Greater Than Minimal Risk Research,Minimal Risk Research Involving Vulnerable Populations, or Genetic Research
IRB PROJECT #: / Principal Investigator:
REVIEWER: / Review Date:
Objectives and Aims:
Is the purpose of the research clearly stated? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Are the goals/hypotheses clearly stated/described? / (Choose One:)YesSee CommentsClarification RequiredNoN/A
Comments: / §
Background and Significance:
Are the prospective benefits and significance of the research clearly explained? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Are the data/results from any preliminary studies included? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Does the historical science support the safety, significance and methodology proposed? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Comments: / §
Research Study Design/Methods:
Is the project organization clear (Sponsor, CRO, Monitoring, Institutions, Facilities, etc.)? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Is the design clearly described (e.g., randomized controlled study, etc)? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Is it clear how the research design will be implemented? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Are there any tests/procedures that seem unrelated to the objectives of the research? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Is the study design consistent with the standard of care for the participating MRI Institution? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Are the safety measurements and endpoints clearly defined? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Does the methodology maximize (optimize) participant safety? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Are the methods used for data tracking, data entry and storage clearly described? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Are adequate provisions to ensure the accuracy and completeness of data described? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Is there a clear data analysis plan? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Comments: / §
Is there a clearly stated risk/benefit assessment? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Are risks to subjects minimized? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Are risks to subjects reasonable in relation to any anticipated benefits to subjects and in relation to the importance of the knowledge that may reasonably be expected to result? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Comments: / §
Human Subjects:
Study Population:
Is the study sample justification adequate? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Is the study population equitable based on the disease/condition being studied? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Is there a rationale and justification for any exclusions? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Vulnerable Populations: N/A
Have safeguards been provided to protect the rights and welfare of any vulnerable populations or non-English speaking person(s), including tailored Informed Consent document(s)/procedures (where applicable)? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
If the research involves children, please choose the following applicable category.
N/ANo more than minimal risk> minimal risk with prospect of direct benefit> minimal risk with no direct benefitOpportunity to understand/alleviate serious condit
Are the strategies/procedures for recruitment clearly explained? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Are any supporting recruitment materials appropriate for the research activity and free of coercive language? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Are there adequate provisions to protect the privacy of subjects and to maintain the confidentiality of data? Where applicable, has a Certificate of Confidentiality (issued by FDA/OHRP for sensitive research areas) been submitted for review? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Comments: / §
Is there a description of personnel and their qualifications? Are staffing positions described? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Does the application reflect adequate resources sufficient to support appropriate conduct of this research activity (funding, personnel, facilities)? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Comments: / §
Supporting Documentation:
Was an adequate Investigator’s Statement of Compliance, FDA Form 1572, or Investigator’s Agreement (IDE trials) provided? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Has adequate documentation of any Conflict of Interest or Financial disclosure form been provided for all Investigators? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Has an Informed Consent document or appropriate request for Waiver of Informed Consent Requirements been attached? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
For Device Studies only: Has the CMS (formerly HCFA) billing category and appropriate supporting documentation (for Category B) been provided? / (Choose One:)N/AYesClarification RequiredNo
Have all required supporting Committee approvals been obtained (i.e.: Radiation Safety, Institutional BioSafety, NIH Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee, and Other IRB approvals)? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Has adequate HIPAA documentation (Authorization/Waiver) been provided? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
CV analysis:
Does the Principal Investigator demonstrate adequate experience in this area to conduct the study? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Investigational Studies: N/A
Was valid IND/IDE documentation provided? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Was an Investigator’s Brochure/ Instructions for Device Use Provided? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Was the information presented on the MRI Investigational Study Information Sheet appropriate? / (Choose One:)YesClarification RequiredNoN/A
Comments: / §
Reviewer Follow-up with Investigator
Was the investigator and/or coordinator contacted? / (Choose One:)Yes, Indicate Date/Time of Contact:No
Reason contacted:
Resolution: / N/ANot yet resolvedClarification/additional documentats sent to ORA Other (specify):
Reviewer Determination / Overall Comments and Action
Overall Comments/Requested Clarification:§
Suggested Action:
(Choose One:)ApprovedApproved with stipulationsTabled, pending further clarification/informationDisapproval
Please email this form to the appropriate IRB Regulatory Associate before the full IRB meeting.
Research Protocol Reviewer Form MedStar Research Institute 2004 – Version: ORA2005 V3 (1/6/05) Page 1 of 3