MRE FFA MEETING AGENDA - December 3, 2015
Present:Mary Corbett, Natalia Moorhead, Jacqueline Morgan, Ann Marie Council, Amy Hill, Pam Millar, Brigid Brown, Jennifer Leader, Lane Vance, Su Pool, Nicole Floquet, Aaron Andrews, KoreyThoummavong, Regina White, Tony White, Paul Barrie, and Lori Cotterell.
1)Mary Corbett called meeting to order at 6:38pm.
2)Secretary’s Report - November 2015 meeting minutes wereapproved. Motion first- Jen Leader, seconded by Jacquiline Morgan.
3)Treasurer’s Report- Jacqueline Morgan- The good news isthatwe have made more money thanwe have spent. However, wewouldlike a year’sworth of fundsavailable to the nextyear’s FFA. We do not have thatcurrently. It justmakes the year more stressfulwhenwe do not know ourincome. Seeattachment.
New Budget Guidelines: Korey developed a new document to help chairs understandthe parameters of their budgets. It explains how a chair canrequest money and deposit money. Mary isworking on a cover page thatwillgive Chairs a clearly set budget and clearly set guidelines regarding how to handlethings if theybelieve an eventwillrun over-budget. For example,itwillclearlyexplainwhenboardapprovalisrequired for anyoverages.
4)President’s Report- Mary Corbett
a)School’s Committee Updates- Marshall Middle has an amazing math program, which isrecognizedas outstanding by the district. Marshall math teachers have inviting the 5th grade teachers at our school to get trained at Marshall Middle. This is a great opportunity to help ease the transition of our 5th graders.
i)SRCA recognition night- Nominate someone if you know they are deserving. Everyone is recognized. It is in March.
ii)There is a plan to build a large apartment complex on the site owned by the district at Spring Canyon and Scripps Poway Parkway. The district needs money so that is why they are making this deal. There is a proposal to include a small, empty room for the schools in Scripps to use as a science lab. There is no money to fund anything to put into the room. The room is not easily utilized by schools in Scripps due to its location. The district wants us to solicit donations to stock the science/tech lab. Give any feedback to Mary Corbett if you have an opinion on the project and she can pass it along or you can contact the planning group directly. See Mary for contact information.
b)January meeting host- TBD
5)Committee Reports/Upcoming School Activities
a)Candy Drive wrap-up- Teacher- Romero 2nd grade won. They brought in 23 lbs.of candy. The total candy collected was about 200 lbs., so we will get approx. $200.This is similar to last year.
b)Mother-Son Night wrap-up –Mary Corbett- The night was a success, but unfortunately, expenses were $1300 over-budget. This discrepancy was what spurred the new guidelines on budget, deposits and petty cash requests. The event was not a sell out. There was some discussion as to whether it would be better to do the event later in the year or possibly the same month as the father-daughter dance. Per Jen Leader- It was initially later in the year, but moved toward the fall because of the new venue at the trampoline park. The former venue was the bowling alley. For next year, we are considering using “master sports laser tag.”They set up in a park. It is similar to the laser tag that we used at the Halloween carnival, but on a much grander scale. When we have the event at thebouncing place, sometimes moms are on the side lies, while kids are bouncing.
c)Campus Clean-Up wrap-up- Jen Leader.We had a good turnout. In fact, it was the best attended one yet! The work was done in under 2 hours and a lot of trash was picked up.There will be another one in the Spring.
d)Scrip cards fundraiser – Ann Marie Council. Orders due tomorrow Dec. 4- Several board members offered to assist. Cards will bedistributed on December 17th and 18th before and after school in the lunch arbor.
e)Restaurant Nights - Islands/Barnes & Noble Dec. 9 – We are having an in-store fundraiser all day at Barnes and Nobel. A flyer will be sent home. To get the 20% to the school at Islands, you must bring in the flyer.
f)Book Fair- Pam Millar and Brigid Brown- After you spend all your money at Barnes and Nobel, you can come get books at book fair. Jan. 20th books arrive- teachers can shop on the 21st. Kids start to shop 22nd through 28th. Theme: peace, love and books. Reward after the book fair- A disco dance-off by Peg and Ysensia. Abba most likely. There is also a contest where students can post responses about books. Thestudents who make submissions will be entered into a drawing for books. New way to display teacher wish lists will hopefully be successful, too. The SD warehouse is great to work with and they will even help get us more books if we run low on certain titles. Mary Corbett volunteered to coordinate the book fair next year.
g)Jog-A-Thon – Aaron Andrews. 60s theme. Theme: Peace, unity and running. Paul, Janet and Christine are helping out. They will need more volunteers and when it gets closer. A fundraising letter is nearly ready to go out to corp. sponsors. There will be a hard deadline of Feb 15,2016 for sponsors. Jog-A-Thon will be March 15 and 16. We are trying to avoid any conflicts. Last year it was the same day as the BBQ lunch.
h)Spring Social-KoreyThoummavong- The event will be at the Officers’ club on the Marine Base on April 30, 2016. And we can have babysitting there. More details to come! Options such as Ubers and shuttles are still in discussion. Anyone entering the base must be put on a guest list in advance.
6)School Services Updates
a)Media Center- table discussion for now because Eddie and Mike couldn’t be here. Looking to expand our offerings into robotics, perhaps. Dingeman has Robot Corp. lesson plans like Art Corp. Dingeman has generously offered to share the lesson plans with us. This is not lego-club. It is a programming curriculum that increases in complexity year by year. While it is taught by volunteersat Dingeman, we hope to incorporate it into media center time. Thus, no new pull out. We have $20,000 in tech reserve. However, Dingeman got a grant and will give us the grant info and we can apply, as well.
i)We should have a grant writing committee. Dingeman has one. Summer is our grant writer for The Garden. We need more people to write grants.
b)Directory- A printed version was distributed to the students. Lynn pulled together the directory on a shoestring budget $615 for the entire school. We didn’t have enough advertising support for directory, so it was $100 short. We will need advertising if we want to do it again. Otherwise we will need to budget it at an expense.It clearly isn’t a large expense. We are still looking into whether a viable e-version is an option.
7)Program Update
a)Green Team- Jen Leader looking for volunteers. Sat., Dec. 5th, a boy scout is putting in the irrigation free of charge. It is his eagle scout project. We are building three more little beds at the same time. If you are handy with tools, you are welcome to come. Just email Jenn. Happily, a fence is going to be taken down at another school, so we may get the fence. This would make the project costs much less than we expected. A ratsnest was cleared out, but other animals (rabbits) are still a problem. The fence will protect against some, but not all.
b)Mini Mermaid Running Club- Jen Leaderis the coordinator.It is for 3rd, 4th and 5th grade girls. They are running a 5k. It is a self-esteem building program. If Jen gets over 10 girls, a second adult will be needed to monitor. It is a 6-week program with12 lessons. Deadline is Dec. 11. $150 cost. We are in a higher income bracket, so that is why it is so high. The costs pay for a girl to do it at another school. However, scholarships are available for any family at our school in need, as well.
c)eScrip/Amazon Associates- Online eScrip mall- Parent can shop on line and we get a percentage of the sales. For example, Apple is 4% and Amazon is 1.4%. Amazon Smile is only 1%.
8)Old Business
a)Coffee Cart Mornings – We can’t find a decent coffee cart. We do have a lot of morning things coming up. “Joe’s on the nose” is a possibility. Mary is looking into it.
9)New Business
a)Pancake Breakfast – Mary Corbett– we made over $2000 at an early morning pancake breakfast 2 years ago. It was in May or June after the testing window. The team had some concerns because of the Art Corp. night we moved to the spring. The talent show is in the spring, too. Thursday morning breakfast burritos before flag assemblies was a new idea. We just can’t conflict with a book-fair morning because they have some edible breakfast treats, too.
b)Legoland promotion- Kids go free coupons are available online. See information on website.
10) Meeting adjourned by Mary Corbett at 7:46pm
Next meeting - January 7, 2016 at 8:00am in the Lounge