The Action-Packed English 10 Final Exam Review Sheet

The Action-Packed English 10 Final Exam Review Sheet

The Action-Packed English 10 Final Exam Review Sheet!

This is a brief overview of things that we’ve talked about this year. It’s pretty comprehensive, but by no means complete. Let me know if you’ve got any questions. ¡Buena suerte!

The 6 Traits of Writing

  • ideas & content
  • voice
  • organization
  • sentence fluency
  • word choice
  • conventions

Well-written Essays

  • well focused
  • well organized
  • well supported
  • well packaged

Persuasive Writing

Ethos, Pathos, Logos

Thesis Statement

(What makes a good thesis


Research Steps

Literary Terms

  • point of view
  • protagonist
  • antagonist
  • plot
  • conflict
  • setting
  • imagery
  • conflict
  • narrator
  • foil
  • tone
  • mood
  • dialect
  • connotation
  • denotation
  • hyperbole
  • onomatopoeia
  • satire
  • euphemism
  • simile
  • metaphor
  • personification
  • aesthetic

Evaluating Online Sources

Basic Rules for Commas MLA Format

and Semicolons



Finding the Main Idea(How to organize informationfrom a particular text.)

Some feedback information from The Scarlet Letter, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Great Gatsby, and Fahrenheit 451, as well as some ideas we tossed around from the The Allegory of the Cave and the Transcendentalists. Don’t worry-I won’t ask you what name Huck used when he was pretending to be a girl with Mrs. Loftus, or anything like that. I’m more concerned with the Big Ideas from each story; things associated with the Literary Terms (see exhaustive list above).

Essay Structure

(What are the components of an essay?)

Latin Roots


bene good benefit, benevolent, beneficial, benefactor

duct lead conduct, induct, product, reduction, deduction, reproduction

flec bend reflect, inflection, deflect, reflection

grade step gradual, grading, downgrade, degrading

grat pleasing gratitude, gratifying, grateful

greg group gregarious, segregate, congregate

junct join junction, conjunction, juncture, adjunct, injunction

loqua talk eloquent, soliloquy, dialogue

mal bad malevolent, malcontent, malicious, malady, malign

mir wondermirage, miracle, mirror, admire

mot move motion, motor, motivation, demote, emotion, promote, commotion

phon sound (Greek) phonograph, phonetic, symphony, telephone

sens feel sense, sensitive, sensory, sensation, dissension

seque tofollowsequence, sequel, consequence, subsequent, consecutive

sol alone solo, solitude, solitary, soliloquy, desolate, consolidate, solitaire

spec look spectacles, specimen, specific, spectator, speculate, respect, inspect

stringbind stringent, string, stringy, astringent, stringer

tact touch tactile, contact, tactics, tactful, intact, intangible

vol will volunteer, malevolent, benevolent, volition, involuntary

contra against(prefix) contradict, contrary, contrast, contraband

Commonly Abused WordsCritical Thinking

affect/effectGuidelines, media techniques

to/too(as related to persuasion), etc.


their/there/they’reReading Strategies

it’s/its Prediction, questioning, etc.

Literary Periods

  • Puritan/Colonial Period (1620-1765)

•Plain style of writing

•Didactic (designed or intended to teach something)

•Strong, simple language

  • Revolutionary/Age of Reason Period ( 1765-1830)

•Emphasis on rational thought

•Elegant, ornate language

•All truths of the world and human existence could be discovered through

scientific observation and the process of reasoning

•Optimistic about present and future

•Deep interest in science

•Desire to preserve cultural standards and traditions

•Belief in moderation and self-restraint

  • The Romantic Period (1830-1865)-The Scarlet Letter

•Emphasis on nature; all answers to be found in nature

•Importance of the individual

•Imagination versus reality

•Looseness of style

•Interest in the strange; beauty in the unusual

•Childhood innocence

•Sought to rise above dull realities by contemplation of the natural world

(Edgar Allan Poe, Washington Irving, Longfellow, Hawthorne, Cooper, Melville, Whitman)

  • The Realistic Period (1865-1915)-Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

•Found meaning in the commonplace

•Stressed the actual as opposed to the imagined or fanciful

•Tried to write truthfully and objectively about ordinary characters in ordinary


•Rejected heroic adventures and unusual or unfamiliar subjects

Offshoots of Realism:

  • Naturalism
  • Viewed as the inescapable working out of natural forces
  • One’s destiny decided by hereditary and environment, physical drives, and economic circumstances
  • Tended to be pessimistic
  • Regionalism
  • Local color movement
  • Use of regional dialect and descriptions of the landscape
  • Sought to capture the essence of life in various regions of

the growing nation

(William Dean Howells, Mark Twain, Ambrose Bierce, Willa Cather)

  • Modern Period (1915-1945)-The Great Gatsby

•Break with tradition

•Historical discontinuity

•Sense of alienation, loss, despair- major themes

•Rejects not only history, but also society which has created this history

•Rejects traditional values and rhetoric by which they were communicated

•Elevates the individual and the inward over the social and the outward

•Prefers sub-conscious to self-conscious

•Of the elements of the American Dream, only the importance of the individual


•Bare-bones writing, less concerned with plot than theme

•Fragmentation (omitted exposition, transitions, resolutions, and explanations)

to reflect fragmentation of modern world

•Stream of consciousness

•The Jazz Age (1918-1929)

(John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Sherwood Anderson, Sinclair Lewis, Eugene O’Neil, Robert Frost, T. S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Amy Lowell, Langston Hughes, Countee Cullen, and Zora Neale Hurston)

  • Postmodern/ Contemporary Period (1946-Present)-Fahrenheit 451

•Building upon modernism, with exploration of new works, new literary forms

and techniques, blend of fiction and non-fiction

•Themes concern the complex, impersonal, and commercial nature of today’s


(Saul Bellow, Carson McCullers, Robert Penn Warren, Bernard Malamud, John Updike, Flannery O’Connor, Joyce Carol Oates, Anne Tyler, Alice Walker, Gwendolyn Brooke, Theodore Roethke, Robert Pinsky, Rita Dove, Ray Bradbury)

Almost everything on here can be found on the wiki (check past terms’ assignments and discussions.) Anything else that we’ve talked about this year is fair game, too . . . mua ha ha . . . !