English II Class Policy

Mr. MasserMs.Mulrooney

Phone: 638-2199 x2300638-2199 x 2257

Email: (Preferred Contact) (Preferred contact)

1. Punctuality is important. I expect you to come to class on time and be in your seat and silent when the bell rings so we can start on time. Immediately begin daily “Do Now” assignmentin your “Do Now” Notebooks if applicable or wait quietly for teacher instructions. Three to class results in an absence as well as a teacher detention.

2. Attendance is important. Missed class work and home work must be made up. If you are absent on the day an assignment is due it can be found in your class’s “Absent” basket at the back of class. Cutting class on a due date or a quiz or test day results in a zero for that assignment and detention.
3. Coming to class prepared is important. This means bringing your notebook, textbook, assignment book, homework, paper, pen, pencil and a positive attitude. Do not come to class to leave. Go to your locker, the lavatory, water fountain, etc. before you come to class and bring what you need with you to class. If you need to go to the bathroom, you may sign yourself out with a pink slip as long as no one else is signed out. Check the yellow sheet to make sure that the last person has signed back in. When if so, you can go, if not, you must wait. Please sign the time out before you leave and the time returned when you are back so that the next person will know they are free to go. Individual abuse of this privilege will result in restrictions. Any other “emergency” situations should be cleared with a teacher.

4. Completing assignments is important. Assignments are due on the due date. Work that is handed in late will receive a 10% penalty. Late work may be turned in at any time during the marking period. All collected work should be placed in your class basket, all uncollected classwork should be kept in your folder.
5. Doing your own work is important. Submitting work done by others as your own is plagiarism. This offense results in a zero for the assignment of both students involved.

6. Doing all of your assignments is important. You are expected to complete all the assigned work. If you are having trouble with an assignment, stay after school to work on it with one of us or find us during our resource periods. The ten homework points for each completed assignment add up and can have a dramatic effect on your marking period grade.
7. Computers are important. Major writing assignments that are to be read and/or graded by the teacher must be word processed unless otherwise specified. Save everything you write; it is the students’ responsibility to have copies of all their written work. Formal writing assignments will follow the MLA guidelines if not otherwise specified.

8. Major writing assignments are important. If a hard copy is not turned in at the beginning of class a penalty will be assessed. There will be a 5% penalty for e-mailing assignments in lieu of a hard copy. There are plenty of working printers at school, so even if you are unable to print at home, there is no excuse to not turn in a paper copy on time. You may, however e-mail me an assignment before class begins as insurance if there is a chance you might not be able to use a printer before class. As long as you turn in a hard copy by the end of the day, there will be no penalty assessed.

If you will be absent on the due date of an assignment, you may then email me a copy of the work by the beginning of class, on the due date, for no penalty. Any work received after the time which your class begins will be assessed a late penalty—no exceptions. If there is an emergency or health issue that prevents you from completing an assignment on time, please let me know as soon as possible. No exceptions will be made for any pre-planned or casual absence, school-related or otherwise.
9. Acting appropriately is important. Misbehavior will result in disciplinary procedures such as a teacher detention, parent contact and referral to disciplinarian.

10. Unplugging is important! The use of digital devices such as, but not limited to cell phones and Chromebooks is strictly forbidden except for times when permission is given by your teachers. Chromebooks are to be used only for school related work (no games!) during designated times. Listening to music during independent work (excluding tests and quizzes) is a privilege that may be granted so long as it is not abused. You will receive one warning. A repeat violation will result in a teacher detention. Further violations will result in parent contact and a disciplinary write-up.
11. Dressing appropriately is important. Read the district policy on the dress code. If you come to class inappropriately attired, you will be asked to put on appropriate attire and given a warning. If you cannot find appropriate attire to wear you will be sent to the disciplinary office. More than two violations will result in parent contact and automatic disciplinary referral.

12. Grading will follow the Board of Education’s guidelines listed in the student handbook, based on a point system. Although it may vary, HW assignments are generally worth 10 points; Quizzes: 30-50 points; and Major Tests and Writing Assignments: 100 points, exceptional Class Participation will be noted throughout the semester and will be awarded as Extra Credit at the end of each marking period. “Do Now” Notebooks will be collected at the end of the semester and will be worth approximately 50 points.

12. No individually-initiated assignments for extra credit will be assigned or accepted. There will be select opportunities offered to the entire class but they will be teacher initiated and not pre-scheduled and not frequent, so do not depend on extra credit to improve your grade—improve by doing your best work as you go and seek extra help when you need it!
14. Class participation is important. Consistently positive class participation throughout a marking period will be considered for extra credit that may improve borderline grades.

15. Learning is important. I am excited about this new school year and this course. We both have expectations for this class and each other. I look forward to working and learning with you. This policy may be amended.

Your first Homework Assignment (Worth 10 points. Due ______):

Get the signature and contact info of one or both parents/guardians below.

I have read and understand the above class policy for Mr. Masser’s Honors British Literature class. (Providing contact info is optional, but by providing your e-mail address I will be more readily able to update you on your son’s/daughter’s progress.)

Student Name:______

Parent/Guardian Signature: x______

Parent/Guardian E-Mail: ______

Parent/Guardian Daytime Phone #: ______

Printed names, signatures and contact info of anyone other adults who may proofread your essays (required for future extra credit):




