March 12, 2018
Council President Clentin Martin called the meeting to order at 630 P.M.
All those present repeated the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
PRESENT: Kelsey, Costello, Bartley, Martin, Rosensteel, Yarnell, Logan
PRESENT: Mayor Fajt, Engineer Regola
ABSENT: none
CITIZEN'S REMARKS: Ms. Ciccarelli, 1333 Elm St., asked if something could be done with the property located at 1335 Elm St. Ms. Ciccarelli claims the property is in deplorable condition with rubbish and debris in the backyard and the on the two porches. She stated there is mold growing on plastic containers and that the smell coming from the inside of the house is causing a health hazard. Ms. Ciccarelli was told that now the police have been inside the building for a separate incident, the borough can take some action. Actions will include contacting the owner, issuing Quality of Life Citations, and whatever further action is necessary to get the property cleaned. Ms. Ciccarelli thanked council for taking action.
APPROVAL OF PREVIOUS MEETING'S MINUTES: Motion by Rosensteel/ Bartley to approve the minutes of the February 12, 2018.
Vote: Yes 7, No 0, Absent 0, Abstain 0, - motion passed
CORRESPONDENCE: Mrs. Dusch reviewed the correspondence and copies were provided via Moodle.
MAYOR: A copy of the February police report was made available to council on Moodle: 96 incidents, 11 citations, 4 parking notices, 2 arrests, 1624 miles logged on the cars and $840.22 collected in fines.
POLICE & EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: No further police report: Mr. Furin presented his report, a copy is available in the Minutes. Mr. Furin stated that the DEP is sending a letter to Haufmann Enterprises regarding the wall behind Dunkin Donut collapsing.
BUILDINGS & GROUNDS: Mr. Bartley stated that he and Mr. Rosensteel are going to get a hot water tank for the Sheridan Recreation Building and asked that the plumber be contacted once it is received. The plumber will need to run hot water to the restrooms so the Borough will be in compliance to run the Summer REC program.
STREETS & SANITATION: Copy of report provided and placed on Moodle. Mr. Yarnell commented that he has been in touch with PENNDOT about the paving scheduled for 2018. A section of 819 is scheduled for May 2018. This project will dictate where the borough plans on paving for this year.
FIRE & WATER: Mr. Rosensteel Read the Fire Report, Copy provided.
PARKS & RECREATION: Mr. Costello reported that baseball/ softball registration is way down and they are going to combine teams with Youngwood. Park trail cleanup is scheduled for March 17, 2018,
PLANNING, ZONING & CODE ENFORCEMENT: Mrs. Dusch presented the Zoning Officer’s report for February: 0 Permits issued, numerous calls addressing various zoning areas and right-of-way questions
ENGINEER'S REPORT: Mr. Regola reported that he will work on cost estimate and bid packages for 2018 paving. Articles should be ready to present at the next council meeting April 9, 2018.
SEWAGE AUTHORITY REPORT: Mr. Roman reported that the roofing project is just about complete. They are working on the punch list to sign off on.
APPROVAL OF BILLS: Motion by Yarnell/ Rosensteel to approve all the bills paid in February.
Vote: Yes 7, No 0, Absent 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
FINANCIAL REPORT: Mrs. Dusch presented the financial reports. Motion by Kelsey/ Bartley to accept February 2018 Financial Reports.
Vote: Yes 7, No 0, Absent 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
UNFINISHED BUSINESS and Discussion Items: Mayor Fajt discussed the need for inventory being done on items belonging to the borough. He suggested a complete list be made and then checklist be used at the beginning and end of each season to insure the items/ property are maintained and in good condition.
- Motion by Rosensteel/ Bartley to allow Solicitor Kansler to advertise the new sign ordinance, when he is ready.
Vote: Yes 7, No 0, Absent 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
- Motion by Kelsey/ Logan to allow Solicitor Kansler to advertise the new Garbage Ordinance, when he is ready.
Vote: Yes 7, No 0, Absent 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
- Motion by Bartley/ Kelsey to allow Solicitor Kansler to re-do the zoning ordinance for Poplar St., when he is ready.
Vote: Yes 7, No 0, Absent 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
- Motion by Bartley/ Rosensteel to accept the resignation of Officer Joshua Spessard effective February 15, 2018.
Vote: Yes 7, No 0, Absent 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
- Motion by Kelsey/ Costello to adopt the Proclamation designating April 2018 as Pennsylvania 811 Safe Digging Month.
Vote: Yes 7, No 0, Absent 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
- Motion by Kelsey/ Costello to place a one-fourth page ad in the program for the Westmoreland Boroughs Association Dinner.
Vote: Yes 7, No 0, Absent 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
- Motion by Costello/ Bartley to allow Kathleen Logan to purchase Office 2016 for Code Enforcement Use.
Vote: Yes 6, No 0, Absent 0, Abstain 1 – Motion Carried
- Motion by Bartley/ Kelsey to donate the use of the Huff Pavilion to Westmoreland Community Credit Union for their Financial Literacy “Christine Saddler Memorial 5K.
Vote: Yes 7, No 0, Absent 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
- Motion by Kelsey/ Costello to release the Storm Water BMP Construction Performance Bond for PennTex Ventures upon receipt of one-year maintenance bond and then a 10-year maintenance security bond, as required by Borough Code 143-49.
Vote: Yes 7, No 0, Absent 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
- Motion by Rosensteel/ Bartley to approve the letter of understanding regarding the paving and maintenance of the alley behind Keystone Ave.
Vote: Yes 7, No 0, Absent 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
Council entered Executive Session to discuss personnel issues.
Council exited Executive Session at 7:15pm.
ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Bartley/ Logan to adjourn the meeting at 7:17pm.
Vote: Yes 7, No 0, Absent 0, Abstain 0 – Motion Carried
Respectfully submitted,
M. Michele Dusch