Mr. Ronnie Watts
November 7, 2018
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(404) 656-5206 / (404) 656-5212
(404) 656-5277 / (404) 656-5224
Mr. Ronnie Watts
ClaytonCounty Board of Education
218 Stockbridge Road
Jonesboro, Georgia 30236
RE:The proposed widening of Battle Creek Road (CR 1342) and Mt. Zion Boulevard (CR 28)
Project STP-9108(5) and STP-9108(4), ClaytonCounty
P.I. Number751775 and 751770
Dear Mr. Watts:
The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) in coordination with ClaytonCounty and the Federal Highway Administration has initiated two projects to widen Battle Creek Road and Mt. Zion Boulevard. Project STP-9108(5) consists of widening Battle Creek Road (CR 1342) from the existing two-lane facility to four lanes with 20-foot raised median and urban curb-and-gutter, beginning at Valley Hill Road and ending at Southlake Parkway. Project STP-9108(4) consists of widening Battle Creek Road and Mt. Zion Boulevard (CR 28) from the existing two- and four-lane facilities to four 12-foot lanes with 20-foot raised median and urban curb-and-gutter, beginning on Battle Creek Road at Southlake Parkway and ending at Mt. Zion Boulevard and Somerton Drive.
The proposed improvements would require converting approximately 1.19 acres of Tara Stadium property to transportation right-of-way. As a recreation facility owned by the Clayton County Board of Education,Tara Stadium is afforded special protections under Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act (recodified in 49 U.S.C. 303 and 23 U.S.C 138). Under the provisions of Section 4(f), if theproposed project would result in adverse effects to the park or recreation facility, the transportation agency must conduct an evaluation to demonstrate that there is no prudent and feasible alternative to the use of the 4(f)property. Because this evaluation can be expensive and potentially result in project delays, an exemption is provided in cases where the official with jurisdiction over the park or recreation area concurs in a determination that the impacts are not adverse. This concurrence enables FHWA to make a de-minimis (minimal impact) finding, whichsatisfies the requirements of Section (4) and precludes the need for a Section 4(f) Evaluation.
The purpose of this letter is to request your concurrence in the “no adverse effects” determination, thus allowing the FHWA to make the de minimis impact finding and allowing this project to proceed as planned.
A Summary of Project Impacts
As noted, the proposed project would require approximately 1.19 acres of right-of-way from the landscaped frontage along the edge of the property adjacent to Battle Creek Road (see attached aerial photography). Neither the Stadium itself nor any of its parking would be affected by this acquisition and, as a result of improved traffic operations, access to Tara Stadium should be improved. In addition, the Clayton County Board of Education would be entitled to reimbursement for its property at fair-market value.
Concurrence with the No Adverse Effects Determination
If you agree that the acquisition of right-of-way as shown on the attached aerial photography would not adversely affect the recreational activities, features, and attributes that qualify Tara Stadium for protection under Section 4(f), the Department requests that you sign and date this letter in the spaces below:
As the official with jurisdiction over Tara Stadium, I concur in a determination that the proposed transportation project as described in this letter and shown on the accompanying attachment would not adversely affect the activities, features, and attributes that qualify Tara Stadium for protection under Section 4(f). I have also been informed that,based on my concurrence, the FHWA intends to make a de minimis finding regarding impacts to Tara Stadium, thus satisfying the requirements of Section 4(f).
Signature: ______Date: ______
After signing and dating this letter, we ask that you return a copy to the attention of Lisa Favors at the Georgia Department of Transportation, 3993 Aviation Circle, Atlanta, GA30336. The Department appreciates your assistance in making this transportation project possible. Should you have any questions or concerns, please call Ms. Favors at (404) 699-6883.
Glenn Bowman, P.E.
State Environmental/Location Engineer
CC: Daveitta Jenkins, P.E.