MiddleRio GrandeDevelopmentCouncil

RequestforInformation and

Contract Pricing

Voice LoggingRecorders for9-1-1PSAPs

July 2015

Requestfor information
Voice LoggingSystem
RegionalOverview…………………………………………… / Page
System Technologies…………………………………………. / 4
9-1-1System…………………………………………… / 4
Radio…………………………………………………… / 4
AdminPSAP PhoneLines…………………………….. / 4
RecordsMgmt. /CAD………………………………. / 4
User Interface………………………………………………… / 5
Hardware………………………………………………. / 5
Keyboard/VideoDisplay/Mouse………………………. / 5
OperatingSoftware…………………………………………… / 5
ApplicationSoftware…………………………………………. / 6
Message Storage/MessageCopy….…………………………. / 6
Hardware……………………………………………………… / 6
RecordingMedium……………………………………... / 6
Maximum Storage Capacity……………………………. / 6
Archive andBackupStorage…………………………… / 6
InstantRecallFunctionality…………………………………… / 6
Live monitoring……………………………………………….. / 6
SimultaneousUsers…………………………………………… / 6
PlaybackFeatures/Protections………………………………. / 6
AudioChannelCapacity……………………………………… / 7
AudioCharacteristics…………………………………………. / 7
Diagnostics,Faultidentificationandnotification…………….. / 7
Security……………………………………………………….. / 7

AdditionalInterfaces…………………………………………. 8


OperatingRequirements/Power.…………………………. / 8
Implementation……………………………………………… / 8
PricingConfiguration……………………………………….. / 8
Pricingfor equipment/installation/licensing………………. / 8
Pricingfor Support/Maintenance………………………….. / 9
CompanyInformation………………………………………. / 9
AdditionalInformation……………………………………… / 9
InformationFormat…………………………………………. / 9
Questions……………………………………………………. / 9
ResponsesDue………………………………………………. / 10
Scoring………………………………………………………. / 10
Notification/Demonstrationdates………………………….. / 10
ReservationstoRFI…………………………………………. / 11

RegionalOverview: TheMiddleRio GrandeDevelopment Council 9-1-1 Department is requestinginformation and pricingundertheStateofTexas CISV/ QISV/ HGAC /DIR Contract BuyingServices for VoiceLoggingSystems forElevenPSAPs.

Recently, theRPChas upgradedthe existingCall ProcessingEquipment (CPE)in all twelvePSAP locations. The equipment will also be upgraded to a MPLS Networkwith Positron’s VIPER CPE Host MPLS9-1-1 technology. Theregional systemwill havetwoHost sites, and tenremotesites. Laughlin AFB has their own recording system and is not a part of this RFI.


9-1-1 System: Theregional system structureis an Intrado, (Viper)Host- Remote system. Recordingwould bebest served by recording each9-1-1 position at each PSAP.

Radio:Systems currentlyin placeareMotorola’s Smart Zone, P25 Trunking radio systems. Towersites are controlled byan offsiteswitch, with amixof radio consolletes, and MIPradio consoles forradio dispatch. Radio channels arebasedas talk groups. Whilenot a component ofthis purchase as it relates to 9-1-1 systems, prospective vendors should be awareofthenecessityofall PSAPS to havethe capabilityofrecording radio traffic. Radio interface work will bebetweenthevendor and local agency.

Admin Lines: Admin Phones areseparatephonesets and not tied to thePositron VIPER host or remotesites. Respondingvendors need tobe awareofthenecessityofPSAPs to havethecapabilityof recordingAdmin linetrafficas requested.AdministrativeLine interface work will bebetween thevendor and local agency. Eachagency’s AdministrativephonelinePBX varies byagency.

Records Mgmt. /CAD:All PSAPs inthe regionare currentlybeinginstalled with a common records management, and in some caseswhereprocured locallyCAD modules also. Thesystem is from ComputerInformation Systems, out of SkokieIllinois.

UserInterface: Each PSAP location cited in theRFIhas aminimum oftwo seat positions at each facilityforincoming9-1-1 call taking, with the exception of the Del Rio Communications Center. Del Rio has three seat positions.Anywork requested for additional seats is beyond thescopeofthis request and will bebetween thevendor and theagency. This pertainsto 9-1-1 operatorseat positions and not administrativeseat positions which will be covered within this RFI.

Hardware:While each installation will vary, the RFIis requestingrack mounted PCs that will beinstalled in existingback roomequipment areaswith other9-1-1 related, radio, and records management equipment. Back room to front room cablingdistances vary, however estimatesareprovided hereto establish cablinglength between PC’s and Monitor/ Keyboard/ Mouseinterfaces. Host siteUvaldeback room equipment to dispatch is approx. 25 feet to longest seat position. RemotesiteReal Countyback room equipment to dispatch is approx. 50 feet. RemotesiteCrystal CityPD backroom equipment to dispatch is approx. 125 feet. Host site Val VerdeCountybackroom equipment to dispatch distanceis approx. 150feet. RemotesiteEdwards Countyback room equipment to dispatch distanceis approx. 75 feet. Remotesite KinneyCounty backroom equipment todispatch distanceis approx. 75 feet. Remotesite Del Rio Comm Centerbackroom to dispatch distanceis approx. 50 feet. Host siteEaglePass PD backroom equipment todispatch distanceis approx. 60 feet. RemotesiteMaverick Countybackroom equipment to dispatch distance is approx. 30 feet. Remotesite Dimmit

Countybackroom equipment to dispatch distance is approx. 25 feet. RemotesiteLaSalle

Countybackroom equipment to dispatch distance is approx. 20 feet.

Minimum Specifications:Rack: Should be wall mounted with abilityto handleboth

VoiceLogger and Rackmounted PC.

PC: Minimum specifications: 2U height, back plane, singleboard computer with two Gb NICcards, 2 GHzXeonprocessor, 1GBRAM,(expandableto 16GBmax), imbedded RAIDwith threehot swappabledrivebays. 48XDVDRW/CDRW, dual 700 watt power supplies and mountingrails. Hard drive(s)Two 300GBSATA, with RAIDController, Sound Card. ( Vendormayadd as neededconfigurations that align with theirprospective product underHGACor QISVcontract offeringthat meets or exceeds theabove configurations). High Qualityspeakers with volume control should be available at the desktop, orheadsets maybeprovided asan optional cost and noted as such.

Keyboard/Monitor/Mouse:The request underthis RFIregardingtheuserinterface would bethePCHardware, cabling, keyboard, monitorscreen,and mousefordisplayof thevoicelogging GUIbetween the VoiceLoggerand the9-1-1 seat position at each PSAP. As a component ofthe GUI and the abilityfortheoperatorto managemultiple screens, theinclusion of KVM switches maybeincluded.Thekeyboards should be USB interfaced, thescreens 23inch flat screens, mousewith USBinterface, twobutton with wheel. Onekeyboard, onemonitor onemouseperoperatorseat.

Operating Software: Theoperatingsoftwarerequirements forthePCnoted above should beMicrosoft Windows 7, (with access to 10 simultaneoususers), or specified change with vendor package.

CD burningSoftware, SymantecPCAnywhereSoftware. Softwareand manuals included.

Application Software: The application softwareshould begeared towardthe end userat both theoperatorand administrativelevel user capacity.Application Softwareshould be licensableto the end users, aminimum oftwo dispatch seats, and twoadministrative seats. The application softwareshould beabletomanagethemedia in multiple formats, wave files,Mp3,etc. Thesoftwareshould bepassword protected formultipleusers across seat positions.

MessageStorage: Storageof Audio will bedependent on thevendorpackageunder contract, howeverthe abilityand method ofstoringdigital, analog,and hybridaudio should bediscussed andasolution provided for.

Message Copy: Thesystem should be ableto message copyrecordings to either Compact Disc, DVD, and distributable as a file format in .wav, .mp3 orothersuitable industrystandard media.

Hardware: The VoiceLoggershould berack mountable and in thesamerackspace frameas thePC located in thePSAPback room. Thehardwarechassis andframeshould beofsuitablestrength, with adequatepowersupplyto maintain operationalintegrityin back room environments. VoiceLogger Hard driveshould beaminimum sizeof 450GB with DVD recordableunit forlongterm archiving ofdata. (Thevendormayadd the components regarding Hard drivesize and speedas well as DVD storage capabilitybased on their contract packagecomponent.)

Recording Medium: Dependent on vendor’s product offering forthestated application.

MaximumStorage Capacity:Notedabove asa minimum of450 GBSATA Hard drive, howevervendordoes havetheoption to provideasolution which will best coverPSAP call activity.Host sites typicallyarelarger PSAPs, and handlelargercall volumes, with remotesites with the exception oftheCityofDel Rio Call Center which handles more9-

1-1 calls than anyotheragencyin the region.

Archive/Retrieval/ Backup Storage:Vendorsolution for archive,retrievaland backup storageto beutilized based on industrystandards, and contract packagepricing. Thesystem should allowforpoint and click interfacebetween system call datalogs allowingfortheeasylocation and retrieval of anyrecording. Call datalogsshould be

ableto besortedaccordingto numbercalled, station, location address, call duration, time ofday, etc.

Instant Recallfunctionality: Each seat position must havethe abilityto instantlyrecall, retrieve,and playback recordingsat thedesktop.

Live Monitoring: Eachseat position and Administratorposition should haveaccess for livemonitoringof anyrecorded channel whetherradio, telephone, orotheraudio source availableto thesystem within the capacityofthelogger.

Simultaneous Users:Thesystem should havetheabilityto support multipleusers, with aminimum oftwo 9-1-1 operatorpositions and a minimum oftwo administrative positions.

PlaybackFeatures /Protections: The abilityforeach userto usepoint and click functions forplayback, stop, pause,and speed control should beapart oftheinterfaceat each position as well asadministrativepositions. Securityof functions with password protections, continuous time and datestampingare minimum specifications.

Audio ChannelCapacity: Dueto Host – Remoteconfigurations, and individual PSAP size and call volumes, audio channel capacityconfiguration isnoted as: Host site Uvalde PD (8channelcapacity). RemotesiteReal CountyS.O. (8channelcapacity). Remote siteCrystal CityP.D. (8channel capacity).Remote site Val VerdeS.O. (8channel capacity). Remotesite KinneyCountyS.O (8channel capacity). RemotesiteEdwards CountyS.O (8 channel capacity). Remotesite DelRio Comm.Center (8channel capacity).Host siteEagle PassPD (8channel capacity). RemotesiteMaverick County

S.O. (8channelcapacity). Remotesite Dimmit CountyS.O (8channel capacity). Remote siteLaSalleCountyS.O.(8 channelcapacity).

PSAPrecording requirements call fortherecordingofeach 9-1-1 call position, (9-1-1 line), and onevoice administrativeline for9-1-1call rollover.It is requested that the vendor work directlywith Western States Communications, as the CPE maintenance vendorforinstallationand interface with eachPSAP installation. Radio, and audio recordingsbeyond thescopeof9-1-1 systemrecordings are beyond thescopeofthis RFI. Additional channel bank increments ifrequested byany PSAPagencyarebeyondthescopeofthis RFI and pricing,with maintenance and

support beyond the9-1-1scopeof work are costs that theagencyand vendormay negotiate.

Audio Characteristics: Audio Characteristics should meet industrystandards forboth analogand digital recordings relatingto impedance, sensitivity, idle channel characteristics, DTMF, etc.

Diagnostics, FaultIdentificationandNotification:Thesystem should havethe ability to notifyoperator and oradministratorseats the followinginformation at a minimum: Silent Audio channels, excessive audio noise, and managementsystem failure,hardware faults on both PCandLoggerunits, software faults, and audio altered fromoriginal source. Notification should bethrough multiple fronts, includingaudible, screen notification, message alert, etc.

Security: Thesystem components should bebuiltto limit orprevent access from un- authorized personnel, whetherbykey, bypassword forsoftware applications,etc.

AdditionalInterfaces: Whilenot a component ofthis RFIand pricingrequest, the abilityofthesystem to logandretrieveotherinformation interfaces is desirable. The abilityto retrieve ANI/ALI, called numberID,callingnumberID, GPS coordinates of wireless callers, CAD recordID, radio call receiver and radio dispatchID would also bea desirablefeatureofthesystem.

Operating Requirements /Power:Thesystemwill beoperatingin backroom equipment environmentsthat aretypicallytemperature controlled, howeverthesystems must be ableto managevarying fluctuations in heat, humidity, dust, and varied air flow. Thesystem must operateon A/Cvoltage, standard110-120 volt range. Thesystem must have adequatepowerprotection, with a rack mount UPScapableofline conditioning, and fiveminute runningtimecapacityunder full load forboth PCandLoggerunits. The equipment rooms for allPSAPShavebeen upgraded to current electrical standards for grounding, with 7 KWUPS’s plus Generators forauxiliarypower.Front dispatch positions have adequatepowerto cover flat screen power and or KVM switch needs.

Implementation: Theselected vendorupon notification of awardwill beissued a

PurchaseOrderfrom theMiddleRio Grande Development Council priorto April 31st,

2015 upon contract execution fortheturn keycosts ofstaging, installation, and maintenancecosts for alltwelvesystems. Work will begin immediatelyupon execution

ofthe contract with theselected vendoron theimplementation ofthetwelvesystems. The selected vendor will work with all PSAPvendors,CPE, Radio, RMS, andother contractorsas needed dueto current systems beingremoved, PSAPs being remodeled,

and new equipment beinginstalled. Vendor will work directlywith MRGDCpersonnel, and PSAPstaffto insure that installs areperformed in atimelymanner, using good installation techniques, and adheringto all reasonable requests during all installations.

Pricing Configuration:This request forinformation and pricingis basedon Stateof Texas Contract pricing, DIRand HGAC Contract pricing.Inyour response forpricing, please notethe following:

Pricing for equipment, installation, licensing: Provideturnkeypricingforeach PSAP, based on theminimum requirements as listed in hardware, and softwareincluding installation with abottom linetotal for each PSAP. Whereoptions forhardwarecosts are requested outsideofthe minimum requirements dueto vendorspecificpackages, please notethat differenceor cost with each PSAPas needed and notethedifference.

Pricing forSupport/Maintenance:TheRFIresponse forpricingshouldindicate levels ofsupport forPSAPpersonnel regardingoperational questions, failures, breakdowns,and relatedrequests relatingto eachsystem. Each response formaintenance and support should reflect two options forsupport and maintenance.

These are: (1)24X 7 / 365 daysayear fortechnical support, with 7dayaweek on site response.

(2)24 X 7 / 365 days ayear fortechnical support,with MondaythruFriday8:00 to 5:00 on site response.

Costs should reflect support and maintenance foroption 1, with ayearlycost, from

September1stto August31stof eachyear.

A separate cost lineitemshould reflect support and maintenancefor Option 2 forthe sameyearperiod. Maintenanceshould includepricingfor annual orsemi-annual maintenanceofsystems, both loggerand PC.MRGDC will not be contracting for annual maintenance of these systems after procurement and the warranty period. Maintenance costs should be priced with each individual agency on a case by case basis if they elect to pursue a maintenance contract with the selected vendor.

Company Information:Provideinformation regardingyourcompany’sfinancial strength,years in business, numbers and types ofinstalls related to publicsafety9-1-1 in theStateofTexas overthepast fiveyears. Providealist ofTexas customers in thepublic safetyarena whocurrentlyuseyourproduct.

AdditionalInformation: Provideinformation in yourresponsethatyoufeel makesyour companyand/orservicesstandout. Provideinformation on howyou plan tomaintain, support, and provideongoingmaintenanceand support overthelifeofthe equipment. Explain where and howyou providemaintenanceand support, averageresponsetimes for onsitesupport etc., as well as the experienceofyourtechniciansand support personnel.

InformationFormat: You mayreplypoint bypoint under eachIndexheading, andfor pricingorPSAPcostsyou mayprovidean ExcelSpread Sheet showingeach PSAPand related costs ifthat would be easier foryou. Youmayrespond electronicallyas aWord attachment and Excel, howeveryou must replywith two original documents, each in a three ringbinderwith signature fromyour companyon letterheadrespondingto theRFI. Additional product information maybeincluded in thebinder.

Questions: Questions regardingtheRFI and pricingshould bedirected tome, Forrest

Anderson, 9-1-1Director, MiddleRio Grande Development Council.

Myprimarycontact Email is: . My Office direct line is: 830-876-1264, my cell phone number is: 830-591-8352.

Responses Due: Youroriginal documents aredueno later than3:00 P.M. Central Standard Time, atourofficeinCarrizo Springs Texas onMonday, August 17th, 2015. The responses need to be marked 9-1-1VoiceLoggerResponse, to the attention of Melinda Perez, procurement department, MiddleRio GrandeDevelopment Council,

307 W. Nopal Street Carrizo Springs, Texas 78834.Written responses receivedafter theduedateandtimewill benotedas received lateand notopened. Allwritten responses willbeloggedandtimed inat timeofreceiptby procurementstaff.

Scoring: Scoringwill performed byaregional review team madeup ofPSAPdispatchers and DispatcherSupervisors. COG 9-1-1 staff will act in asupport and facilitation role. The9-1-1 Directorand staff will assist the reviewteam in final scoretabulation and notification ofthetop three vendorproposals basedon a100 point (onehundred)scoring sheet. Anytiescores will besettled bypoint totalsfrom top to bottom withthe first proposal scoringhigheron anyonepoint value component breakingthetie.

Point value components are asfollows:

Function =30 pointsmaximum

Cost= 20 points maximum

Company = 10 points maximum

Hardware= 10 points maximum

Software= 10 points maximum

Maintenance/ Support= 20 points maximum

Total = 100 points maximum.

Notification/Demonstration dates: Review team scoringwill takeplaceon Thursday,August 13th, 2015. Thetop three highest point proposals will be contacted for demonstrations of equipment which arescheduled forFriday, August21st, in UvaldeTexas at theUvalde County Emergency Operations Center Facility, 201 Sul Ross Drive. This facility is located off of Garner Field Road, on Airport property, adjacent to South West Texas Junior College, in the first Hangar on the right on Sul Ross Drive.The review team will bemadeup oftheregional scoringteam ofdispatchers and dispatch supervisors. Upon selection of final vendorbased on submitted proposal, score sheet points, and on demonstration of equipment, thevendor will be contacted within two days fornotification of award. Staff will then request from the MRGDC Board of Directors to ratify the selection as recommended by the 9-1-1 Director and Staff. Contract authorization andPurchaseOrdersubmission will proceed immediately after ratification is approved.

Reservations to RFI andPricing proposal: TheMiddleRio Grande Development Council reserves theright to reject anyandall proposals. We reservethe right to negotiate with theselected vendor regardingadditional services,changes toservices or equipment as proposed.Certificates as to adrugfree workplace and debarment documentation will beapart ofthe finalcontract languageas an addendum to this proposal request.