PLTW Principles of Engineering Expectations
Fall 2016 – Spring 2017

Mr. Voigt

Mr. Voigt’s contact information and available hours:

e-mail: urs: 2 – Prep

5 – Lunch

8 – Duty / Study Hall

*NOTE: I usually stay in the building until 4:15 pm. The afternoon is a great time to stop in and get assistance on something or for test make-ups. Otherwise, meetings can be arranged for during school as needed.

Principles of Engineering is a course designed for 10th, 11th, and 12thgrade students, this survey course exposes students to major concepts they’ll encounter in a post-secondary engineering course of study. Topics include mechanisms, energy, statics, materials, and kinematics. They develop problem-solving skills and apply their knowledge of research and design to create solutions to various challenges, document their work and communicate solutions. Students who complete this course will also have completed their physics requirement for graduation. If students choose, students who have received a B or higher and have taken the end of course assessment, they could earn college credit from the U of M, St. Cloud State, Minnesota State-Mankato, and other participating universities. More information about this will be provided to the students.

Required Materials

Engineering Notebook-Will be provided to you, Scientific Calculator, Pen/Pencil


Students will have access to the PLTW LMS (Learning Management System). The LMS is a website in which students will log in to look at class materials which may include worksheets, PowerPoint’s, and other laboratory activities. Students will also need to submit work through the LMS system to the instructor when asked. The LMS can be found at:

Grading Policy Approximate Grading Percentages

90% lowest A40% Tests, Exams, Quizzes

80% - B20% Homework (Practice Problems)

70% - C40% Labs and Projects

60% - DFinal Exam is worth 20% of semester total

*Note: The second semester final exam will be an online test administered at JM through the PLTW system.


1. All students are expected to complete and hand in all assigned material on or before its due date.

2. During the year, any material handed in late will receive a 50% deduction for up to two days after the due date. This could include students absent who have not promptly made up their work. Any work handed in after two days of the due date will receive some points. Any work handed in after the unit has been completed will receive zero credit.

3. Any student absent on an experiment day will be given two (2) days to make up the experiment.

4. Work assigned or experiments done during an excused absence is the STUDENTS RESPONSIBILITY to obtain and make up.

6. If a single absence occurs on the day of a test, the test will be made up on the day of return.

7. Any student who is planning to be absent for a vacation, sporting event, disciplinary action or field trip are required to make arrangements with the instructor BEFORE the absence in order to remain current in class. Failure to do so may result in receiving a zero grade on all work missed.

8. The student will bring a calculator to every class meeting. The calculator must be able to do scientific notation.


Be Prepared:

  1. Please come to class on time and ready to learn.
  2. Have an engineering notebook, folder, pen/pencil, and any homework that is due. Homework is due AT THE BEGINNING OF CLASS.
  3. Listen to instructions the first time they are given

Be Respectful:

  1. I will try to earn your respect by being fair and consistent with all students. I expect that you will show respect for your fellow classmates, school property, and your instructors.

Have Integrity

  1. Are you doing the right thing? Do your OWN work – If caught cheating, you and the person you are cheating from will receive a zero on the assignment or test.
  2. Do not use language that is offensive or inappropriate.
  3. Work cooperatively with others- leave your differences at the door!

Be Determined

  1. Physics and Engineering can be a challenging course for many students. Don’t get frustrated! Projects and assignments are designed to challenge you to think creatively and “outside of the box” at times. Have fun with it!

Strive for Excellence

  1. I expect all students to work and learn to the best of their abilities. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to come into my room and ask for help. I have an open door policy and I encourage you to take advantage of it.

Project Expectations

Many of the activities that we do in PLTW will be project based. That means that students will be expected to stay on task and complete projects over a period of days and/or weeks at times. It is extremely important that the student is in class on a regular basis and always on time. Students are expected to work collaboratively on projects in class. Here are some project expectations:

1. All projects are to be written up in your Engineering Notebook. Each student must fill in his/her own engineering notebook. Even if you are working as a team.

2. Use your work-time in class wisely. You will be planning, building, and testing many of your projects over a period of time Stay on task.

3. Be willing to work with others. You will not always get to work with the person you want. Groups will be assigned on a regular basis and groups will change from project to project.

4. Do not post any of the PLTW materials online. Students should only post materials to me through the LMS system.

5. Be safe

6. Have Fun!!!



1. Any student found copying another student's homework will receive a zero grade. Any student allowing copying from their homework will receive a zero grade.

2. Any student that is knowingly allowing someone else to copy their test or quiz will receive a zero grade.


The instructor is not responsible for assignments handed in late or at any other time other than the due date. DO NOT HAND IN ASSIGNMENTS BY PLACING THEM ON THE FRONT TABLE OR DESK. Failure to follow these procedures could result in a zero grade on the assignment.

I will try to earn your respect by being respectful to you, being reasonable, and of showing consideration for special circumstances. When bringing the instructor an excuse, a parent or guardian signature is required.