MRC London Intercollegiate DTP: 2017-18 Studentship Application Form
MRC London Intercollegiate DTP: 2017-18 Studentship Application Form
PACF MSc Scholarship
Positive Action for ChildrenScholarships Fund
Please complete all sections below, and upload the document as part of an application for this scholarship. Applications receivedwithout this document will not be considered for this funding.
MRC London Intercollegiate DTP: 2017-18 Studentship Application Form
Applicant’s Full Name / Click or tap here to enter text.(Please include both your given and family names, as set out in your passport.)
MSc Programme of Study / Click or tap here to enter text.
(Please indicate your first programme choice, as per your Admissionsapplication.)
Why have you chosen to study this particular MSc programme?
Click or tap here to enter text.
Please outline your background and experience in community-based HIV/AIDS and/or public health interventions below.
Please note that ‘refer to CV/application’ would not be considered a suitable response. You should clearly outline all relevant details here regardless of what is in your study and scholarship application forms and/or CV.
Click or tap here to enter text.
The purpose of the scheme is to equip students with the knowledge and skills to be effective advocates and catalysts of changes in their communities, with a particular focus on championing the role of community HIV/AIDS interventions in contributing to the HIV and global health response within their country. Please identify a specific HIV/AIDS public health issue in your home country that you believe requires immediate attention. Outline this issue and explain how you would seek to address the issue using the experience gained on the programme.
Click or tap here to enter text.
By completing and submitting this form with a scholarship application the applicant confirms
-that the information provided on both study and funding applications, and all supporting documents, is true and accurate;
-that s/he would not otherwise be able to pay for the proposed programme of study;
-that s/he intends to return to his/her home country on completion of the MSc and scholarship;
-that s/he is willing to undertake a 3-month placement in the PACF London (whilst writing his/her MSc project in London), and agrees to the PACF standard pre-engagement screening for this.