for next meetings: September 10th and November 12th
The meeting closed at 9.07pm





Mrs Amanda Wileman, Clerk to the Council,7 Dover Street, Kibworth, Leicestershire, LE8 0HD

Tel: 07809558526 e-mail:

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